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Faith and the potentials discover an element of the First's plan and launch a pre-emptive strike; Buffy brawls with Caleb (Nathan Fillion).

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Wisdom of the Sphynx

Between “can we rest” and his speech in this episode Spike is crushing it 😺😺😊👍


Wow ive probably seen this episode like 8 times and always had a dislike for kennedy....but something hit me this time this episode, i know kennedy has her flaws like the rest of the cast has or had but i wonder if their was never a tara in the series like lets say it was kennedy that was introduced in the season 4 episode hush same character shes playing now, would we have "potentially"liked this teenage rebellious girl if we never met tara


Bangel was beautiful and I’ll always have an appreciation for that, but I’ll be a Spuffy shipper til the day I die. She needed to hear that so much, and James just delivered those lines perfectly; thank you so much for rewatching it and giving it the appreciation it deserves! GAH, I can’t believe it’s almost over - can we go back and watch it again when you’re done? 😂


Buffy left a note for Spike cuz she's traumatized by men not being there when she wakes up 🥲


I always thought Buffy calling Caleb a "woman-hating jerk" was kind of a weak dis. You know, she of the snappy comebacks could definitely do better. I recently read she was supposed to say "woman-hating prick".. now THAT's more like it! Darn you, Standards and Practices!


Proving once again how awful Buffy’s “friends” are. Ever since how they treated her in S3E2 I’ve never liked them.


Excellent Review, Excellent Episode, & Masterfully Written. X^)


Yay! I've been patiently waiting for this episode's reaction since you started season 5 and became a spuffy! :D It was so hard not spoil anything in the comments regarding them, lol. It's been a long road, but so worth the wait. I LOVED your reaction to that scene. Spike's speech IMO is the best love speech ever in a TV show. He truly loves her unconditionally and doesn't need/expect anything back in return. That's so beautiful and really shows how much Spike has grown and evolved as a character. Isn't it crazy looking back at season 2 Spike, or seasons 5-6 Spike and how his love for Buffy has evolved? His love isn't selfish anymore, and he just wants what's best for her while being extremely loyal to her no matter what. I wish we all had someone love us like Spike loves Buffy. <3 Hope you have a great day Sofie! :)

Briony Addey

So glad you enjoyed this one, Sofie!

Syed Hasnain

Gonna full on put my shipper hat here and say there's no way Angel could have ever delivered that speech because he never really knew Buffy the way Spike does, and Buffy never really knew or could rely on any of her romantic interests the way she does and can Spike. Buffy/Spike is one of the deepest romantic pairings on the show and I think only Willow/Tara really compare in terms of at their best hitting all the checkmarks of what someone would want out of an epic love that could actually last

Idun V

Every time I see Kennedy's face I just remember how much I miss Tara...

Lydia Anderson

Spike's entire speech here is my favorite speech on love, ever. But especially when he says, "I'm not asking you for anything." She's so used to people needing things from her, endlessly. Even bringing her back from the grave because of it. After everything that Spike has gone through and learned as a character, him basically saying, 'I love you, wholeheartedly, just because you're you, and you owe me nothing,' is probably the most important thing he could have said to Buffy. And watching him say it never, ever gets old <3

Rey Gallogo

SPUFFY fans! They automatically want to hate on the friends who are responsible for Buffy’s longevity and success. Get over yourselves!


Ahh yes spike the Rapist, and People still love that character because he is funny🤦‍♂️

Christina J Atkins

Spike isn't a rapist. He never went with the intent of raping her; it wasn't his plan or intentions. Spike thought that Buffy could be convinced, as they usually convinced each other. Remember, Spike and Buffy had been playing a very dangerous game during season 6 where no didn't actually mean no, or where if one of them said no, the other could persuade them via sexual means or violence, or both. (BTW I am in full agreement that this was very wrong, and on both of their parts.) But this is, in my opinion, very important, that he never intended to actually hurt her. He thought it was just another part of their dynamic. AND HERE'S THE MOST IMPORTANT PART: When she stopped him and he realized that he almost did actually rape her, when he realized that this was far outside of their dysfunctional dynamic and he didn't even know until it was almost too late, HE WAS HORRIFIED AT HIMSELF for not realizing and stopping sooner, or not even doing it in the first place. And then he went to get his soul, to be the kind of person who would never hurt her. Ever.

Rodolfo Ceballos

There's so many things to say about Spike's speech. First of all, it is a testament to the writers on how they have developed both characters for us to go from where they were a season ago to this. Not only did they both grow immensely as individuals, but they have established a relationship based on trust and faith on each other, and a form of love that is beyond romance or passion. Furthermore, this episode proves why Buffy's faith in Spike, established in episode 9 when she said "I believe in you Spike", paid off and will continue to pay off for the rest of the series.... this proves why the first tried so hard to get to own Spike, because it knew that Spike would become Buffy's strongest supporter and strength