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No More Heartbreaks

Following Cami's violent encounter, Klaus relies on his family and allies to find a cure as he watches over Cami at the compound. Also, Freya turns to her arsenal of spells, while Vincent and Marcel look for a crucial ingredient at Cami's apartment.

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Camille deserve so much better that’s all

Jasmine Reigns

Leah Pipes emotions from being brave to being fearful of dying always makes me cry man 🥹 she is and will always be one of my favorite characters on this show ❤️ she will be missed 😭

Melanin Ky

I agree we were absolutely robbed of their relationship, BTS drama makes this episode even more emotional. I can never get through this episode without shedding tears. Hang tight 😩


Hate it. Hate it hate it hate it. That’s all I got.


The fact that I wouldve gotten klamille as endgame like it was written to be since they started writing cami accepting her attraction and feelings but leah pipes got brutally bullied by the toxic portion of the klaroline fans. She got hate, death threats and constantly harassed all cuz of the idea that klamille was gonna be endgame. Makes me sick.


Easily a top 3 episode in this series..


I hate people who can't differentiate between the fiction and the real life. If you don't like a fictional character, fine hate the character but for the love of god don't involve the actor who's portraying said character in your hate. And that's for all media mediums be it movie, series, anime, book autor or game designer and their voiceactors.


It's terrible that this happened to her...But hey in the way of killing off characters this is as good as it get's, she really got one of the best and great emotional send-off in the entire TVD verse period imo. They really payed off to how she really brought out the best in everyone and that she never compromised who she truly was in spite of that vampire arc that they played for 9 eps and nothing will ever be quite the same without her...That's why i'm conflicted about the twist in ep 9 being a fakeout death- because I really love this sendoff but also they brought her back to kill her 9 eps later and sort of meddled with her character for that bit of time where I am just thinking one of the rare default with this season is that Camille's arc was kind of experimental and they kind of went where the wind carried them in a way that likely was but didn't seem planned ahead of time-Turning her into a vampire to see how to work this out and then decided they weren't interested in that and it didn't work out so just gave her the death in a way that was true to her character. If it were me and I knew she was supposed to die in ep 19 and i wanted to do a twist like ep 9 the best way would have simply been to have her come back but not complete transition and gave her more or less the same death.(Yes the bite also shows how lethal Lucien's venom is to set stakes, but we already know that very well from last two episodes)


Coincidence Tara died in Buffy season 6 episode 19 . The actress was receiving death threats from people who were fans of Kluas and Caroline so the actress asked to be off the show . She will be missed . And she was the girl with the eye in the back of her head in angel . Just a fun fact. History with Vampire shows .

otaku AyMaNe

wait really? thats why they killed off cammie? cuz the actress was getting death threats from klaus and caroline shippers? thats sad


i really hate that the only reason why they kill cami off is because of parst of the fandom

Marlene Berber

When does the next episode come out and I can’t wait the last episodes of this season