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Angel and the others are presented with an opportunity to take over Wolfram & Hart and learn the firm's secrets, and Angel seizes upon a chance to change his son's future.

Link to the reaction:




Steve Quast

Yep. The actor for Knox also played the vampire Buffy had a conversation with in 7.7.

Jasmine Bellucci

I've missed you Sofie 💞 excited for the originals 3x19


The season ends with a family dinner scene - just as the season begun...

Wisdom of the Sphynx

I am sure I am not alone in having seen this episode the first time and been moved my Wesley’s attempt to free Lilah only to then think back to how I felt about her leading up to this season…shocked at how one of the faces of WR&H I once would have cheered her fall now hit like an arrow in the heart 🙁. Also the “I will remember you” type sacrifice to give Connor the fresh start 🥺.

Alexis Cardarella

Can't wait for the final season and your analysis 🤗 It's top tier tv


Oof, I hope you’re ready for season five. 😩


Wow, Sofie, you really got emotional with that ending, just as I do every time I watch this episode. As problematic as this season can be (and that’s all been discussed plenty) I actually really enjoy this season and a major part of it is that last scene with Angel and Connor. The acting between David Boreanaz (heartbreaking) and Vincent Kartheiser (also heartbreaking) is some of the best of this show I think, which you also commented on. But more beautifully tragic (as someone else commented) is how the last scene of this season perfectly bookends with the very first scene of the season: a family sitting together at the dinner table. Even the parallel of the toast (“To family.”) where in ep 4x1 it’s Wesley who says it and now in the finale it’s Connor. It’s what Angel and Connor BOTH needed and wanted with all their hearts going into this season. And this theme of family has been sprinkled throughout this season through Connor's character, like when he got so affected by the Svear family massacre, and in this episode where he gets so mad at that cop who was gonna kill himself and leave his family (his "home") behind. This season the group was the most divided they've ever been and in the end Angel and Connor were both fighting for family but unfortunately Angel came to realize that in order to give that to Connor he couldn’t be the father he needed. Ultimately, the same theme we’ve seen before in Buffy and even earlier in this season of Angel is that love is sacrifice (recall the bug demon telling that to Wes in 4x20). And Angel literally had to kill his son in order to have him essentially be reborn to a new family and happy life. Also the ending music in this episode......so beautiful too, on par with the Buffy season 5 finale music (interestingly titled ‘Sacrifice’).


Who's Connor? That was some Bad Writing. But Season Five does get better (no spoilers) I think it's because Buffy is over and Josh has time to devote to Angel ... Still I'm the Xander Harris camp when it comes to Angel.


Now that you’re finished with season 4, when you watch season 5 episode 1, I encourage you to cover your eyes the moment the theme song starts playing. There’s a new cast member in the opening credits and it’s better if their appearance surprises you in the episode instead of being spoiled by the intro <3


Yes Sofie, don’t watch the opening credits for episode 5x1. Major spoilers. You can watch and react after you’re done with the episode however.

Henry Sowell

I agree that Season 5 is excellent, but I disagree with the "Who's Connor?" line being bad writing. With just one sentence, the writers were able to perfectly explain what happened. Any other show would probably have a long exposition monologue telling the audience what Angel did, but the writers here had enough confidence in the fans to infer what Angel's deal was with just two words alone. I thought it was a quick, subtle way of revealing that the Angel crew no longer has any memories of Connor.

Henry Sowell

I'm so glad other people noticed how this season begins and ends with a family dinner scene. I only recently caught that myself, and I've been a fan for 18 years. In Episode 1, the dinner scene is Angel's fantasy. In Episode 22, Angel's fantasy becomes a reality, only not for him. Very bittersweet.


I agree after your done the episode then go back and react to intro credits

Syed Hasnain

Echoing encouragement to make sure you skip the whole opening credits for 5x01 for cast changes, but also if possible get a reactor version of the episode to take the pressure off!


Note: Angel was canceled after season 4 (done deal). Until Whedon pitch certain ideas to the network to keep it going.