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Hey guys!! Sorry for not letting you know sooner, It's been quit some time since I haven't seen my family so I took the week off for my cousin's wedding. I'll be going back Tuesday to start recording. hate to be making this post but I hope you understand.



Hope u had/have a great week sofie💚💚


Don't worry Sophie, have a good time with your family, congratulations on your cousin's wedding.♥️


Hope you're having a good time Sofie and I will be SEATED for Angel & Buffy 💅💓

Michael Matthews

I’m not questioning your schedule I’m subscribed to a lot of reaction channels now and need to cut back, I’ll re-sub in July when you start Angel season five


There’s so much entitlement in these comments, man. I follow a reactor that’s only uploaded 7 episodes of Buffy over 4 months - it is what it is. I think Sofie is one of the best reactors out there, so I’m here to support her, not bitch at her to crank out episodes faster so I can leave.

Mariella Nilsson

I 100%agree, thank you for saying that! I also wish that people with critisism wrote about it privatly, not in The comments, let' keep The comments positive and kind!

Melanin Ky

Agreed! I'm subscribed to a unhealthy amount of channels here on patreon so there's plenty for me to watch and wait for her The Originals uploads. But also the quality of her reactions is unmatched, she's extremely attentive and expressive compared to most reaction channels. Supporting her financially on here is a CHOICE and it's super unfair that people are throwing that in her face.

Scott Kenney

Agreed! None of the Tier descriptions promise any sort of schedule, I'm paying as a patron to allow Sofie the ability to post content I enjoy. I'm not subscribed to set number of episodes.


I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your reaction videos. They are my favorite of different reactors that have tried and very high quality. Regardless of when you post,I always look forward to them. Thank you.


Alright I feel like chiming in here because i'm not used to seeing that much drama lol And i'm mostly gonna repeat myself from a reply I wrote above and copy paste myself: I support Sofie as a content creator with my money-However I don’t feel like she OWES me anything in a very strict sense …It’s not that kind of a 'transaction' with Patreon, this is meant to support creators …Obviously the video she posts we expect those as perks, but the timing of when it comes out and what comes in between…is what it is…That’s just the way I see it you know, this is not a job for her, and I don't consider what I receive in perks like 'A PRODUCT' that i am owed on a fixed schedule... I’m just supporting her channel and want to encourage her making more. But people have obligations, and a life, and aspirations and things that pop up, everyone knows this because we are all people and we all have things to do, and subscribers really end up having a tendency of considering reactors like 'reaction video making machines' with no regard for their schedule..... this is ALREADY a time investment on her part which is considerable…yes she get’s revenue but that dosen’t mean that a lot of time you can put a lot of life on hold to post videos, and on her part there’s probably a lot of that already! It’s just a different way of thinking about it. Nor will I compare to other people or channels because everyone is different. I also get that if you are just waiting for one show and that's the only one you watch you may feel bad there is only one ep but hey, that's what you sign up for and that's what you can expect. I watch 3 out of the 4 or five shows so it's a good investment for me, if not for you then too bad, but then it's your choice to pay to receive perks from this channel on those grounds subject to how she does things, and you can wait for it on youtube...What I feel bad about is that this is the kind of thing that really discourages a creator and makes them feel like they have no way of balancing things and leads to resentment, sadness, or stopping or feel embarrassed about their time management etc, I don't want this to be a place for that. This is one of the best reaction channels and Sofie really understands those shows and enjoys every one of them and is never phoning it in, like a lot of other reaction channels that deal in mass quantity. So... bummed or not about not getting a reaction today i'll just wait eagerly for it telling myself it is coming eventually and will be great, but maybe it won't if we're ungrateful and too demanding lol Like I said everyone is entitled to their opinions and choices.....And I would reiterate to Sof to not worry about this too much and to keep going the way she has because she has supporters and she should run her channel the way she has and the best way she sees fit... because it has worked very well thus far. Love-


This woman posts literally like what? 8 episodes of each show every week and y‘all have the audacity to complain just because you pay 10 little €$£ оr whatever? If you can‘t afford it then LEAVE tf! She is doing this on the side and blessing us handsomely each week with the best reactions I‘ve seen. Sofie don‘t listen to them and have fun people are selfish and forget that you are human with much more important things in life than reactions. The people who don‘t have their head up their ass will just wait when you post. She literally posts more than any reactor I‘ve ever seen and her reactions are TOP NOTCH!! Yet y‘all still complaining🙄🙄 and if you can‘t afford the little amound she charges then don‘t subscribe every month nobody is forcing you to be here stop crying like a child, just leave and come back later. I only watch the Originals reactions so I’m paying for only 1 show too just like alot of y’all are but paying for the subscribtion is YOUR choice, Sofie ain’t forcing y’all. And what she chrages is very little, y‘all acting like she charges 100€😂 Giving Sofie feedback is one thing but it can be done without all this entitlement. Now have a nice day everybody and I can‘t wait for you to be back Sofie, enjoy your time off luv.❤️

Shaun Houghton

Wow. What a lot of over the top drama, predominantly by a bunch of cry-babies. Sophie, just want to say, I love you and your reactions, and I appreciate all the work you do. I may only watch the Buffyverse, but I see all the effort you put in for all the shows. As the saying goes, your blood is worth bottling. There will always be people with negative vibes, and they can be disheartening. Please, know that there are many more appreciative of you and the happiness you bring to their lives.


Post when you want, as often as is convenient for you. You're not a tv channel with a set schedule. Anyone crying about this, frankly, should grow up. Both the quality and quantity of material Sofie provides in a month is far higher than most reactors you'd pay for. Enjoy your time seeing your family!


Can’t please everyone sofie there will always be bad apples looking at the negativity. For the ones that have at least half a brain we know this isn’t your full time job and know you edit your own episodes. Not to mention watchin many shows at once. Just keep doing you and if there are some unhappy and very ignorant people who can’t see that then they can unsubscribe. There’s a reason a lot of these cry babies haven’t unsubscribe and that’s for the quality in which you give in your reactions. Ofc sometimes it sucks that episodes are postponed but that’s life, stuff doesn’t always go as planned. Appreciate your reactions and ignore the haters under these comments at the end of the day they’re here because of your amazing reactions. Only thing you can do is your best and trust me many of us see it. Hope your doing well and hope you know many of us are still in full support of you 👍


Nobody told her that her reaction was the worst; Everyone has an opinion, but in my opinion, it's quite disappointing because after subscribing for Buffy, all I get was two episodes in a month.


Sir you do know that she follows a guide that tells her what episodes to watch. And if you don‘t like it, then bye bye simple as that. Complaining about something that isn’t her fault is not gonna do a damn thing sooo… Like how many episodes in a week is she suppost to do so y’all are happy tf? Just unsubscribe, wait a few months and then subscribe again and watch all episodes at once. But whatever y’all can continue to be slow.🙄


I feel like people are misunderstanding a little bit xD The thing is, yes she should get time off to be with her family. However, she is not updating us about that. She would have known probably a long time ago but didn't say anything, and then it could also sadly seem like a lie just to not wanting to record because it was so short notice. (I choose to believe her though). I've been a subscriber for quite a while and I really like her reactions a lot and I wouldn't have it any other way. Hence, why she's my only membership. Yes, sometimes I had too unsubscribe for financial reason, because I am a student at university. It's a little funny how the people who are calling others by names like crybaby, are the ones telling people to grow up. People are simply expressing how they feel, and I know I wasn't insulting Sofie or anything. I get it you're frustrated by the people that might not agree with this right now. However, I was simply just saying that planing and keeping people updated is really important if you don't want the "crybabies" to come out. Yes, I mentioned prerecorded videos because I know that it's what a lot of creators do to make up for the time future events that are planned (like a wedding). Also, she did have a set schedule pinned before, but now it's gone. I would subscribe just to support her now that I have the money, but I know from experience that not all people do. This family event she was going to, she could of at the beginning of the month told subscribers about. Some things you can't, like when she got her eye thing and didn't want to record, I got that, I still do! However, planned events you could always keep the people who support you updated about :)


Sweetie. Believe me i wasn’t planning on taking the whole week in the first place this is why i didn’t make an update before hand because i thought I’ll get back in record in the weekend. But life happened. I didn’t lie about this because i don’t have to. When I can’t post because of something then I’m gonna say it like it is. But this is just me because i choose to share what’s going on with me with you guys and that to make you feel included in this community.


I’m be honest while I do agree that Sofie could had communicated with us better. I also wasn’t expecting any reactions this week anyways. She normally post a schedule for a week. Telling us what day’s she was reacting to what shows. The last one she posted was two angels, two oth, two originals and one hod. Which she posted it all of them. She never posted a schedule for the week afterwards therefore I was keeping a look out but I wasn’t expecting either.

Enas Bassiony

I really disike the tone of people attacking others for expressing their opinion.. they have the right to.. and they would not be sad about not getting reactions if they didn't love Sofie's content so much and were looking forward to it .. you want to support Sofie then encourage her ...and tell her you understand her needs but don't come for others and call them cry-babies .. that is absolutely unacceptable and rude .. and don't tell someone that if $10 is too much for them they need to leave .. it could be a lot for some people but that does not mean they can't enjoy the content of a creator they love.. the supposed-to be "supportive" message are seriously offensive ... That said, I personally don't think we should have had this conversation.. this isn't paperwork.. even if she didn't have to see her family or wasn't sick .. even if she just wasn't in the mood to react I wouldn't want her to force herself to do it just to stick to a schedule... her reaction just won't be as natural or enjoyable if she did ... we definately don't want to watch someone react to our fav shiw out of obligation .. where is the fun in that?!!!.. yes $10 are a lot of money for someone who only watches 1 show .. I'm from Egypt..I only watch Buffy and $10 are equivalent to 350 EGP where I am.. what I simply do is that I subscribe for 1 month every few months and catch up.. I make sure everytime I unsubscribe to mention that it's my issue not the creator's.. something like "my financial situation has changed" that way is more affordable to me


Well there I mean firstly I don't feel targeted because I wasn't rude and also agreed people are entitled to their opinions...But like anything exposing your complaints publicly and complaining on someone's Patreon full of people who are behind that person, you should feel ready to take the heat for it lol People don't have to post it publicly and expose themselves to it...They made a choice to fill the public discourse here with relative negativity with complaints that you can address directly to Sofie privately or simply take initiatives and leave the perks behind if unsatisfied. I find this ruins everyone's enjoyment of the channel that now has to metaphorically 'stare at the shit you are taking at the table' and I find it to be more rude than someone telling them they are a 'cry baby' when frankly people are behaving like it- because you want to throw a fit when you haven't gotten a reaction video cmon lol.


Friend you literally have nothing valid to complain about with the Buffy argument....You take your own initiatives....You decided to pay for the perks, she's been making her schedule consistently with one ep of Buffy a week before having to wait for Angel to end S4....If it's not enough for you then too bad, you're free to subscribe or not to her patreon, but it's rude of you to feel entitled to run her schedule and the way she reacts based on your desires.

otaku AyMaNe

IDK why some of yawll are mad I am enjoying watching TVD with her LOOOL once she has a new the originals episode ready I watch it, for me its not that deep but yeah good luck babes and react to the good place please <3


Lol yes the good place is a great show❤️…. Once upon a time or Outlander too, I feel like Sofie would really click with the characters


Oh yesss I love Outlander! The sex scenes though are the most graphic I’ve ever seen on tv. I’d be embarrassed to react to that for the first time in front of the camera.. I’d be blushing 🤭