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Behind the Black Horizon

Freya is kidnapped by a dangerous new threat, which forces the Mikaelson brothers to put their differences aside to save her. Meanwhile, in Mystic Falls, Elijah and Finn find themselves undesired by Deputy Donovan.

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The funny part about Finn being dagger for 900 years is that Klaus didn’t even dagger him. It was that vampire Hunter, Alexander. Klaus just didn’t undagger him. Like if the Mikaelson family never ran into Alexander then Klaus would have never found out about the daggers in first place and never started dagger-ing his siblings. Idk why Finn and Elijah was so shock that Lucien dying was how he completed his transition. Considering that the same way they turned in the first place.


Finn's death makes me cry EVERY TIME! I feel so bad for him! Just as he was starting to kinda feel like he was part of the family he died. I'm so glad he was surrounded by his siblings though, and that he truly got to feel their love. I mean, Klaus freaking out when he realised his blood wasn't curing him and demanding Kol get Davina there and that Finn drink his blood until Freya was able to move him into the pendant. That was probably more care he'd felt from any of them ever... (Other than Freya...) And then all of them staying there with him as he died, all making sure to touch him in some way to make sure he knew they were there. Even Kol, who HATED him and had been making jokes about hoping he'd die since he got back. It's so nice to see them all care about him and the fact that he died. And I am SO glad that they had that moment where Finn explained to Elijah that he actually felt time pass while he was daggered. That eventually he was conscious and that it was torture. It really does explain why he felt so much hatred towards them all. I mean, although he clearly hated what they were before he was daggered, I believe that if they'd actually given him a chance he could've grown and come to accept it. Especially after he met Sage. (I really wish we could've seen more of Finn and Sage. We literally got one episode of them in TVD and it was all present day. No flashbacks or anything...) I honestly don't think he would've been a danger to the rest of them if they'd given him a chance at life instead of taking the first opportunity to get rid of him. I mean, from what I can gather, it wasn't even Klaus who daggered him. I think he was just left daggered after they were all daggered by The Five... But yeah, having him reveal that it was different for him because of how long he was daggered was SO important imo. I mean, I already felt bad for him without that information. Whether he was conscious during it or not, he was still left in a box for 900 years by his siblings and then they all just expected him to be cool with it... But the fact that he actually felt the time passing and felt all that just makes it worse. I mean, he was likely either conscious enough to understand that his family had left him like that. OR he didn't know that the others had been undaggered and so thought they were all going through the same thing until he was undaggered by Elijah in TVD... Basically, no matter how you look at it, he was put through Hell by his family and I do not blame him for being angry. I'm so happy for him that in the end he was surrounded by family and that they were willing to fight for him. Their little Funeral was sweet too. I love the difference in what each of them said. Elijah had just learned what he'd truly been through and while he was sad that he's dead, he also hopes he's finally at peace. Kol still hates him but he also clearly DOES love him and just hopes for the best for him. Freya has always loved him, that's her little brother and best friend, who she missed her entire life, and she's heartbroken that he's gone again. And then there's Klaus who isn't exactly comfortable showing his emotions in any way except murder, so he swears vengeance on Lucien for him. It does make me sad though that they basically just brought Finn back to show that Lucien's bite is lethal to an Original by having him kill him though... Like, they gave him some great character stuff and some really emotional scenes and made me REALLY love his character. But they literally just brought him back to kill him. They needed to show that Lucien is a real threat without killing any of the other Mikaelsons... So they just brought Finn back to do it... :( His death scene really does break my heart every time though! <333


OMG , Finn The Original Died , Yet Matt Didin't HaHaHaHa


Finn's death was so impactful and so well done I thought


If I remember thought they tried to undagger him over the centuries, he makes mention of 900 years total but there is 100 years of aggregated time he was not dagger continuously, Elijah just said every time they would re-dagger him because he was a nuisance

Sade L.

Poor Finn..he was a great and underrated character. He didn’t deserve what his family did to him. Yes he hated what they were but he still ran with them. Yes he was annoying devoted to Ester but it was because Freya “died” and his siblings stuck him in a box for 900 yrs..I don’t blame him for nothing he did except killing Kol and going after Hope


I believe those 100 years were the years they spent running at the start. If you remember when they went to the town with aurora, Tristan and Lucien he wasn’t daggered. Would make sense if he spent a number of years running, met Lucien, few more years passed and as they left he was daggered. Or even if they left the town and lived a few more years and then was daggered later on. Cause I believe he met Sage after they met Lucien


Powerful seeing kol tear up, upon Finns death when he hated him the most during it, RIP Finn


I'm still convinced the actor of Matt had something going on with Julie Plec. Because I can not for the love of god think of a reason why he survived all 8 seasons of TVD. It'S good that he never really encountered Klaus in all that time, or rather got him at a bad day. Because if Klaus would have been there instead of Elijah then Matt might have been a head shorter.


Stefan was running from Rayna at this time and damon went to sleep in the coffin


Poor Finn, I really felt for him in this episode - Finn was a danger but I think they daggered him out of fear, and in that time like he said he grew angry, he eventually fulfilled their fear.