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A Streetcar Named Desire

A magical trap renders Elijah and Klaus useless, Freya asks Marcel, Hayley and Stefan for help rescuing her brothers, and Davina moves forward with her plan.

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I always hate that if you didn’t watch both shows you had no idea that Klaus sireline was broken. I do think it was a big reveal that should have happen on the originals but they could had mention it indirectly on tvd and if you saw the original then you would understand like it could had been simple as Damon saying ‘So Klaus’ and Stefan being like, “Yup.” It could had just been a if you know you know moment. As for Davina breaking the link, I always have mix feelings about it. I love Davina and I love Klaus. I thought it was pretty cool that Davina broke it. I also thought it was very subtle that the last witch standing was the only main character. 😂 Like, Elijah and Hayley could had stop Davina. The spell wasn’t affected them at all. But because Davina is a main character we can’t kill her. But they could had least tried to knock her out. It’s almost like the writers said we’re breaking the link so don’t even try to do anything. 😂🤭 Realistically I know the spell would have fail because Hayley wasn’t a hybrid back then but I’m kinda sad that Bonnie never tried to delinking her friends from Klaus. They we’re just playing kill a Mikealson hopefully it’s not the one that turn me. I still think it would had been cool if she tried it and I feel like people would had rooted for Bonnie to break the link just because we met her first. I think that why people were mad at Davina for breaking the link. Because we met Klaus before her, and even if we do love Davina, we love Klaus longer. It’s like a loyalty thing. We met him first. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Paul and Phoebe were dating at this stage outside the show and you could see the chemistry between them when they were in the car.


Wait so wats happenjng with the angel episode


I absolutely love that moment in the scene between Klaus and Stefan at the end where Stefan tells Klaus that Hayley cares about him for some reason and how hard she fought to get him back. Because just earlier in the episode there was that scene between him and Aurora where she told him that people only fight for him because they have to, because he's their sire and so if he dies they die. So to find out just how hard Hayley, who isn't sired from anyone, fought to get him back would mean so much! Especially with how they started the season. With her hating him because of what he did to her and her Pack. With her joking saying that if the Prophecy was about Klaus' doom then they would all be able to live with that. And then now, she risks her own life to make sure that doesn't happen. Their relationship means so much to me! And that moment where Klaus brings Stefan in makes me laugh EVERY SINGLE TIME! Just with Freya saying that luckily Klaus and Elijah don't have many friends, and then Klaus just walks in introducing Stefan as an old friend. And Stefan then saying that depends on your meaning of the word. Poor Freya. Her brothers are so frustrating! It kinda HAD to be Klaus' Sireline to get broken, I think. Almost all our main characters who are vampires from a Sireline are from Klaus'. He's the MAIN main character. He's the one who basically EVERYONE has wanted to kill at some point or another. He's probably the one with the most enemies out of them all. And he's the most paranoid. Out of all the Mikaelsons, he's the one who it would effect the most. Sure, Elijah and Rebekah probably wouldn't be thrilled, but for Klaus it's a HUGE thing. Especially with what Aurora said to him about people only fighting for him because they have to. They don't have to anymore. And he knows that. It's not gonna help his issues... So, while I'm glad about it because of the way you watched the shows. Part of me wishes that they'd mentioned this on TVD. The whole thing of Klaus' Sireline being broken. Because the TVD vamps would feel it too and be so confused. Stefan would've had to have called them up and been like "Hey, so this just happened." It could've been cool to see them find out or even just mention it. But, like I said, for your sake, I'm glad that didn't happen because that would've been a HUGE spoiler. And unlike the mention of Freya's name, I doubt you would've forgotten that...


It actually could've been so cool if in early TVD Bonnie mentioned the possibility of breaking the Sirelink and just couldn't do it, and then it was brought up in TO and revealed that the reason she couldn't was because of the ingredients. That would've been pretty cool. But, unfortunately, that would require a certain amount of planning ahead... But it could've been pretty cool...


She’ll post it, she’s probably just busy, asking over and over again mostly in another shows chat isn’t going to make it happen faster. Be patient


Im allowed to ask, theirs really nothing wrong with asking, its a normal thing to do


It’s annoying to see, she’ll post it, if you’ve been a patreon for a while you should know common sense that it’s not abnormal to have these things take a bit since this isn’t a full time job, I’m sure she could do without the constant nagging of people always asking when something will be posted when she posts updates. Mostly if they’re delayed


I find it interesting that davina was looking for marcels full approval and trust in her and she never got it. But the first sentence Kol told davina was “I didn’t doubt you for a second davina Claire” kinda a cute reward knowing she does have someone now that always trusts her. Kol and davina ship was a great one!


Its annoying to u but not to the other 594 patreons she has, ive been apart of many, many other patreons over 5 years and people not just me, even as of the past 2-3weeks when it comes to sofie, they would ask when a certain reaction is coming out in tbe comments, i think u have a lot of anger or issues maybe that maybe u need to seek help, because really the question i asked is a normal thing to ask among many many patreons not just related to sofie and NO ONE has ever gotten mad for asking a curiosity question


Not angry😂, just don’t see the point of the question when you know it’s coming. My issue was not due to the question but to post it in another shows chat, when it could be DMed or waited but hey might just be me. And most patrons don’t have schedule let alone updates so asking is warranted as you have no idea or rough idea on when something will be posted. Sofie does. Or maybe I’ve just been a part of completely different patreons than yourself


Obviously the episode is coming but that still makes us patreons still ask the question of when to our favorite show will be posted, and still yes its not the fist time a question like mine has been on another tv shows chat, ur just being extra sensitive about it, lets just all get along no negativity, any paying subscriber should feel like they can ask anything as long as its not mean, hurtful or anything like that.


Sorry I’m still having problems with my editing software so it’s taken me forever to edit. Hopefully I’ll get it done tonight but if not please bear with me til tomorrow.


No worries sofie thanks for the update


Gosh I waited for this one for so long...Definitely one of the greatest and best crossovers...The fact that to what we know Stefan was dead since you finished TVD and this is the first we get to see him again makes it so impactful! I absolutely love how they went as far as weaving in the TVD story arc of Reyna Cruz in this, it's a brilliant move. Crazy stuff was going down, the desiring spell is definitely one if not the craziest magic feat that has been accomplished in the TVD verse, the fact that Davina undid one of the oldest and solid spells in history then went on to immediately bring an original straight back from the dead just a few hours later really solidifies her as an absolute beast among the witches! And then Finally those scenes between Klaus and Stefan really are just baffling in the best way...when you think on ALL THE HISTORY between these two...From friends to Klaus being enemy N1 in Mystic Falls for so long, these two guys that were trying to kill each other for YEARS lmao...To become frenemies, and then unlikely allies, to ennemies again lol The fact that they are even standing next to each other and calling themselves old friends is just incredible when you think about it lol Really makes you think how far we've come! If you remember back to TVD where Klaus's name was only a murmur and was the guy who highjacked Alaric's body and sacrificed aunt Jenna on an alter of fire.....How far we've come!


Good episode but didn't like that the Reyna cruise fight was short not on camera . But the drama was good

Melanin Ky

I was waiting on your reaction to this episode & you did not disappoint!! Allll of the TVD feels came back seeing Stefan! Steroline is happily married in my head 😭❤️ Btw Paul & Phoebe were such a HOT couple. They remind me of Chad (Lucas) & Sophia (Brooke) kind of sucks they didn't work out IRL

otaku AyMaNe

when you commented on davina's french LMAOOO


I was so proud of Davina this episode! She has had 3 goals this whole time. Bring back Kol, unlink her friends from Klaus and protect the ones she love. And this episode she accomplished all three. And with little to no help from anyone.