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Dirty Girls

Faith returns to Sunnydale just in time to meet the First's evil agent, Caleb. Buffy leads the troops into a battle with Caleb, which ends with two dead Potentials and a seriously wounded Xander.

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Still having problems with the Angel video so I posted Buffy first




Yana Thompson

Yes, yes it is crazy how hot Faith is, I love her and Spikes chemistry so much ❤️

Sean Stuart

do you know Nathan Fillion from Firefly or Castle or something else


one of my fave eps from season 7. Was waiting for the Xander eye scene since you started this season. I remember my friends and I discussing it the next day in school lol. ah memories

Ryan Martinez

Please, please, please watch Firefly. You will fucking love it. It's one of the best in the category of shows that were cancelled with only having one season. It was so damn popular and us fans of it being so angry that it spawned a movie to try and finish the whole story. It was supposed to be, at least a 3 or 4 season arc, but Fox fucked the series day one by airing episode 2 as the pilot and episode 1 next. It was very confusing if you were watching it week to week at the time.


The thing that kills me about Faith (and she's been doing this since s3) is she'll drop the most absolutely horrifying implications about her past but couch it in a joke and we all laugh and it doesn't hit until later how fucked up the implication was. "A guy I used to run with, he liked me to dress up like a schoolgirl and take a bullwhip--" but the only time that could have happened was when she was still in boston, so she'd have been like 16 or younger at the time. Also, simping over how hot Faith is in s7 is SUCH a mood. She's been one of my biggest crushes since I was like 15 lol. But I especially love her dynamic with Buffy in this ep (and in this season). Huge exes energy. "Willow said you needed me, I didn't give it a lot of thought" like Faith is still so in love with Buffy!! And Buffy feeling all awkward around the new reformed Faith and keeping her guard up but being repeatedly surprised by Faith's newer chiller attitude. And the flirty little "Damn, I never knew you were that cool"/"yeah, you always were a little slow"/"yeah, I get that now" is so cute Gahhh I love it. Also, I do feel like Faith's conversation with Spike was less about actively hitting on him and more that the flirtatious side of her is like...this persona she puts on when she's uncomfortable or out of her element. It's easy for her, she knows all the things to say and ways to act, and doesn't have to be vulnerable. Given the way she first went into the basement seeming pretty overwhelmed and needing a break, and Spike kind of blindsided her, I think it makes sense that she fell back into the habit, even though I don't actually think she's interested in Spike that way.


Yes please watch Firefly! It is a masterpiece and only 1 series and a follow up movie.


Caleb is obviously a terrible and evil person but I really enjoy him as a villain. As you said, he is more terrifying than some of the most grotesque demons on the show because of how his beliefs carry true to the real world. I love that they portrayed him as a Southern preacher. He doesn't view women the way he does because he can't get laid or because he is immature, Caleb genuinely believes and is able to masterfully articulate that there is a profound and spiritual truth behind women being "dirty".


“Who is she?” Sofie had a Mariah moment. Nathan (Caleb) is a damn good actor. The scenes between him and Sarah (The First) were so eerily well done especially with the music in OST in the background. I wish we could’ve gotten Caleb a lot earlier in the season because it would’ve kick started S7 much better. We can assume Caleb has been gifted power from the The First Evil as otherwise he’s a regular human being. Your scream when Xander lost his eye was so accurate! It’s just not something most people expected. Now apparently, I could be wrong but they initially had the idea of killing off Xander in this episode and having him pose as The First but never came to fruition 🤷🏽‍♂️. 4 episodes left? If you weren’t hyped before, now you will be! 😀

Michael Matthews

RIP Molly , her and Kennedy have been there from the beginning

Eric Hunter

Society, "Why does The First appear as Buffy so much?" Well, she is one of the few people in the world who has died more than once....

Eric Hunter

Dead Man's Party S3.2 Xander is taken completely by surprise and just stares back at her. Buffy: (lowers the stake) Didn't anyone ever warn you about playing with pointy sticks? (shakes it at him) It's all fun and games until somebody loses an eye.


Oh, I totally read it as Faith was interested in Spike until she realized he had had a thing with Buffy, then she invoked the "girl code" and backed off- especially when Buffy entered the room. Note how she suddenly sat forward on the bed, away from Spike. But that's an interesting point about the guy with the bullwhip. Faith had to grow up quick, no doubt about it.


I just listened to the DVD commentary on this episode and the writer, Drew Goddard, explains that this episode attempts to explore the male gaze and all the different ways that can be interpreted. He points out that almost every "chapter", or new scene, in this episode approaches the male gaze from a different direction, exploring the ways those who identify as male can objectify the female. In the first scene we see Caleb with the potential - the male viewing the female as something "dirty" and corrupting. The second scene is Xander in his dream sequence, sexually objectifying females. Soon after is the scene of the female as victim, being chased, running through a graveyard (she is later revealed to be a vamp- perhaps an homage to the pilot ep of the series, refering to Darla in Welcome to the Hellmouth?). Then we see Andrew's Faith montage, viewing the female in a position of power (yet this power is also seen as problematic and subversive). This is followed by the scene of Spike and Faith, who here can be seen as the seductress, the confident sexual female. And then the scene of Caleb and The First, who is pretending to be one of Caleb's young, impressionable female followers, seduced by his position of power. Finally we arirve at the battle scene, where interestingly, a male loses an eye. Is the gaze being punished? Are we being told the male gaze has no place in this story about female empowerment? Drew Goddard does not discuss this final scene in those terms. I wonder what others think of that scene from that viewpoint?


Have you seen Tru calliing? Really good series that was cut short :( Eliza Dushku has the main role, dont want to give spoilers but if you check it out you wont be disappointed :)


only 2 seasons :(, please react if you can sofie would like to see your reaction to this short series :)