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Hey guys, I'm sorry but I have to change the schedule a bit and move everything to Sunday and Monday:

Sunday: 2 The originals- OTH-Angel

Monday: GOT-Angel-OTH


Peter Mark

Sophie, is there a chance you stick to the schedule more? It's so disappointing to be reading these delay updates. Especially because we pay to be here and to support what you do. I follow a few patreon creators and I've never seen them doing stuff like that.


(Been there, Done That, Not Helping) Sofie is aware of this issue (or "shortcoming") and continues improve, progress, and adjust with slips. Best for her fan base not to think of it as a schedule more of a goals list. And the updates are simply an admission that she has fallen short of those goals.

Shaun Houghton

Peter, I feel your pain. It must be so hard for you. Perhaps you can relieve your pain by simply not reading the updates, this seems to be the source of the problem. How dare Sophie communicate with her supporters and keep them informed of what is going on. How dare Sophie be human and have real life issues to deal with. How dare Sophie not be a robot. Basically Peter, I appreciate Sophie's communication, but not your whinging.

Mariella Nilsson

That is how I see it to, it is not a schedual, but a goal and when she communicates changes it is just a heads up so that people know The new plan.

Mariella Nilsson

The patreons I follow don't have a schedual, plenty of people don't! So long as Sofie does what works for her, she can avoid the burn out that has happened to many a reactor, when They have to then take a long break. I would rather have a loose schedual than a burnt out reactor that doesn't have fun anymore!


i get what youre saying but dont tell peter what he should feel cuz he is paying as well as we are. It goes both ways when it comes to understanding. He is allowed to feel disappointed on the fact he is not getting what he is paying for monthly. If you have a client not working due to personal issues are you gonna say "i understand youre not a robot.. how dare you be human and have personal issues affecting your job" or are you gonna fire them? It's still a two way streak.. as much as you have to please yourself, with stuff like this you have to please your supporters as well cuz they pay for it. As much as this is a side thing for sophie, people are still paying so therefore people like him who are upset are allowed to be upset. You dont know what tier he is paying for, he can be doing $10 a month for the originals and the originals hasnt been posted since March 4th and its March 19th so he can be upset if he wants to, if he was attacking sophie which he isnt, then you can say what you said. But he is literally expressing how he feels seeing updates and no reactions to whatever hes paying for


You upload, I watch. The whys and wherefores are whatever work best for you, my friend. Be well 🙂

Shaun Houghton

Bella, I don't see anybody trying to tell Peter how or what to feel. I have no idea what you're on about. Cheryl, I don't disagree with you, however it has been quite clear, that Sophie's schedule is not rock solid. It is fluidic and erratic, this is very clear. Being here means accepting that, but yeah it has limits. Be here or don't be here, don't whinge about something which you previously knew about and not going to change


If you followed me for a while you know that I don’t do schedule. These are just updates to let you know what the goal is that week. Most reactors don’t do 2 episodes a week for every show but I do and sometimes i give priorities to a show and do 3 episodes like with the originals to finish the season 2 and this is why i had a week break for it. I post 6 to 8 episodes a week with few exceptions and I don’t think other reactors who work alone do the same. Yes I changed when will I’ll be posting but it doesn’t mean that I’m not gonna post what you owed this week. You’re still getting all this episodes just a day later. I’m sorry if that’s disappointing but it’s my fault I keep posting updates schedule because i don’t like letting you in the dark i should just stick to posting according to show order and not by schedule day. I don’t like disappointing you either, I promise i try my hardest.


Don't try to gaslight me Shaun asking me what I'm on about lmfao. You know what you said to Peter and it wasn't right, he has a right to feel disappointed and secondly how you gonna ask me what I'm on about but agree with Cheryl who literally basically said what I said? Doesn't make sense.


Sofie it's understandable, we just don't like what Shaun said about it cuz he made it sound like Peter had nothing to be disappointed about but it's not true, he does and it's fair. I follow two other creators who work alone and they have 6-7 shows reacting to and doing two - three episodes and even binges with 5-7 episodes in one week. Not everyone can do that and it's understandable, I think Peter was just trying to have more communication on it. We appreciate you and it's not easy to do this on top of what you could be dealing with outside of this. I think maybe you can find someone to help you on here like juli she has one of the Patreon help orangize a schedule that will fit her time and energy with also three free days for herself. If you have a moderator on here they can help you, I think it'll make it easier.


It's not your fault things happen!!! We don't know what you go through or how busy you are outside of this account

Shaun Houghton

Okay, Bella firstly I didn't ask what you were on about, there was no question. I made a statement that I didn't know what you were on about. This was in relation to the assertion that Peter was being told how to feel, which was not happening. I can agree with Cheryl due to the absence of suggesting that feelings were trying to be policed.


Guys, whenever Sofie posts her goals for the week I always assume reactions may get posted a day or two later than expected (if not then yay!). I can see why some people are disappointed, but unfortunately, this is not her main job and she has to plan recording reactions around everything else she has to do. A lot more work goes into this than people think (it's not just watching tv people!). We may pay money but at the end of the day it's her channel and she runs the show. We just need to be more patient because she always follows through. I don't know about you guys but I barely have time to watch reactions some days and I only have 1 job. Imagine being Sofie and having to react to multiple episodes and edit tons of videos on top of another job. She deserves more credit for her hard work <3


he amount of cry babies in here is ridiculous. Sofie tries her best, she has another job, she does this on the side and to my knowledge edits her own stuff. These shows are usually an hour long each and has to react to multiple shows at a time with hours of watch time alone + editing all of that. She’s nice enough to give us updates and goals on shows she will watch most reactors don’t even have a schedule. For the ones waving the monthly payment as a demand on “we have the right cause we pay for this” it’s $10 if it effects your bank account so much lower the tier hopefully the longer wait times for certain shows will feel more timely. Sofies reactions are some of the best I’ve seen, she goes in detail with criticism, pays very close attention, and has impeccable memory for these shows, it’s more than worth the wait So from now on know she isn’t posting a schedule she’s posting a goal for the week, so she doesn’t owe anyone a specific reaction on a specific date, it’s a goal, if it’s not reached your still going to get it that week 🙄

Mariella Nilsson

Anyone can comments when people write in a public forum, otherwise privatemessage is better. Everyone is allowed an opinion including people who disagree with The original commemt.


Every subscriber is important to this channel. They (we) are customers and/or fans. Be Respectful and be Polite. SofieReacts is a business. And assuming that you genuinely want to support this channel refrain from making your comments into personal attacks. The Old Saying: Say what you mean, mean what you say, but don't say it mean (Applies). Or simply don't take someone else inventory. Reason things out sure. However, please don't criticize and possibly chase away a subscriber.


one tree hill?

The Witch Hawk

SoFie no rush on the videos. All I have to say is that I love my ass and my abs in the video called Promiscuous, my style is ridiculous-ulous-ulous-ulous.