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The Killer in Me

After Willow and Kennedy share their first kiss, Willow is transformed into Warren, the man she killed last year. When she sets out to find help, she bumps into an old friend. Meanwhile, Buffy searches for answers when Spike's chip causes him great pain, and the gang suspect that Giles may really be The First.

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Briony Addey

I think people can meet people who they have a connection with when they're still grieving (and sometimes that happens quicker than other people are comfortable with). It can work if the other person is willing to walk with them in their grief and give them the space to be with that grief. And bring them tea. And I love that Kennedy was able to do that here. Willow's living with an apocalypse over her head...she knows deeply that life is short- If Kennedy brings her any companionship & joy, I say yay! I know it's hard, though, we all are grieving Tara too here. I also wish there was a bit more communal grieving from the Scoobies that we got to see. Loving the reactions, Sofie!


🤣🤣 I'm so glad you laughed at Giles' joke about not touching the girls, I thought it was hysterical but most others barely cracked a smile at it! Regarding Kennedy, I think she'll always be compared to Tara and will always be found wanting, I loved Tara at first sight and really don't feel that at all with Kennnedy 🤨 regarding Graham.. same 😍


I might be the 1% that likes Riley. He had his issues, like everybody else does but I too wished we saw him in this episode. The interaction between him and Spike would’ve been funny. From what I remember they intentionally tried to not have Giles touch anything since he returned to have us really believe he could’ve been The First! If you notice in the episode where he comes back with the potentials he’s always asking them to do things even though they’re right in front of him.


I watched this episode for the first time so long ago that I forgot how chaotic and suspenseful it is to someone first seeing it. Not knowing if Giles is dead and might be now manifesting as evil. Not knowing if Spike’s chip or trigger is malfunctioning and thinking he could die. Willow turning into Warren and potentially becoming homicidal, and she’s punishing herself for having feelings for someone else so soon. Yea this is an intense episode. I’m so thankful Riley sent help and he doesn’t even know Spike has his soul now, he just trusts Buffy so much. Wholesome :) I’m not a huge fan of Willow/Kennedy but it makes sense. The stakes of the impending apocalypse are very high and Willow is probably lonely and missing connection and companionship. Everyone in life goes through that inner journey of learning it’s ok to move on and accept that no two loves or relationships are the same, and it’s not an injustice or disservice to person you loved before. It’s definitely complicated and Willow is going through it. I love the next episode you’re about to watch, I’m excited for your reaction <3

The Witch Hawk

Kennedy is absolutely entitled and a bit pushy, and I think it's because she grew up in a mansion with all those wings. I just noticed in this watch that when Willow/Warren falls to her knees and cries out, "I'm so sorry baby" to Tara, she is kneeling and looking up at the window through which Warren shot Tara.


Everyone says Kennedy is annoying, or pushy, or whatever, but keep this in mind: WE have a lot more information about Willow and her past. All Kennedy knew, until Willow just told her, was that her name is Willow, she had an ex, and, well, its WILLOW. We ALL love Willow, so I get how Kennedy is so drawn to her. We can't blame her for what she doesn't know. She just sees Willow like we all do, and is taking her shot. Can you blame her? :)


The Willow/Kennedy relationship does an excellent job of glossing over the fact that Willow is an adult while Kennedy is a teenager. Yes, Kennedy is the one pushing the relationship, and while her motives seem to be (Kennedy is gay, Willow is gay, Kenndy thinks Willows cute, so let's be gay together...aka love the one you're with), is it? There will be perks. (without going into detail, spoilers).

Alexis Cardarella

I do think it's been around a year since she lost Tera, so while Willow beginning a relationship with someone isn't necessarily too soon, the Kennedy Willow relationship seems a bit contrived/rushed with how relentlessly forward they made her. Yes, Kennedy doesn't know what happened with Tera. Regardless, it could be 5 years, and I still wouldn't be comfortable with how forward they made her with Willow.


I love that you had a crush on Graham 😂 I get it. Perfect himbo.


I thought she meant Forrest until she remembered his name. I didn't remember Graham :(

Mark Johnson

I didn't want to mention this before this episode because of spoilers, but Whedon had always planed to bring Tara back. He had a storyline that would see some cosmic entity try to reward Buffy for all her sacrifice battling evil, and would give her one wish without any consequences. She could've brought Joyce back or had a life with Angel but instead she wishes Tara back for Willow. However when Amber Benson was told about this storyline she declined to come back because she felt it trivialize the Tara/Willow story arc. So Whedon created the Kennedy character to be someone who was completely different than Tara, that could help Willow come to terms with her loss and start to move on. Also the Giles is the "First" fake out was Anthony Stewart Head's idea because he always wanted to play the villain.


The music during the kiss at the end has been my ringtone for years. Kissed to Life. It's on YT.


9:13: The term Kennedy is thinking of is "gay-dar" (i.e. gay radar). This was a common term back in the early 2000's. Not sure if it's used much anymore though. 11:30: Reference to the (super popular) theme song for the 1984 Ghostbusters movie As you mentioned, SoFie, kudos to Adam Busch for his acting chops. To bounce from playing such a convincingly hate-able Warren to an equally convincing adorable "kerfloofy"- pronouncing Willow is quite a feat. In subsequent viewings of S7, I went back and closely observed Giles' behavior during episodes 10-13 and sure enough, they never show him touch anything. Love this attention to detail.

Thom Purdy

It's not about "replacing" Tara. Tara was her "soulmate". It was about getting on with her life. Remember, the show originally aired as a weekly TV series. It was not created with "binge watching" in mind. 7 22 episode seasons,(well, one 12 episode and 6 22 episodes) October through May. Tara died in early May. season 7 began Sept 24th. This episode on Feb 4th. So it was about 9 months of Willow working through her grief.