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Connor is trapped in a hell dimension. Angel will do anything to save him. Fred and Gunn search for Wes.

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Hello, just Became a patrion just for you're Angel reactions, love this show, and it characters, especially the Angel character played by david, such a great actor.

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Watched your reaction to the end sequence a few times. It’s a heartbreaking 💔 scene for sure. It made me think back to what the talking hamburger said to Wesley a few episodes ago: LOA: You risk your life, human, calling on the Loa. Perhaps what you really seek is death. The pain in your heart begs for it. WESLEY: Then do it and be done. Nothing else will stop me. LOA: Simple mortal, your pain is just beginning. Betrayal and agony lie in wait… 😞

Phoenix Dawn

One of my favourite endings!


The Buffyverse strikes again and brings us pain 😢


That opening shot of you, before I press play... Sophie, you do not look like you're having a wonderful day😬 But for real though one of my favourite episodes and one of the reasons I will climb up on my Angel-the-series soapbox every chance I get. David's acting is always phenomenal and when we get to pair that with Truly Scary Angel(us) it's positively shiver-worthy. Great episode, great reaction.


It's just such a different tone, it's fuckin' great. Almost as if season 3 up until this point kinda had a whiff of this same serious/dramatic/scary vibe leading up to this one where they just beat us over the head with it and I'm goddamn here for it.


The little shriek in David's voice, like, get the fuck out here


Brace yourself Sofie! 🤫


That ending is just so epic. How calmly Angel makes it clear to Wesley that he hasn't gone evil, that it's him, Angel, so that he's under no misinterpretation about his motivation when he flips his shit. But I do think there's a couple of things to keep in mind here with Wesley and the so-called prophecy. First, Wesley didn't strictly speaking get the Shanshu prophecy wrong; it's the subtly in the nuance of the word. As Wesley realized later, because the root nature of the word meant both life and death, that you can't have one without the other, something that isn't considered alive can't die. The Shanshu prophecy WAS saying that Angel would die one day, Wesley wasn't wrong about that. But what he was missing initially was that in order for Angel to die, by the standard of the people who wrote it, he would have to be alive first. Secondly, and I only really started thinking about this while watching your reaction - Sahjhan's plan wasn't to fool Angel; it was ALL designed by Sahjhan to manipulate Wesley. Angel and the others didn't know anything about that, and yet for the plan to work certain specific conditions had to occur. Not only did the prophecy have to predict "the father will kill the son" and then be supported by everything Wesley crosschecked it against, in an extreme effort to refute it; Wesley himself had to find himself in a position of feeling isolated. So how does he get there? Well, Cordelia had to go on leave with Groo; and a large factor in that was Angel's feelings for Cordelia, which were always more than a little contrived. It largely started with the Kyumption crap fed from Fred and Lorne. Could Sahjhan have manipulated that? Maybe not, but could he have worked it so Groo showed up at a pivotal time, that would ultimately keep Cordelia occupied one way or another? Maybe. Then there's Fred and Gunn. Wesley had developed a close friendship with Gunn and was growing a strong interest in Fred. The most effective way to isolate Wesley from them is for Fred and Gunn to begin dating. Jealousy isn't rational, and it doesn't require someone to feel entitled to anyone, and no one can be at fault in that type of situation, but it still hurts like hell to have feelings for someone and for them to end up with someone else; much less a friend. So, could Sahjhan have orchestrated that somehow? Maybe that gives Sahjhan too much credit; and yet, the whole thing falls apart for him if Fred and Gunn don't get together. Without that animosity between them and Wesley, even while they still work together, Wesley definitely would have confided in them and the whole thing may have played out in their favor. And seeing as Sahjhan can flit back and forth in time, and had such a long game plan as to keep Holtz on ice for 200 years, AND could manipulate prophecy, would it be so far fetched? And what would it have taken? What if it was Sahjhan who worked it so Billy could be freed? That had a knock-on effect of how things played out between Wesley, Fred and Gunn, with Wesley being so traumatized that he became far more reserved with Fred in the aftermath. If that hadn't happened, he might have had the courage to ask her out sooner; and had that happened, maybe she would have been receptive. As for why Wesley didn't trust Lorne, who can say. Another driving factor in all of this Wesley was the stress and poor sleep he was having, leading to worse decision making and greater anxiety. There again, some of that can also be traced back to the encounter with Billy, and him facing a darkness within him he struggled to cope with; lending further support to the necessity of that for who all of this played out.