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Man, this was intense.

BTW, I'm sorry for getting back to you late. 

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/res8c0qrmvqu6bc/BTVS%206x13%201.mp4?dl=0




This is a Top 15 episode for me for sure. Yes, it's very dark but I think it's amazing. This finally elevates the Trio from comic relief to actual villains. And you noticed how both Andrew and Jonathan were shocked when Katrina pointed out that what they were doing was rape. They were still living their little fantasy while Warren obviously knew what he was doing all along. Then there's the painful fight with Buffy/Spike that has such strong parallels to the the Not!Buffy/Not!Faith fight in Who Are You ("you're disgusting", "you're nothing", etc." I know Sarah has said she really hated that balcony scene, but I feel it was a very powerful moment. And don't get me started on the ending scene with Buffy and Tara. I have no idea how Sarah can do cryface so well, but it always destroys me. Amazing episode and one of my favorites, even if it's not really "fun" to watch.

Martin Waits

The scene at the end always shows me how many more scenes we've needed with just those two.

Martin Waits

I totally agree with you, Sophie - Tara is a queen. She's in my top 5 characters in the series.

Ryan Martinez

The song you heard and the voice singing wasn't Spike. It was Gavin Rossdale from the band Bush. They have similair singing voices.


Loved your commentary at the end, I couldn’t have articulate it better, and I think you’re so right about the faith and buffy/spike and buffy parallel and I believe that was the writers intention. Also, another parallel in this episode is buffy/warren (sadly), spike sang in OMWF that he’s her “willing slave”, in this episode in her dream she uses the handcuffs on him, and then she stakes him, and he turns into kathrina(because she thinks she killer her), just like warren killed kathrina, spike is buffy’s kathrina. We’re finally given some answeres this episode, I love the reveal that buffy didn’t come back wrong, she just changed, she’s older and circumstances change people, so of course she feels different, but as you also said sofie, she really wanted it to be true somehow to justify her actions. We haven’t got yet an actual answer though toweather buffy loves spike or not, she doesn’t give a proper answer, it could be either way, she wants to be wrong because she loves him, and so her feelings are wrong, immoral, or either she wants to be wrong because what she’s doing is wrong(using him), I think is not that black and white and maybe somewhere in the middle, she is catching feelings for him( she also repeats what spike said to her earlier “you always hurt the one you love”) and she’s also using him to feel something.


Btw, that scene with the door was hot, I can’t believe this man has chemistry even with A DOOR


to add to the Faith callback, there's also Buffy saying to Tara "tell me that I'm wrong" which reminds me of Faith in Five by five begging Angel to kill her bc "I'm bad! I'm evil!" 😢

Ava Sinclair

The last scene is one of my favorites of the entire series. Tara is my absolute favorite character and she was exactly what Buffy needed at this time. I'm so glad that Buffy finally let some of it out; what a relief that must have been.

Ava Sinclair

Warren is the absolute worst. I don't know that I've ever hated a character more than him, and I watch GOT so that's really saying something. And I love Spike so freaking much but you're exactly right - it's so toxic and I love them together in some ways but I can't ship what's happening between them right now; it's so beyond messed up.

Idun V

I think the worst thing about Warren is how many people in our real world are like him. He's the OG incel.


Omg you won’t survive last few episodes


I haven't rewatched season 6 in a while and I'm really enjoying rewatching it with you through your reviews. It's been so many years since I saw it for the first time that I've forgotten what my first reactions to this season were. And watching you be deeply invested in this journey through the DARKEST season has been making me cry along with you. I really love this season and I admire the depths of darkness that the writers went to, although there are a few writing choices I would change if I could, but overall I commend the show for getting this down and dirty with mental health and obstacles because... ESPECIALLY in a universe where there's evil demons attacking the characters constantly, there's bound to be mental and emotional turmoil. But yea, unfortunately the heaviness continues a bit longer but just hold on to hope because the ending of this show is so beautiful.. the entire journey is worth it!

Star Stormer

I like your description of the trio’s arc so far, starting off goofy nerds and now something sinister. I think it’s quite relevant and timely even today. Look at the fiercely misogynistic “incel” movement we see online. They start off as awkward outcasts and get radicalized by someone like Warren until we have violent tragedies taking place. I appreciate the show shining a light on the “nice guy” trope and showing it for what it really is, warts and all.