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Dany balances justice and mercy; Jaime turns to Brienne; Jon readies his men.

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"You didn't think I'd let you marry that beast did you?" :)


Olenna at the wedding: "War is war, but killing someone at a wedding? What sort of monster would do such a thing?" - she says as she messes with Sansa's necklace.

Benjamin Hütz

In the books, the Age of Margery at that point is 22-23 and Tommen is 13-14.


Incorrect :D Tommen is 8 at this point, plays with his cats and enjoys using the royal seal stamp on documents when given them by the adults, not even understanding what he's stamping, and Margery is likely 17, 18 at an absolute push. She was 16 when married to Renly.


yeah, in the books Tommen is around 8 and Margery 17. In the show they aged them up with Margery being around 20-21 I think and Tommen around 13-14. The actor who plays Tommen though is around 17 at this point.


tbf I think the secret communications were only mentioned in the book? tho i may be wrong and may have missed it / forgotten?


The people Stannis burned alive didn't burn or in this case here crucify and kill inocent CHILDREN. There's a big difference. Well, At least for me. Also, in the show they didn't mention that stannis burned those people because of a conspiracy but because they were against the Lord of light


Clearly, more of the masters are for it than were against it. "Hey, let us decorate the road leading to the city! Trees? No. Flowers? No, Hey I know dead children point the way to the city!!! never mind the stench. It'll be great. and when one falls apart we can nail up another. Actually, now that I think about it this would be a deterrent against anyone leaving the city. Who would want to visit anywhere else knowing you's have to pass miles of dead children?


They weren't just a bunch of citizens, they were all masters. Every single one a slave holder and trader, with family on the counsil that chose to kill those children. Did Dany kill some who argued against the killing of these children, probably, but they were all still part of an evil system that had to be destroyed. Hell, if I was her, I probably would have killed them all. Not all the Nazi's ran the gas chambers, they were all evil all the same.


I mean social conventions and all change...What is legal and moral may create a taboo but there's no hard and fast rule..Even if it's weird to us now...If in the medieval period someone saw a movie of how we live I bet there are plenty of things they would find extremely weird and awful lol


Surely you understand the fundamental difference between putting out deadly punishment to innocents who did nothing but believe in another god, and punishing people who have tortured and killed children....To some extent at least it's not about the equivalent of what you do but who you do it to right? To most people depriving people of liberty when it's unwarranted is terrible, but if are criminals who are dangerous most if not everyone agrees that it is warranted it's not inconsistent....because people who commit crimes should be locked up, people who have not anything do not deserve it