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Believe Me, I'm Lying

Nathan's scandal becomes public. Brooke's fashion show brings a new responsibility for Millicent. Haley convinces Quinn to talk to her estranged husband, David (SCOTT HOLROYD).

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I'm quite sick and this honestly makes my day :)


Quinn was just saying a couple of episodes ago to Haley, that the reason she left David was because He changed, not her, she was still the same. Haley said ppl had the right to change to which she responded that ppl also had the right to stay the same. Now she's saying the person she is today isn't the same as a couple of years ago and tells David not to change for her but stay the same wonderful person he always was. Yeah, this storyline still makes no sense. It seems thrown together and half-assed. Out of all the backstories to create for a new character that was the best one? Her divorce should have just been offscreen where we knew nothing about it.


I liked season 7, but I wasn't really feeling the new people. Miranda did peek my interest in this episode.

Jordan James

This season and season 5 are my least favorite.


IDK Yea...Guess you're supposed to see her as flawed and that's a little bit of the idea....While I for one do really like Quinn as a character the way she refuses to fight for her marriage and decides to end things with her husband from an outsider's perspective doesn't cast her in a favorable light...


She came in all mysterious without her husband and when we find out why, which still isn't very clear to her, I'm like that's it. I get relationships ending don't always have to be this big dramatic production, but the relationship was a marriage and this is a drama show. Show the drama. Even Dan and Deb went to counseling. Yeah her not fighting and giving up so easily didn't speak well of her to me. Anway, she was fine as a supporting character, but as a main character she was boring and didn't add anything. She was kinda just there for me. It wasn't even that she felt like a replacement for Peyton. She didn't remind me of her at all, but maybe that was the point. Peyton was up and down for me as a character, but at least she was entertaining.

Amy O

Quinn should've entered the show as a widow. She would've been much more of an interesting and relatable character.

Amy O

I don't think so. I think their bond would've been stronger that way.