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This episode is just epic!

RIP Darla...for how many times now? the 4th time? 😂

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/st9qf95cpsj8vp2/Angel%203x09%201.mp4?dl=0




Julie B. sure swung for the goddamn fences on this one, knocked it out the park. Top tier episode for me personally, almost big season finale vibes. Starting all the way back in To Shanshu in LA I just fucking love this storyline so much.


another stellar commentary by queen Sofie 🥰❤️‍🔥


Probably my fave angel episode or definitely top 3. Great commentary as always sofie, unrivalled!

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Julie Benz 🥺💔 nailed the roll and made us all break at her sacrifice.

Roy Ben-Ami

That scene with Darla on the roof is one of my favorite scenes of all time. That acting and raw emotions.. Gets me every time.


An interesting scene is right before Wesley calls Angel, Darla asks Angel "You will protect it from me?". Angel doesn't give an answer or maybe he was about to answer but the phone call interrupts. I wonder if that none answer answer convinces Darla that she has to protect the baby from herself and then Angel's "You have to fight" speech seals the deal on what she has to do. Either way I love this episode so much.


This is one of my all time favorite episodes of Angel. In my opinion, the strongest Darla episode of either show!

Martin Waits

Lilah is one of my favorite characters on the show. Definitely more likable than Lindsey.


“No I won’t be okay at all, I don’t know what I’ll be…” Julie really came with her A game this episode and remember being so disappointed when she staked herself! I guess it’s time for daddy Angel 👼