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Angel 3x08

Got 3x08

BTVS 6x09

OTH 6x21 and 22

GOT 3x09

Next Week Will be doing TVD tribute videos before starting the originals.


Uncle Dino

Wait was there already a S06E07 Buffy reaction??? I been holding my breath for that one.


What happened did you hold your breath so long that you passed out & miss it? I've watched her reaction at least five times now. (of course, that is more about me reliving the past).


Does the Angel 3x08 reaction count from 3 days earlier or did she mean 3x09?


Yeah, it must be a typo. 3x09 is next on the watch order she's using.


The GOT that was last posted was 3x07 and her list to post is 3x08 so I vote that it's a typo for Angel.




So in two and half days, she is going to release five reaction videos? Sounds a bit too optimistic to me, Well more power to you girl. Maybe she sitting on a reserve of unreleased reactions we don't know about. (smile) all the best & please don't overdo it. Cause there's editing and stress more to it than just watching a video.


Literally cannot wait for the Originals....Going back to the TVD verse with you sounds like music to my ears it's gonna be a blast going to that great show....Separating the two was a good choice after all i think


its gonna be so nostalgic literally cannot wait😩😩😭


I am here for GOT but it turns out the show is blurred out? Other shows like Buffy are not blurred out on the reactions. Am I doing something wrong?


HBO is strict when it comes to copyright. GOT is blurred out so I can avoid trouble. You have to bring your own copy of the episode to sync it with me. it shouldn't be hard since I'm showing the subtitles.


GoT 3x9 ?

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Hi, new subscriber here. Just wondering, at the 2nd tier (private elite?) how many episodes do we get at what frequency? Was wondering when the next BTVS would drop 😅