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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o66v6sl8odb9250/One%20tree%20hill%20S4XE15%20PART1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lmhpfnmg2ljqp1q/One%20tree%20hill%20S4xE15%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0



I Am Not Chamari

Maybe it's because I've always seen the end of Season 3 so differently, but, I have never felt like Peyton went after Lucas, a second time. The birthday thing that Brooke was talking about, could have been something during Season 1, but I am 99% sure that she meant Brooke's 18th birthday. The only reason that Lucas and Peyton were together is so that Lucas could get Brooke back. Granted, Brooke might not have known that, but just thought it was important to mention. If Peyton were going after Lucas, then she would have told Lucas how she felt, not Brooke. But the crux of this entire fight is really what Peyton said in their fight. It really makes me cry every single time. She made fun of her mothers' deaths and through all the slut-shaming and the name-calling, that is 100% the reason why they're having this fight. Her senior year consisted of her birth mother dying, and her being stalked and assaulted by a fake brother. It's one thing to not think you can be there for Peyton after what she's done... It's entirely another thing to make fun of those traumatic events to her face. But at the end, the reason that Brooke knows Peyton still cares is because she went through the energy to put WHORE on the dress. Someone who was "done" wouldn't do that. :) Also, that ending... I literally gasped.


When is the next episode!!? 😂

Jasmine Reigns

Once again , Haley being hilarious 😂😂 . Also what I found funny was the ONE time Nathan decided to not take Dan’s advice it backfires. I love Naley so much .The ending had my teenage self in shock 😂 The horrific scream that came out of me was crazyyyy 😫. Ughh I can’t wait for the next episode.


to this day i still hate the writers for trying to mess up brooke’s character just because people were siding with her more and seeming to prefer her over peyton. i still think what peyton did was worse considering she did it twice WHILE lucas and brooke were actually in a relationship, by definition of the word brooke didn’t cheat with nathan so i don’t understand why peyton was acting like brooke did something so much worse than her when it’s just not true ? also her getting angry because brooke and nathan had sex while she stated that her and lucas didn’t but the ONLY reason they didn’t was literally because her hair got caught in his necklace and HE was the one who stopped it. she’s a giant hypocrite and the only thing i fault brooke for in this whole fight was the comments about the dead moms. other than that peyton was the one who constantly wanted what she couldn’t have and didn’t care who she hurt to get it. the fact that people really believe that brooke hooking up with nathan while they were both single and drunk at a party is worse than peyton and lucas having a whole emotional affair and kissing like 4 times (almost having sex) behind brooke’s back while they were still together and completely sober is beyond me like ? think it over. peyton had no right to be THIS angry about the sex tape considering she’d done worse. but let me just mention again that i do believe peyton was 100% justified in her anger and hurt over the dead mom jokes because that was just plain wrong and cruel, but at the end of the day i was on brooke’s side when it came to the love triangle. i also believe brooke actually changed as a person after this whole experience where as peyton never did.

Mariella Nilsson

Brooke made a drunken mistake , peyton soberly and for a long time went after Lucas. Both were wrong but I think peyton should understand the Difference. Brooke should have told peyton and peyton should have told brooke about the kiss in the library.


Both Brooke and Peyton made mistakes and hurt each other (Nathan and Lucas too, but this isn't about them...) but in my opinion, what Peyton did was worse. They both had a right to be angry and hurt, because they both did things that hurt the other. But I think that sneaking around with your best friends boyfriend who you have feelings for, is worse than a drunken one night stand with your best friends ex boyfriend. Yes, they'd only been broken up for like, a minute or something, but they WERE broken up. So I definitely don't think it's fair for Peyton to act like what Brooke did was so much worse. (But the comments about her dead mothers was way too far and Brooke was VERY wrong for them and Peyton had every right to be pissed at her about it...) I loved Nathan's Apology Tour though! How he literally went around apologising to everyone. And I loved Lucas just being like "Nah I already knew you were an ass back then." It was just amazing! Plus, he knows he has no reason to be upset as he and Brooke hadn't been together at that point anyway and although it was likely very weird for him to see like that, he understood that they were both different people back then and that it had nothing to do with him. And I loved Lucas' scene with Haley where he tells her that Nathan's nothing like Peyton's ex either. I just love how far they've come since the first episode. The scene between Nathan and Peyton was really good too. I love how he was just like "I was a jerk and I'm sorry." he didn't try to make any excuses, he was just upfront about it and why he did it. And the fact that he let her know he didn't hate her, he just didn't care. And then him convincing her to go to Prom, and his line about how she cares about them all, and about how they all love her. (I just love how he's able to tell her he loves her. He's done it before, it's just such a testament to how far they've come too...) I absolutely adore pregnant Haley! Some people say she was overreacting, and she was, but that's because she was pregnant and hormonal and had just found out about one of her best friends and her husband making a sex tape in the past, IN FRONT OF EVERYONE! I think it was very understandable that she reacted that way. Plus, it was adorable and poor Nathan was terrified. And of course the fact that Nathan literally went to Dan for advice, just so he could do the exact opposite of what he told him. I LOVE THAT SO MUCH! But of course it completely backfired on him.


Just letting you know I still can't acess the last few oth episodes on dropbox from episode 11-only this new one,says dropbox error


Meant this new one is fine,the other last few say that*


Sorry about that ! I now tried actual one tree hill page here of all the episodes and now they are loading so everything seems good.


girl agree. couldn't have said it any better


i see where you're coming from when you say the fact that what brooke and nathan did meant nothing being even worse than what peyton and lucas did, but i gotta disagree. that makes it seem like just because peyton had legitimate feelings for lucas that her cheating with him is more understandable, but idk, i felt like what she did was worse for all the same reasons other commenters have listed. haley's pregnancy hormones >>>>

Dydra Arnold

I think you made some great points here. I actually don’t think it was out of character for Brooke to do this back then because when season 1 started she was more of the party girl and one to stir up drama like she did at Dan’s house for that party. I also see your point about it meaning nothing. To me it’s worse because it’s different to potentially throw away a friendship for nothing vs potentially throwing away a friendship for someone you honestly believe you love. At the end of the day, they were both wrong in what they did. I love how Peyton was honest with Brooke about what really hurt her the most. I just think that Brooke took things way too far regarding Peyton’s mother and the nasty comments about Derek being her stalker when the whole time she had been guilty too. I think this is a great learning experience for the both of them.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I HATED this triangle with Lucas, Peyton and Brooke. They really said "here's a great friendship between two women. Let's fuck that up and have them fight over a man." Whyyy. I always thought the biggest tragedy to come out of the whole thing was how their friendship was ruined. They alluded to how Brooke and Peyton were each other's person for so many years, probably more than a decade, thanks to absent or dead parents, how they were there for each other, and they ruined it all for one boy. It sucked. Lucas isn't a great catch, either. I'm sorry but I never got the appeal. Peyton was right in saying that he never took the side of the person he was currently dating. When he was with Brooke, he was constantly defending Peyton. When he's with Peyton, he's constantly defending Brooke. The man cannot make up his mind. And his condescending attitude towards Peyton about how she should be reacting to a situation that he's not even involved in is just plain ridiculous! She has the right to feel upset over a betrayal she's just found out about. All the reasons she said to Brooke were all valid. If she didn't want to go to prom knowing she wouldn't enjoy it, why force her by guilting her? Why tell her she's overreacting? Why ask if she could just get over it? I can't stand how self righteous Lucas can get sometimes. I'm sorry, Luke lovers, but even with a sex tape scandal under his belt, Nathan is the better brother. I'm so glad that Brooke told Lucas to go get Peyton after the championship game because I feel like that was her realizing she deserved better than this toxic cycle they're repeating for over a year and she's so right. Brooke and Peyton BOTH were being toxic friends to each other. I don't think Peyton went after Luke the 2nd time but the 1st time was messed up. And Brooke KNOWS what she did was wrong. They didn't treat each other right and I just don't think either get a pass. Man, I am with you on being done with their constant drama over Lucas, though.