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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jqeljiqvl12fkts/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7XE04%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zt7jcleoyfv50ov/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S7XE04%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0






great reaction! and yeah, re: your comment about stefan being so much hornier with caroline than with elena--the sides of stefan that only caroline can bring out are so interesting to me. like with elena he was so brooding and grim but he's so smiley and happy and light-hearted with caroline, and it's SO clear how intensely physically attracted he is to her. between how he behaves here and his comments when he had amnesia about caroline being hot, it really makes me wonder if he's found her this attractive since day 1 and was just in denial because of his feelings for elena (and tbh bc he made assumptions about her + her personality when he didn't know her very well, and then later bc she was his best friend and wouldn't let himself look at her like that)--or if not, then i'm so curious about when he first realized that he was attracted to her


OTH was just posted two days ago. How about let Sofie watch at her own pace? To say she’s probably had a stressful couple of weeks, as recent posts would indicate, is probably and understatement and “eta wen” comments aren’t going to help her settle back in to a routine. On top of that she has, in the past posted she prefers to be able to watch the shows she’s in a mood for on any given day versus being forced to post a schedule. Perhaps those schedules started showing up because of all the “eta wen” questions she kept getting thus sacrificing her preferred way to enjoy these shows to eliminate these questions. We all have our favorite shows and we all enjoy watching along with Sofie, but let’s let her work at her own pace and without all the unneeded pressure.


Wow relax. I am new to Sophie’s channel here and I didn’t mean to pressure her or anything. I was just asking a question. Like god way to go off and make me feel bad … AND to Sophie, if I caused you any extra stress or pressure I apologize. I am new to this and wasn’t sure of the scheduling as every reactor is different.


I should have stated it was less directed at you and more at the comments in general. Wasn’t my intention to single you or anyone out, but given the issue over the last week and a half I also felt the need to say something.


damons monologue😔😔😢


And that is why I love season 7 so much. It’s funny, poetic, it’s journey into the characters feelings, specially Damon that have been so caught up into love, first with Katherine, then into Elena that haven’t allow himself into understanding who he really is as a man. And probably because love and being loved has been a constant issue in his life since he was a child. I love the heretics’ story line, they are the perfect antagonist, we love to hate and love at the same time, especially Nora and Louise; I like Valery very much and I can’t help but hate Lilly for being so horrible to Damon and for having so much hold on him still, torturing him psychologically by throwing on his face, every step of the way, how much she doesn’t love him and that because of her actions and words, he had to sent Elena’s body away from him to protect her depriving him, even of the comfort of having her close by. Stefan and Caroline are more than adorable, they are really meant for each other. Caroline brings out the best out of Stefan and their relationship is solid, base of friendship, love and strong physical attraction. Elena and Stefan was a relationship based of false premises, on mutual need of move on from their traumas, Elena needed someone to bring back her will to live life to the fullest and be happy again, and Stefan needed to move on from all his past trauma with Katherine and come to term with the fact that he is a vampire and not a human anymore and start to enjoy life as it is. Now he pass that, he is very much in peace with the fact that he is vampire, he is not longing anymore for his lost human life, he has a vampire girlfriend, manage to have control on his blood lust, he worked out his issues with his brother, he is finally happy, balanced, content with the life he has. I love the writers of this show, the depth they gave to characters is something I hardly ever seen in other shows. Thank you Sofie your reactions are always so enjoyable because you are so wonderfully perceptive and have such a kind heart.


I was thinking the same thing and I totally understand both sides. This community just loves Sofie so much, and her reactions make me so happy. So I see why it can be hard to wait and wonder when the next episode is coming. @Hannah don't feel bad, we are just all very protective of Sofie and her well-being <3


Eh I personally think they should have approached the heretic storyline a bit different. I really like how they were introduced, but I wish they kept that intimidating aspect/feel. It can be compared to the Originals introduction and how they they were built up from s2-3. I guess it can be hard to top them as a villian, but I'm not sure why the heretics just don't scare me. Only thing really scary to me about them is that they're half witch half vampire. Idk just think they could have been built up better or posed a bigger threat than what they're doing, something to keep me on the edge of my seat. It is nice to see someone enjoy season 7 for a change though. I also love the writing in this show more than anything, it really is beautiful. Even seasons or episodes considered "weak" are better than most shows.


In my opinion, writing for good anthagonists when you have so many seasons is avoid repeating yourself, with the same kind of danger. They explored scary with the Originals, or the unredeemable, but likable, total psyco with Kay, now they are exploring, impedictable, mean and spoilt like Nora and Luise, seriously hidious like Julian, very unlikable like Lilly. But still they are giving them depth, still, to make the characters interesting and not just one dimentional. So it is not about a specific quality of scary, but mostly about the damage, the anthagonists of the season, do to the town and how much they disrupt everybody's life. And the Originals are not even close to the amount of damage the Heretics did to everything and everybody, the amount of pain the brothers are facing, with the mother story line and all that will come. I think it was very clever to explore different kind of challange every season.


That is very true, it is definitely something fresh for a new season which is always nice. I just really really loved how they were introduced in the beginning, all dark in their period looks lol. Just wish they kept that particular, I guess "ancient" type intimidating feel. Although I really like the dynamic between Nora and Louise where one is having a harder time adjusting than the other. I just would have personally came up with an entirely different story for the heretics. But hey that's why I'm not a writer, my story would probably suck lmao

I Am Not Chamari

I am only watching this episode for the second time and I am surprised by how much I like Mary Louise and Nora's relationship. I was frustrated by the straight up toxicity of their relationship and wanted better LGBT representation, but honestly, re-watching this now, they fit so well in The Vampire Diaries zeitgeist, especially when it comes to the relationships on the show. They're also a pretty great comedic duo, they just also happen to make each other murderous. It brings a refreshing vibe to the show, honestly. Surprised it took me this long to get on board with them. And yeah, Steroline is fantastic - I really love this raw passion that they have for each other, especially because I've been waiting SEASONS for this lol Also, the ending Damon monologue is just amazing.