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Yeees! We got a proposal scene ☺️ and........Other things 😭


Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1jyoy9lie2uagxk/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S6xE21%20part2%20encode.mp4?dl=0




Actually episode 21 and 22 should be watch together, to get the full story and the full impact of what is going on. Damon is such a romantic, and he is undeniably in love. The argument he made for turning human, was the only perfect argument he could have made. He had a long time as vampire and experienced all of it, but all his life he been alone looking to be loved, he has been looking for love since he was human, and he founded his perfect match now, the one in a million and to his eyes a human life with her is thousand times more valuable then an ethernal life without her, and all the percks of been a vampire. Him and Elena are so similar. They overcome everything and always find their way back to each other and that is what he is saying, he is ready now for building a family, for finding another kind of life, a real one, the final one that has finally meaning for him, a life that is not solitary and self centric, but shared and selfless. So beautiful. Now to know what is happening to everybody we have to wait for ep. 22....get the tissues out.


ep 22 today?


ep 22?


I don't know but for me Stefan was annoying me again like earlier seasons. Like people seriously in this show give way less credit to Damon. Yes, he hasn't been human for a very very long time but he has had a human life and must have dealt with the human issues in his life. He is impulsive but he does think through his decisions when it comes to Elena and him. And Stefan is saying Damon doesn't know how to cook? He doesn't know that Damon knows how to cook because he did help Elena with cooking in Season 3 and in this season he did cook. So in short, Stefan doesn't know Damon as well he thinks or tries to pretend. I mean Damon just wants to be happy so just let him be and he has proved that he did think through it because he has it all planned out within days. That whole sequence was more like all insecurities put out in the open just to make feel like worthless again. Thankfully Damon didn't buy it this time. And even Elena should believe in Damon if she wants to be living a human life with him. It's like when and if Stefan was the one who wanted a human life, everyone in the show would think that it's perfect and he is going to make it work but when it's about Damon no one wants to believe in him and that is what the problem is. And no I don't believe what Stefan is saying about human Damon because he always as a way of saying things that are convenient and not fully the truth. In fact, Damon always knew what he wanted and he went after it. He left the army when it wasn't what he wanted to do and when he fell in love, he stayed loyal until he was told it was all a lie. Thank god for this episode because we got the proposal and the wedding vows! It was just too damn beautiful❤ but the ending was cruel....nothing else can expected in TVD world sadly😭

Enas Bassiony

What's funny is that this show keeps proving Stefan wrong over and over again when it comes to Damon .. I don't know why but since season one, Stefan's voice over saying there is nothing humam left in Damon while Damon is gently touching Elana's face ... till this episode with the I don't think he'll give up his vampirism and take the cure... it's so weird to me that over the course of 6 seasons they keep doing that


It is true Stefan doesn't know his brother, he knows what his father told him while they grow up, what Lexi told him while they were apart, the incomprehentions they had because Damon, had his humaity off and because Damon doesn't advertise his good deeds, doesn't share his feelings. So even though Stefan can sense that Damon loves him, Stefan never had the chance to really know his brother, he turned when he was 17, too young to understand who was his brother, really. That is why season 7 is so important.


You guys give Damon too much credit and Stefan not nearly as much!

Enas Bassiony

I think we're just being fair, because rhe show isn't .. whenevervStefan screws up everyone is actually patting his back and assuring him it wasn't his fault ... when Damon so much as being in the same place as somehing going wrong he is always blamed for it ... the show's good brother/bad brother concept is just absurd


And I think those feeling towards Damon are totally understandable! He started off as a terrible person. Like what he did to Caroline and zack. Even past season 1 into season 2 he did pretty questionable things like forcing Elena to drink blood against her will. Let’s not mention he actually killed her brother without thinking twice. People have every right to feel some way about him in my opinion. Caroline especially.

Josh Lomax

May I remind you that Stefan killed Damon's girlfriend BEFORE his humanity was turned off. And forced his brother to become a Vampire. They've both done horrible things. The reason Damon fans go above and beyond against Stefan is because Stefan fans always make some miraculous excuse for him whenever he does something wrong, while always willing to point out their flaws. To me, idc if Vampires kill people the same way I don't Blake a Lion that kills a person. It's in their nature. They're hunters, predators and Stefan through Seasons 1-4 is one of the biggest hypocrites I've ever seen.