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Grab some cheese because this is gonna take some time 🤣

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a7v383v1fvulkn9/btvs%204X22%20part1encode%20.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lhr0qkb6zdmf09v/Buffy%20S4XE22%20part2%20Encoder%20.mp4?dl=0

Part3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9np4kas12911apn/Buffy%20S4xE22%20part%203encoder%20.mp4?dl=0




Oh boy. A 3 parter... this should be good.


can't wait to watch to see you nailing what you're so good at : do brilliant and spot on analysis of whatever you're watching

Scott Kenney

What willow is writing: "Aphrodite, subtle of soul and deathless, Daughter of God, weaver of wiles, I pray thee Neither with care, dread Mistress, nor with anguish, Slay thou my spirit! But in pity hasten, come now if ever From afar of old when my voice implored thee, Thou hast deigned to listen, leaving the golden House of thy father With thy chariot yoked; and with doves that drew thee, Fair and fleet around the dark earth from heaven, Dipping vibrant wings down he azure distance, Through the mid-ether; Very swift they came; and thou, gracious Vision, Leaned with face that smiled in immortal beauty, Leaned to me and asked, "What misfortune threatened? Why I had called thee?" "What my frenzied heart craved in utter yearning, Whom its wild desire would persuade to passion? What disdainful charms, madly worshipped, slight thee? Who wrongs thee, Sappho?" "She that fain would fly, she shall quickly follow, She that now rejects, yet with gifts shall woo thee, She that heeds thee not, soon shall love to madness, Love thee, the loth one!" Come to me now thus, Goddess, and release me From distress and pain; and all my distracted Heart would seek, do thou, once again fulfilling, Still be my ally!" - Sappho


I did my best can’t say i nailed it this time though it was a tricky episode. 😂


I'm at least partially convinced that the only reason this episode exists is so that the writers could flex on everyone how well this show uses sound design. Love this episode or hate it, it is... unique.

Jessica George

I havent watched your video yet but I feel blessed having more buffy I cannot wait!! Thank you so much!


This is one of my favorite episodes of the series. If you compared this season to a book I would say last episode would be the last chapter and this episode would be the Epilogue. The last one sort acts like how other finales do and this wraps up the story after, deals with the characters insecurities that have been building all season, foreshadows the future. So Primeval was more the action climax and Restless is more the character study.


The empathy you have for Xander is something. A lot of people don’t like the character at this point and generally this episode doesn’t change that fact for most, but you’re right, I think, in your analysis of his dream. The interesting part is it’s really no new revelations. Throughout the seasons Xander has talked about how bad his home life is ... alcohol abuse, violence, etc., but it was mentioned in passing or as a joke. That’s sadly all to real of a connection to what people really go through ... even when all the signs are there or people outright say they’re going through these things it’s not acknowledged by those closest to them.


nooo you missed Giles saying "...you never had a watcher" in the very last moment of his dream 😬 Xander's "that's not the way out" line probably means that he doesn't want to become like his father, that following the same path as his parents is what he's terrified of and afraid of becoming.


The Cheese Man according to Joss and them is supposed to just kind of represent the random stuff that can pop up in dreams. Personally I always thought it might also possibly have something to do with the time Willow told Riley that Buffy likes cheese so that it just pops up as a random thing because of Buffy and they are all connected through the dreams but I can't confirm it's just something I thought of back in 02 when I first watched through the series before s7 aired.

Phoenix Dawn

This is my most favourite episode of any show, ever! There is so much character work, context work and a lot of set ups too! It is like meta narrative about the writing. in summary, Id say: Willow’s one is about her insecurities of being like in the high school, shy, nerdy, not cool etc. but It might still be around her sexuality. When you come out, it doesn’t just end everything. Xander believes he is stuck while all of his friends found their calling and moving forward. He feels left behind, stuck in the basement with no real way out. And the upstairs door not being an option because he does not relate to his family so being supported by them, or following their footsteps is not a way out either. Giles in crisis about what he wants to do next as well but his duties as a watcher as well as his connection to Buffy as a father figure prevents him to make a family of his own. I think that’s why Olivia is crying with a toppled pram. She might have even had a miscarriage, we don’t know. And Buffy is afraid that she will have to stand alone. Saying more on Buffy’s dream would be spoilers. Let’s say hers one is the most prophetic one, as usual. Just the summary of how I interpret the episode.


guuurl your analysis after the ep was soooo great I'm floored, you basically understood everything you could have (there's also foreshadowing in the ep that you can't get now) you're a genius I swear !!! 🧠🧠


The take away I have from this episode that I think many other have, is that the main story arch for this season is not Adam and the initiative. But instead, it’s about the relationships Buffy has with her friends and how they decline and transform in time and what that means for the slayer. That’s why it’s hard to see this as a finale because the viewer may be expecting it to be about the initiative and everything but the main thing that’s been happening this season is that the scoobies just haven’t been connecting. They just aren’t communicating. College made them grow apart. When you reframe the context, this finale makes sense. Also, you are amazing at reading between the lines. You did great with this episode. But I won’t say anything else to make sure I don’t spoil anything. But I think it’s safe to say you’re spot on with seeing that there is some importance with the bedroom scenes you’ve mentioned. You’re a fantastic reactor and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. <3

Rey Gallogo

I believe there is a non-spoiler and spoiler analysis of this on YouTube. Some of Buffy's dream is connected to her dream with Faith in season 3 episode 22 and the first parter of Faith's arc this season.

Raven Dark

This is probably going to be a long comment, so bare with me. I love this episode, so I have a lot to say on it. First, confession time. When I first saw this episode, and in fact the first fifteen times I saw it, I hated it. I spent the entire time being so confused and not getting the purpose of it that I thought it was pointless. Until I watched a video someone did on it. If you want to really understand a lot of what happens in this episode, check out the Youtube video done by Passion of the Nerd on Restless here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pvu4ZIokVk&t=337s Since this episode is loaded with foreshadowing for other parts of the series, season five in particular, he has two versions of the video, a shorter, non-spoiler version that explains only the parts that don't explain anything beyond season 4, and a longer one, a spoiler one, which is designed to be watched after the series finishes. I have given you the shorter, no-spoiler one. Watch the longer one once you finish the series. In both, he does a great job of breaking down and explaining what everything means. There are a few small bits that I disagree with or at least I have a different interpretation on, but it's still wonderful for giving you in the insight needed to fully get it. In fact, I have an even better suggestion than just watching the video. I would love to see you react to it. The shorter one for sure, but possibly both. If you decide you want to react to it, you could contact him directly and ask for permission to show the video and I'm sure he'd either say yes, or set you up with a way to do it so it doesn't violate copyright. Only one word of warning. Like Passion of the Nerd says, once you hear what things mean, the mystery is gone. You will never be able to see things in this episode as anything but what was truly intended. Once you know, you can't unring the bell, so you'll need to decide how badly you want to know. For me, once I saw his video, I got the episode, and now I love it. So, what follows are things that either he doesn't cover, or that I have my own thoughts on. These are non spoilery thoughts. You asked what Harmony is doing in Willow's dream. Take note that in the first portion where Harmony shows up, she keeps trying to bite Giles. This may be a callback to Harmony biting Willow in The Harsh Light of Day. It makes sense for Harmony to sneak into Willow's dream because, as she says at the end of season three in Graduation Day, Harmony picked on her for ten years. She bullied her. Also, I think Willows bit about already being in costume refers not so much to her still struggling with her sexuality, but with her feeling that she is still the shy nerdy, uncool girl inside. When Buffy rips her clothes off, revealing her to be in the same clothes she wore in season one, what Willow sees as her true self is being revealed. In addition, I think Riley shows up as a cowboy because of this. Riley, in some ways, is kind of like the stereotypical cowboy. Gentlemanly, charming, polite, a little old fasioned. Willow is seeing him as an exaggerated version of that, because dreams tend to exaggerate perception. Oh, and the earlier thing with Xander and Oz, where Xander said, "and then sometims I do a spell by myself." I think that was there to show the way Willow would see him react to or think of the idea of her and Tara. And I think it's accurate. On the part of Xander's dream that focuses on him and Joyce. It's well known that Xander turns every relationship he has with a woman sexual in some way at one point or another, so it could be just that, but more likely, to me, it has to do with something else. I don't think Xander has fantasies about Joyce. That would be too out of nowhere. But remember season 2's Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered, where he tried to do a love spell on Cordy and it backfired so that instead every woman fell for him but her? In that episode, Joyce made a pass at him. To me, his dreaming brain is just rolling that experience into the rest of the dream, possibly because he's in the same house as her at the time. As to the scene with Giles and Spike on the swings while Xander watches. I don't think Xander ever wanted to be a watcher, no. I think that part is just... Xander does see Giles as a father figure, and it's natural for a son to want a father to desire for him to follow in his footsteps. That part of the scene isn't to show that Xander wants to be a watcher, but rather that he wants to be like him in a much broader sense. Smart, respected, highly educated, knowledgeable about the supernatural, ect. The watcher thing is just to represent who and what Giles is. As to the part about him teaching Spike to be a watcher. I don't think Xander is afraid specifically that he'll take Spike on as an apprentice instead of himself, but rather that Xander is afraid Giles will replace him with someone else, and Spike represents his very worst representation of that. It's the last person Xander would want to become part of the family or replace him, so that's who his mind chooses to insert into the role. It's his mind catastrophizing. I also agree though, that Xander is afraid that Giles and his friends see him as a guy who isn't as smart as them and won't or can't make anything of himself. As far as the part where Giles suddenly started speaking French. Keep in mind, I have no idea what Giles says there. My personal interpretation of that part is that it's meant to play off a classic fear that, the moment someone is about to give you answers you most desperately seek, suddenly something will happen and you won't be able to understand them. You'll wake up from the dream before you hear the answer, the internet will die before you find it online, or, in a dream where things are sometimes wacky and impossible, the person giving the answers will start saying them in another language--aka, in a way you can't grasp. As to the Cheese Man. Joss has said that he wanted one aspect of the dream that made no sense, something that was totally illogical, the way dreams often are. in my personal headcannon, though, he represents something simple. Willow told Riley Buffy likes Cheese in another episode. I think he's a representation of something simple that Buffy loves, as well as her mental link to everyone within the dream, which is why they all see him. You asked what Snyder represents. I think he is a representation of how Xander thinks authority figures, particularly those in the scholastic setting, see him. As nothing, someone who will never be worth anything or get off the path he is on now-a path to nowhere. Ah, Spike. Yes. LOL In my mind, Giles' dream shows him having hired himself out as a sideshow attraction because for Spike, with a chip in his head and no way to be a real vampire, he's reduced to pretending to be one. He's reduced to a silly version of vampirism that poses no threat, and can't be taken seriously. It also feels like something a vampire might do if he needs to make money and sees no other way. Giles may also be thinking that even Spike has managed to do what he has not been able to--find a direction in life outside of his connection to Buffy. The black girl in Giles' dream is Olivia, the woman we saw in the first episode of season for with Giles, and again in Hush, where everyone lost their voices. She came to stay with him for a while. I think she was pushing an empty stroller to represent Giles' sense of a missed opportunity to have a family of his own, and also she was crying to indicate his fear that he lets down the women he's with because being a watcher means he can't give them a proper relationship or a family. Buffy: Faith and I just made that bed. Sofie: Faith? In the two-parter episode where Faith and Buffy switched bodies, the first episode started with Faith and Buffy making a bed. It looked exactly like that, minus the heavy top quilt, which suggests that unlike in that dream, the bed is now complete. OMG. Having just watched the part where the Cheese Man shows up in the middle of the scene in the desert with Buffy and the First Slayer and Tara, I just had a weird thought. The Slayer is telling Buffy that essentially, the Slayer is only destruction, that all there is is the kill. She makes her sound almost not human, or without humanity. Consider what I said about the Cheese Man, or the cheese itself, representing what Willow said to Riley, that Buffy likes cheese. A taste in food, a fondness for food, is a very human thing. It's very casual, not supernatural, like shopping, talking, sneezing, the other things that Buffy mentioned. What if the cheese represents Buffy's humanity? The Cheese Man said in one scene, "These will not protect you." gesturing to the cheese. In other words, Buffy's humanity will not protect her from becoming what the First Slayer thinks the Slayer should be--only death and destruction. I know, I'm going way too deep into something that even Joss has said is meant to make no sense, and maybe it doesn't. But in my mind, when a creator makes something, even those elements he or she intends to have no meaning, actually do. A subconscious one. I wonder if the Cheese Man is both the things I said, but even the writers didn't know it. Ha, this was such a fun reaction. I loved watching it with you. And I don't think that how confused you were is any indicator of how smart you are. It takes most people many watches to come close to understanding it, including me.


Id never really thought too much about xander kind of wanting to be a watcher. But actually that makes sense. He basically does those duties anyway, juts doesn't get paid. And instead does random other jobs he keeps leaving or getting fired from. Also I think the fact xander sees spike as giles' apprentice instead of him, is because spike is probably the weirdest choice for that but xanders insecurity makes him see even a bizarre choice like spike as more worthy to be a watcher/closer to the scoobies and Giles. Giles hates spike but even chooses to adopt spike over xander


Oh and I just watched a bit further where you spot this with Giles speaking French to xander...implying what they talk about is just too unintelligible to xander. Xander very much thinks Giles and the others see him as stupid, yes.


I think I'm gonna wait till I finish the show and watch the longer explanation. Thank you dear for enjoying this with me.


It's episodes like this one that made me love the genro, because through the "unreal" you are free to explore the different aspect of the human psycology. And when a serie is well written and lots of care is going into it, like in this one, it is not anymore a simple teen series but elevates it to an higher level , that can be appreciated according to what you want, or can, get out of it, because depth and complexity are there for you to enjoy if you want to.

Nicholas Corgan

My recommendation is to rewatch this after each season finale. It will have different meanings and clarity each time.

Nicholas Corgan

I haven’t watched it, but I hear even the non-spoiler one says “this is significant so I won’t spoil it”, which is itself a spoiler.

Nicholas Corgan

Careful. Telling which specific episodes are significant can set expectations and itself be a spoiler.

Nicholas Corgan

Careful. Telling which specific episodes are significant can set expectations and itself be a spoiler.


Get ready for season 5, episode 7 to blow your mind.

Nicholas Corgan

Careful. Telling which specific episodes are significant can set expectations and itself be a spoiler.


What's with all the spoiler trolls and mentioning episodes in Season 5? Delete those posts, please.

Briony Addey

Dude, watching you take so much joy in Giles' singing were my season 4 highlights!


At the beginning of Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare says exactly what is going to happen during the play. If knowing what is going to happen ruins the story then it isn’t a good story, and these “spoiler trolls” aren’t even doing that just saying what episodes they are looking forward to. So like, get over it.


How about you respect the reactor who has specifically asked for no spoilers, including expectation spoilers.

Nicholas Corgan

The expectation that a specific episode would be a wham episode. Season 2 was great, but it wouldn’t have been the same experience if she was told something big was going to happen in 2x17. It wouldn’t have been as blind/natural, which is what we’re here (and paying) for.


This is what most reactors ask for, no spoilers including expectation spoilers. I agree hyping up seasons is bad as well. For example reactors have no idea if certain characters are recurring or only for an episode. If you hype up how awesome they are in the future then the reactor now knows that the character will return, it's no longer a surprise. So no matter how you feel about spoilers, or how you would react to an episode or season, please respect that the reactor has requested no spoilers. Period. Don't ruin it for them, as this is how they would like to view the series.


Great interpretations of this "art piece". I love this episode and it is one of my very favorites.


Im Impressed with how quickly you connected the two episodes, it is easy to overanalyze this episode and be more annoyed than entertained. My favorite part is the cheese man, he is hillarious.


Firstly I’d just like to say that your facial expression during Xander’s dream with Joyce had me on the floor! 🤣 There’s SO much in this episode that most people wouldn’t grasp from a first viewing but I’m really impressed with a lot of what you concluded to! I’d love to tell you what each of their dream means but I think I’d much rather enjoy you figuring that out by yourself, I’ve said it before but you’re very observant which not only makes you a great reactor but also an amazing analyser! This is my favourite episode and it was an absolute treat to see you trying to piece the puzzle! 😁 I’ll say this though, definitely come back to this episode once you finish the series and I promise you’ll appreciate it even more! I’m so excited for Season 5! ❤️

Wisdom of the Sphynx

Love seeing SoFie reach to Giles when he’s in singer mode 💕. Adorable ☺️

The Witch Hawk

This was one of the best episodes of the series IMO. I think you may find more clues if you re-watch the scene of BUffy and Faith from season 3. Faith mentions, "Little Miss Muffin counting down from 7-3-0." In this scene with Buffy and Tara, the time on the clock says 7:30.

Raven Dark

Checking the links as you asked, and part two of this episode doesn't work. Parts one and three work fine.


And (explanation, not spoiler) what Willow is writing on Tara's back is an ancient Greek love poem by the lesbian Sappho.

Robin Davies

Excellent reaction! Although the Cheeseman is random, he reminded me of the folk belief that eating cheese before bed gives you nightmares. It’s a shame you haven’t seen Apocalypse Now because the Snyder scene is a brilliant parody of a scene in that movie. I love this episode but it’s not the weirdest episode in TV history. That prize must go to some episodes of The Prisoner (1967) and Twin Peaks!

Thom Purdy

Great reaction! You did a lot better than I did on my first watch of it, which was when it first aired. You should rewatch it after you have finished the series. It will mean more to you then. This is one of my absolute favorite episodes. I get more out of it from every viewing.


My favorite Restless reaction ever, hands down. So insightful! You did an amazing job making sense of things, finding patterns, and making connection—especially for a first viewing. I have a line from this episode tattooed on my body and it makes me so happy when someone actually spends some time thinking about it in the context of the episode and the show. For what it’s worth, to me the part where she says, “I walk. I talk. I shop. I sneeze. I’m gonna be a fireman when the floods roll back” is primarily about the fact that she values her Buffy-ness at least as much as her Slayer-ness, and she very deliberately lives in the world rather than apart from it as the First Slayer (and Watcher’s Council tradition, from what we’ve seen) prefer. That duality, that embracing of her wholeness, is what truly makes Buffy a hero. Anyway, I can’t wait to continue making my way through your reactions! At this rate I’ll be caught up soon…