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I love this man 😍

Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8l66lguhlx4q5ap/Buffy%20S4xE20%20part1.encoder.mp4?dl=0

Part2 :https://www.dropbox.com/s/8oaxmchveyvecv6/btvs%204X20%20part2encoder%20.mp4?dl=0



Rachel Munns

I'm way, way late but... I think the timing is really important in explaining Buffy's insistence that the Scoobies not come with her this time. She just watched a trained military monster fighter get killed in an instant. Buffy is a protector and I'm sure she was shook.

Raven Dark

Riley assuming that Buffy slept with Angel might seem unfair, but you have to remember what he knows about Angel. All he knows is what Buffy told him, which, as I picture it, was something like, "With his soul, he's good, without it, he's evil. No one has to worry about him now because he as a soul." And then the first thing Riley sees him do is attack guys who were - and in some cases, maybe still are - his friends. Plus, when Riley confronted him, Angel messed with his head, doing nothing to correct Riley that he didn't lose his soul. Angel was acting like he'd lost his soul. If Riley only knows that Angel can only lose his soul by having sex with Buffy, then as much as he trusts her, he doesn't have much choice but to assume she did. For him, it seems like not assuming that would be like adding two plus two and not expecting it to be four.

Martin Waits

As someone who grew up in NJ, the Fort Dix line gets me every time.


"Giles" is in a movie called Repo the Genetic Opera, it's a musical so if you like his singing you should check it out.


I mean, Angel did seem bad when he arrived into town and Riley is a bit insecure, so it made sense for him to think Buffy and Angel had done something. Also, once again, Buffy never said I love you back. Plus, she hasn’t been forthright with Riley about things. In my 20s I remember these tense relationships where I or the other person was more in love than the other and it makes you think irrationally at times, too, like ‘yep at any moment it’s going to be over and I’m going to be crushed.’ Yes, Giles is outstanding in this episode. I love his “bloody Hell” line from his bed as he’s passed out drunk.

Raven Dark

I should add that Riley probably didn't think Angel would beat up a bunch of guys if he had his soul. I get why Angel did it, don't get me wrong. They attacked him. But Riley didn't know that. What he heard on his radio made it sound like Angel initiated it. Why would he do that if he's good. Also, also, Buffy didn't come to him when she returned. He had to find her in the morning. Again, I get why. She needed time to process. But her holding off on going to him is also the kind of reaction someone might have if they've decided to break up and go back with their ex, or if they aren't sure who they want to be with anymore.

Raven Dark

Okay, sorry about all the comment, but one more thing before I leave a final one after watching the whole thing. If I don't say this now, I will forget. I get why Buffy left out the part about HOW Angel can lose his soul, but it's a little hard to explain well. Around the time this episode came out, there was still a lot social programming on women not to talk about past relationships with current boyfriends, and especially sex. Women were - and to a lesser extent now, still are - programmed to believe that if you talk about the sex you've had, even out of necessity, that the guy your with will think less of you. It stems from that extremely old school belief that women are supposed to be pure, and if they aren't, a man won't want them. Riley could obviously guess Buffy wasn't a virgin when they met, but women are still told that knowing it doesn't mean they want to hear it. It's slut shaming culture at work. It's easy for us to say that Buffy wasn't being honest with Riley, but it feels to a lot of females like something you just don't do. Hope this makes sense.

Raven Dark

Now that I've watched the whole thing... I know, I don't like Riley's response either, but not only for the reason you think, Sofie. I feel like it obvuscates the issue too much. As I said, to me, Riley thinking they had sex makes sense because of certain extenuating factors. The usual ideals don't apply here, and trust will only get you so far when all evidence points a certain way. But he should have responded to Buffy in a way they helped her see this. I have a habit of playing "story fixer" when it comes to these things in Buffy. Usually this show handles hard subjects like this really well, but when it misses, I have a habit of rewriting it in my head. In my mind, Riley's response is not an indication that he's a jerk. It's an indication of shitty writing and mishandling the scene. It may also be an unfortunate reflection of Joss's personal views toward females. Here's the way Riley should have replied: Buffy: Riley, have I ever given you any reason not to trust me? Riley: No. You haven't, Buffy. But Angel looked evil, and I only know he can lose his soul through... You know. This isn't about trust. It's about how things looked from the outside. And love has a way of making people behave irrationally. I was an ass. I'm sorry. The next time we spar, give me the old one two. Knock some sense into my insecure, male chauvanistic brain." Okay, so it's not perfect, but, best I could do off the top of my head. This way he would get across not only that he loves her, being romantic, but without it sounding like it's her fault, but it also brings it back to the fact that when evidence piles up to look a certain way, it's impossible not to think that way. If it walks like a duck. Plus, it would have gotten in an apology and made it clear he was sorry. Great reaction as usual. Looking forward to the rest of this season, and onto season 5!


Giles saying "Bloody hell." is one of my favorite comedic moments in the series. The Xander girlfriend line is up there too.


Riley... was definitely being insecure, but I totally get it. As you said, Angel did seem kinda bad when he showed up beating up the guys (From Riley's pov). Honestly, when Buffy asked if she'd ever given him a reason not to trust her I woulda said "well you literally just omitted a bunch of stuff about Angel" lol. That being said, just talking to her about it like a grown up would have been the better approach than what he did.


Yes! Like "Uh well you just left out a bunch about Angel so sorta, yeah." Oh totally he should have been more mature about it. Riley is pretty immature which makes me think that Buffy is the first girl he's loved or he is very new to romantic relationships. Also, I think he is already sensing that he is way more into her than she is into him and that is making him more crazy.

Alexis Cardarella

Anthony Head playing the comedic relief is always 💯. So multifaceted.


Personally, I don't think that Buffy was feeling ashamed about the whole deal with Angel and his curse. There was no reason to be ashamed, she was in love and acted on it. I think she didn't tell him because the memories were still to fresh and painful for her by that time, and because Riley wouldn't understand anyways. That being said, Xander SURELY wasn't the right person to have this conversation with! and it pissed me the hell off, the fact that he let Riley in on Angel's curse. What he should have said is "Dude, I'm on your team, but Buffy should tell you about it, and besides, I'm not a neutral party to talk to you about Angel." Instead, he pushes his nose where no one called him. AGAIN.

Kyle Junge

If you want to hear more Anthony singing and you’re ok with a pretty blizzare and gory rock musical you should check out Repo! The Genetic Opera.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Giles's laugh and the delivery of 'Bloody hell' are iconic! Cracks me up everytime x

Thom Purdy

Great reaction! You're the first reactor who knows who Tony Robbins is. LOL