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Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zfy3wvgf1q0hcfh/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S6xE20%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




Who spoiled the show? @Sofie you should have a moderator to tell you what to reed and what not, because stupid people will always be out there enjoy ruining it for everybody.

Jasmine Reigns

Man who spoiled the show? That’s so messed up 😒


The idea of becoming a human again has always seemed crazy and irrational to me. They have so many enemies and dangers on every corner. And after becoming a human, a vampire loses his strength, speed and ability to regenerate. In addition, the body stops taking vampire blood for healing. If you become a human again, then you need to be 1,000,000% sure that there are no more dangers for them, or hide for the rest of your life.


Sofie, darling, I'm so sorry you found out about this spoiler. Most likely, the person who did it thought that this was well-known information for a long time. But it's still unpleasant, I understand you. Don't worry, the show won't lose quality because of this. And if you like this season, then you will like the next ones. After all, first of all, this is a story about the Salvatore brothers.


Stupid youtube comments I think. Just saw one on her last upload


You know there has been like 4 VD reactions and like 3 OTH reactions since the last Buffy reaction.


Unbelievable. I don't understand why people are so determined to spoil the fun for everybody. I don't get it! it's infuriating isn't it.


girllll im sorry thats like one of the best and saddest twists in the show :((((


I understand your frustation since I can't wait to get another Buffy reaction too. If we are getting technical there has been 3VD reactions and 2 OTH reactions given that she posted the others the same day she posted the last Buffy reaction. In addition to that we had 2 Angel reactions which has to be considered part of her Buffyverse schedule. Everybody here suscribed to watch her react to our favorite show but keep in mind that not only you shouldn't "complain" about it on another TV show reaction as it spoils people's fun for their show but also she'll feel pressured and it might end up her not appreciating the show and giving us her best reaction anymore which is obviously something we all don't want. Check up on Liam Duke for instance, he made a video or two about it.


Yeah it kinda ruins shit, thats why a lot of reactors avoid yt comments and have a moderator like you said. but oh well, there is still some other twists to look forward to


What on earth!? Why!......That's just so stupid, who just spoils the show to the person you're watching reactions to....Senseless...


The person that spoiled just called me "gullible" for thinking it is her first time watching. Like SERIOUSLY? LMAO. What do people think reactions are for??


i follow the Slayalive guide and i post 2 Buffyverse episodes a week sometimes 3. So i can’t post like 2 episodes of Buffy and Angel a week that’s just impossible so there’s nothing to change about that. Anyway you’re gonna get 2 episodes of Buffy this weekend hopefully 3 so to not make you wait for the season finale


Actually i didn’t get spoiled on YouTube but on discord. I don’t read YouTube comments till my moderator tell me. But it’s been sometime since i heard from her.


Oh ok well someone put the same exact spoiler on your last youtube video and they don't think your videos are first time reactions for some reason. So sorry about this :(


It's so stupid that someone would ruin it like this :( I honestly support Damon in his decision because I know that for him it was always about love. He wanted to be a vampire because he wanted to be with Katherine because he loved her. In season 4, he didn't want to take the cure because he couldn't believe that Elena was wanting him to be with her forever as a human because of the sire bond involvement. And that is what he means when he is saying that all of those things are in the past. Today, he is ready to be with the woman he loves her as a human! And not to forget he has missed being a human. It wasn't his choice to be a vampire after Katherine wasn't in his life but because there was no turning he learnt how to adapt and love being a vampire. So I respect his decision and honestly everyone else in his life should and let him be happy for himself for once. Elena and everyone else aren't wrong to ask him to think through it because he has been a vampire for so long and has started to really love everything about being a vampire but they also need to remember that at the end of day, Damon Salvatore exists for love! It's not ideal because of the Lily situation and everything but if it was just about being a human, I just love him and him choosing his happiness is all I ever wanted. Lily Salvatore is such a disappointment! I know that Stefan isn't wrong to want his mother to be loving but he needs to face reality and accept the fact that she isn't the woman he remembers any longer unfortunately.

Enas Bassiony

Don't worry about the spoiler though.. you are now watching the same way we did back when the show was airing .. we knew she was leaving of course and we made all sorts of different scenarios that turned out all wrong in the end .. just ignore that knowledge and enjoy the coming 2 episodes cause they're amazing

Idun V

I'm SO excited for 6x21!!!

I Am Not Chamari

Lily makes me so upset and she does not deserve Stefan's devotion and loyalty. She's kind of the worst. I understand that her new "family" helped her through the worst times, but your sons, your actual family, who do not owe you that, need you and have always needed you. Like, I truly don't understand how you can just walk away from that without trying to rebuild ANYTHING with them. The whole Damon taking the cure thing and becoming a human thing, I get it from literally everyone's side. It's a complicated issue.


Thanks so much for your work! PS: Link The Vampire Diaries - S06E20 Part2 does not work.