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Elsa Reinsch

I feel so bad for Nathan in this episode. Like my heart aches for him. I mean even at the beginning of the episode. Nathan is in a really difficult situation here and Lucas is not being very empathetic. It's easy for Lucas to get on his holier than thou high horse. Lucas wasn't the one who had a panicked pregnant wife when the power was turned off in their home (due to not having the money to pay the bills). Lucas wasn't the one who went to Dan for help and was turned away. Lucas wasn't the one who had loan sharks threatening to knee cap him and threatening to hurt his wife and unborn child. Nathan was between a rock and hard place and was making the decisions he felt he needed to make to protect his family. Nathan is already feeling guilty for the decisions he feels he needs to make. He truly seems depressed about it and Lucas insinuating that he is a bad person for it isn't helping. And then Lucas tells Skills but he tells him in a way that makes Nathan sound like a bad guy... so now Skills hates Nathan. When Lucas says that Nathan hasn't changed since the time they met... it really hurt me. Nathan was making selfish decisions back then. The decisions he is making now are selfless. Even if they are the wrong decisions, his intentions are still selfless. So Nathan starts the episode depressed and then his wife gets hit by a car because they end up winning game and his depression and suicidal thoughts only become worse. I feel so emotionally connected Nathan. I just his pain so acutely and I just cry for him!

Josh Lomax

Nathan borrowed money from a loan shark. And then selfishly chose himself over his own brother, friends and coach. I know some people like you make excuses for every bad thing Nathan does but this was his fault, not Lucas'. Lucas had every right to be angry. He compromised his own morals to try and help and Nathan still was about to screw him over without a second thought. Even in the end, Nathan only chose to win because of how his future son will view him, not because he was potentially going to screw a bunch of people over, in the end he still did it for himself. It sucks that Haley has to pay for Nathan's stupidity but he deserves every ounce of hurt he feels. It's called a life lesson. Don't borrow from loan sharks, common sense

I Am Not Chamari

My favorite episode of the entire series... Like the pure joy and devastation this episode brings is masterful. Them winning the state championship. Haley finding out the sex of the baby. Lucas, in one moment of clarity, realizing that Peyton is the one, the AWFUL hit-and-run and heart attack in the end... It's truly just one EPIC episode. I also thought the inclusion of the announcer was super effective. The fakeout in the beginning of the episode where we thought we were going to see how they lost the state championship, combined with the halftime commentary - it all just fell into place. And finally hearing the postgame review after everything came crashing down... it's admittedly amazing writing. Which is why I'll forgive the very contrived Lucas and Skills vs. Nathan conflict which could have just been solved with Nathan telling Lucas how serious Dante's threats were. And Brooke was finally who I know she is. A selfless compassionate excellent friend. Welcome back, B. Davis. I've missed you. I think we still got a long road coming with Breyton, but I'm glad Brooke found it in her heart to do that this episode. It's crazy how Lucas and Peyton just kind of fell immediately back into a rhythm. That's what I loved about their relationship. They were always so natural, so organic, so in sync. I will love them until the end of the time. And finally, I loved how you talked about Lucas/Haley this episode. Their friendship is so important to me and it was so WILD to see Lucas have a heart attack because of what happened to Haley.

Jasmine Reigns

I could not agree more with everything you say! Just to add to your comment, I LOVE WHITEY SO MUCH and seeing him happy makes me ecstatic but man when he's sad I bawl my eyes out !!


This episode… I get emotion about it every single time. This one is in my top 5 maybe even top 3 all time episodes of the show. A lot happened in this but for me the highlight will always be the Ravens finally winning the state championship and seeing Whitey and everyone overcome with joy. That moment was well worth the wait for me. Nathan getting the news about having a son and then playing the game of his life. Dan, even if only for a second, feeling joyous while living vicariously through his sons as they won the championship he regretted not winning years ago. Everything was so perfect that I was even happy for Lucas and Peyton despite my personal feelings towards. I could watch this moment on repeat.


Can't wait for the next episode reaction. 😊

Zeph 802

The writing in this episode and the way everything lead up to the big conclusion really matched the level of writing 3x16, this show knows how to do such great reveals, and don't even get me started on the music selection. Haley pushing Nathan out of the way was such a heroic moment from her and proves the lengths they'll both go to for each other. Also Brooke was amazing this episode, I like that she was the one who did that final push for Leyton to get together.

Leora Nechama

I love how they formatted this episode with the sports announcer's wordl coming full circle. This episode is a roller coaster of emotions. Even for someone who's not a Leyton fan in general that scene is so cute. And I've never cared about the outcome of a sports game like I cared about the games in OTH because of the character's emotions.

Leora Nechama

Skillz is always dropping the truth bombs. Love him.


I love this episode. By far my favorite in the entire show! And in my opinion one of the best episodes in television history. Just the pure joy and excitement this episode brings. The tension being built up to the state championship game, the gender reveal, the final shot, and LEYTONNNN. Also the events at the end of the episode make your heart wanna stop… just a masterpiece of an episode. 100/10