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Great reaction! I really agree about liking the emotional growth that Lucas and Brooke have had, individually, and also about how mature Peyton is being about the situation. I also wish Derek could stay T_T I love his and Peyton's relationship. I'm SO excited for you to watch the next episode, it's one of my all-time favorites

Zeph 802

Yes, Haley is so iconic, her insults kill me. Because they come so rare but when they come they sting. I didn't like this episode for Brooke but yes she really did show maturity in the end and I love that. I do love that One Tree Hill gives chances for characters to truly talk and get closure. Yes poor Peyton like everyone actually leaves but I loved the progression her and derrick had for these past few episodes and the way he toughened her up. Please tell me 4x09 is coming soon!!


Lucas said no to dating Brook again....Pfouu, that self control lmao Clapping for him, lesser man would never be able to do such a thing lmao Just good on you for next episode...it is my all time favorite episode of One Tree Hill and a rite of passage for so many reasons, some of the strongest FEELS...Cant's wait


when you point out the song on the river court with nathan, one tree hill really picks their songs well that go with almost every scene or conflict or heartfelt sceness. If you focus on the song you might actually catch a few with the scene/plot matching


like I've said in the past, I loved both brucas and leyton for different reasons and when one ended I was ready to see the other so now I'm excited for you to see what happens after peyton finally confessed to lucas. Lets see what happens next :))))

I Am Not Chamari

I think this episode illuminated the problem with Brooke and Lucas very well (I think it is well documented how problematic Lucas was in the relationship, so this is just me saying why I didn't enjoy it from Brooke's side of things). Brooke has always been super territorial when it comes to Lucas and it has ALWAYS rubbed me the wrong way. Lucas is not some trophy that Brooke won. He's a person that wanted to be with Brooke and she wanted to be with him. Just because you make a commitment to the other, does not mean that you own the other person. Also, Peyton was technically with Lucas first (Kissed him first, hooked up with him first, etc.) so, isn't Brooke technically screwing Peyton's leftovers? Hm... Also, I LOVED what you said about Lucas/Peyton at the end because you are so right. Lucas definitely feels the same way about Peyton. Just look how easy it was for him to return the "I love you." But, even in spite of how much he loves Peyton, I agree that I'm not too sure if Lucas is willing to go back there. He didn't like the person he became when he realized he loved Peyton and cheated on Brooke with her. So, although he has decided to not be that person anymore, I do think he is worried about returning to that person and being that vulnerable and free with his feelings again. He doesn't want to screw everything up more than he already has. But, I deeply believe that they are meant to be.


Yes that's right. It was supposed to be them first. Brooke already knew thay Lucas and Peyton liked each other back then but when Peyton was not ready to be in another relationship, Brooke took advantage of it even though she knew that her "Best friend" likes Him. When Brooke and Lucas were together, We know Lucas was sneaking with Peyton behind Brooke's back but she saw that coming. She went for a guy who likes her Best friend.

Leora Nechama

I would 100% watch a spin off about Whitey and Camilla's love even though I know it would make me cry constantly lol