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I am loving no humanity Caroline. Because she isn't emotionless but she is the Caroline who you get when her conscious is stripped away. Her morals. She is still the same list making, neurotic, control freak, that she’s always been. The only thing that seems to be different is that she only cares about what is convenient or inconvenient to her and her alone. My favourite shot of the entire episode was of her dancing and then coming eye to eye with Elena across the room. The minor threat to bite the random guy she is dancing with then doesn't. The way she whispers “I’m fine”. Showing Elena the complete control she has over herself. And over her too. As for Steroline, I don't know what to feel at this point. I like how Caroline referred to Stefan being the guy she fell for and knowing that he is her emotional trigger but I wish that the whole turn off your humanity threat was out in the open before involving Sarah. I don't know but if he solely turned it off for her would have given this story a different turn. But let's see how this no-humanity Caroline and Stefan end up going about this. It would have been great if he was faking it but that doesn't seem to be the case because Caroline is way too smart and she would have figured it out asap. Damon oh my god must be so torn. In this episode he was classic Damon. Torn, broken, caring and but slightly selfish. Him being selfish is totally understandable because he would absolutely want to find out why his mother is stuck in a prison world. Therefore he does what he has to do to make that happen. Moreover his relationship with Bonnie is on point in this matter too. He cares about her for sure, but he cares about other things too and that's how things have always been. As for Bonnie, she has every right to react in the manner she did. I love Damon but I am super happy to see that Bonnie is no longer taking any crap from anyone. I don't think it threatens their new found friendship because she was upset and she told him the same. I believe he understands Bonnie but at the same time this shocking new found information about his mother isn't helping. Plus now his brother has turned off his humanity. Overall a really interesting episode and I really enjoyed every bit of Caroline without her humanity. I seriously think that Stefan should have let Caroline be for sometime alone and not make it solely about him and his guilt. I understand his care and guilt but still I think Caroline was doing just fine without people trying to baby sit her. It's complicated according to my thoughts.

Andrea Dcosta

Bonnie is changed and it’s for the better. I love this badass side of her she’s come back stronger and she won’t let anyone walk over her I love Damon and I totally understand his intentions weren’t wrong here but Bonnie’s response was totally understandable she’s just come out after days of suffering loneliness and she sees Kai right away and Damon gets him so she definitely will loose her shit so I’m glad the way she responded and Damon respected and understands that when he goes to apologise to her. If I’m not wrong I think this episode is directed by Ian. I agree with u Sofie the shot or Caroline sitting on the bar with the lighting just looks amazing and she looked so hot this episode, specially her hair 😻


Yes I can confirm this episode was directed by Ian.

Zeph 802

Yes you're right, Kat Graham is killing it this season with the acting. I liked Bonnie before but there's something about her this season that I just love


I just wanted to point this out again cause you mentioned it a few times this episode about Stefan having a "ripper" gene and how he's an emotionless ripper again. That is all not entirely true. Stefan is only a ripper with his emotions ON. He feels bad feeding on people, his blood lust leads him to want to feed hard his emotional pain is what drives him to black out feed the blood takes the pain away for a moment but then he kills people so when he's done he feels more guilt and that's why he puts the bodies back together. It's a viscous cycle. Emotionless Stefan as we have seen him is able to feed on people and kill them or not. As for his ripper gene... if you liken Stefan's blood lust to addiction this make sense. There is research to say some people are more genetically predisposed to becoming addicts.


I agree with Libby 100%. The fact that Stefan has inherited the ripper gene, means only that he is more incline to aggravate his problems in controlling his blood lust when his conscience and sense of guilt are full on. His sense of guilt, that bring him into the vicious circle Libby explained, it is very much driven by his psychological issues of being a vampire, rather than genetic factors since when the guilt is taken out of the equation of feeding, by switching his humanity off, he is perfectly in control. Stefan started to despise his vampire nature since Lexi arrived, since Damon left him, because his carefree behaviour, his going around killing founder’s family members and indulging in killing people at home was a threat to expose them. He wasn’t out of control then and he had his humanity on. As time went on the initial exhilaration of feeling powerful and unconcerned disappeared and depression set in, the grim consequences of being a vampire started to be more obvious and since Stefan had always considered himself has a good brother, a kind person, the apple of dad’s eyes, and the much loved much respected person, the image he had of himself as human and the reality of him as vampire created such a huge backlash of guilt and self-loathing that brought him to have difficulty in controlling his blood lust. The more he felt self-loathing the more he got depressed, the harder he fed to relieve the pain blacking out and ripping the bodies apart, the more he felt guilty once conscious again and so on. So, his abstinence from human blood, didn’t addressed any of his psychological problems of self-loathing as vampire that are bound to resurface as soon as he has a taste of it. Repressing instead of addressing his issues it is the true source of his problems, not the ripper gene that is actually making his psychological issues worse but is not the direct reason why Stefan is a ripper. Should that be the cause of it he would have been be a ripper from the minute he tasted blood and he would have been a ripper with humanity on or off and we saw that is not the case.


Oh yes you're right I forgot how much he was in control with no humanity. Him feeling guilt and loathing himself as a vampire manifests in his ripper self. But I don't understand how the gene contribute in this. Will he be the way he is without that gene? him being bad as a vampire is that totally psychological or is that because of his genetics

Enas Bassiony

No but honestly this makes no sense .. being a gene means it should have nothing to do with with humanity being on or off ... if a drug addict lost his memory or had any kind of diffetent mental state his body will still react to drugs just the same .. Stefan's back story is unfortunately just poorly written, the writers just throw what's convenient for the moment at us.. we've seen Stefan in the 20's around blood and he was fine and in full control ... they said in the show that when he starts having human blood he can't stop, AND THEN after he kills his victim he feels guilt so he puts the body parts back together .. guilt is not the reason why he loses control... which is why Klaus got him to become a ripper by feeding him blood bags.. if guilt was the reason why he becomes a ripper and kills his victims than this wouldn't have worked because why would he feel guilt over blood bags!!! .. and that also defies the humanity on ripper thing ... rhe whole story is inconsistent and badly written tbh

I Am Not Chamari

Ugh First and foremost, Caroline was so HOT this episode. The rave scene lives in my mind rent free. Enzo's storyline is still quite stupid, honestly, but I can't help but to smile during his scenes. He's just so freaking charming and funny. Testament to Michael Malarkey as an actor. Damon was classically selfish this episode, but I was honestly surprised that he didn't push Bonnie more initially, when he called her. That's something old Damon would have definitely done. He respected her wishes and told Kai it was a no go, until he dangled Damon's mother in front of his face again. Damon also doesn't know the extent of how abusive Kai was to her, which is his fault for not asking, but also I think is informing his decisions this episode. Finally, Ian directed this episode and he did a magnificent job. The shot of Caroline at the bar in silhouette was nothing short of phenomenal and Kat and Candice performed wonderfully in the rave scenes, no doubt partially due to Ian's direction and setting up that environment. Also, Kat's performance is a masterclass in her scene with Damon. The final shot of Caroline and Stefan is one of my favorite moments of the entire series.


I am probably the only person who loves no humanity Elena and dislikes no humanity Caroline 😂