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Yay! This is my second favorite episode of the season. Tamara Gorski was amazing as Rebecca and I loved the dynamic between her and Angel. Cordelia was also especially hilarious in this episode. You just have to not try to think to much about the mechanics involved in Angel temporarily losing his soul because it doesn't really make sense. Regardless, I can overlook that, because this is always a favorite episode of mine to rewatch. Thanks for the great reaction!


lol yea this one has been debated for many moons... The way I see it, he's still a demon. Angel has to fight the urge to be what he is every day because the soul he's been cursed with makes him feel remorse for his actions. The drug didn't take away his soul, it just made him not care about fighting his nature for a while. When he's not actively suppressing his demonic nature, it comes out, and this is what it looks like. This isn't the demon inside of Angel... it's just Angel. Or Angelus. Whatever you want to call it. It's just a demon... with a soul. But idk, everyone has their own take honestly... and even Angel himself sometimes seems confused about it lol


The reaction was awesome, as always, but the ‘camera looks’ omg you had me on the floor. I think the Angel / Angelus dichotomy is less about him just losing his soul than losing his morality.. I wouldn’t make a call on the soul of a sociopath, but I would on their lack of morality.. it’s part of what makes a person ‘acceptable in society. Angel has to be struggling with the morality of what he does all the time, I was wondering about Rebecca, she said early on that the competition was 22, she’ll always be 22. So is the competition a vampire and that’s why she was so calm about the whole thing? Or just there will a,ways be a line of 22 year olds? But the spacey way she approached vampirism - and came on to Angel like a freight train? I was thinking what is she up to. Well she was copying Steve Irwin (RIP) Awww look there’s a vampire, the most deadly creature on the planet! .. Let’s give it some psychedelics and jab it a few times, let’s see if they bite! But .., I watched Wes at the end and I just saw lots of people who’ve been verbally assaulted and left with no way to work through it. What was said can’t be unsaid. Angel with his soul/morality., Wes and Cordy won’t ever forget; which is a bloody good reason not to get drunk or do drugs. Maybe that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♂️ Hey SoFie thanks for the reaction, it gave me a chance to slow down and actually take in what was happening,


Ah man, I just spent a while writing a long comment and it disappeared or something. Anyway it was more detailed but boiled down to I always made a connection between an older actress or actor playing a younger one in this being similar to Charisma at that time being 29 and Cordelia being 19. Not that she would act like Rebecca. It may not have been referencing her directly because it happened alot on shows then and sometimes even now like back then on Smallville Tom was 24 playing 14 but just thought it was an interesting that her situation was sort of similar and Cordelia was looking up to Rebecca as an actress.


If you are going shopping for Angel I'm guessing something in Black is a pretty safe bet.


I always thought Cordelia did a bad job at explaining about becoming a Vampire thing to Rebecca. She said she knew there would be a price but she didn't seem to understand that you lose your soul and would be killing people. That you technically would be gone and wouldn't be the self she knows wanting to go on acting. She didn't seem to understand that Angel is good and can choose to be normal because he has his soul back.

Pumpkin 3.14

You said basically what I was going to say. I always thought of it to be similar to when you take a strong dose of xanax. You don't really care about things while you're on it.


When Angel got his soul back he didn't become "Liam". He is still a vampire. His soul makes him feel guilt which causes him to change his actions but the demon is still there also. So in theory if he had a drug which caused him a blissful feeling overriding his guilt he could become evil again without achieving "true happiness" and losing his soul.


Them leaving him chained to the bed is on of my favorite moments of the series. It's funny every time I watch.