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Part1/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/q609yk7m1bnovb4/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S6XE15%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2/ https://www.dropbox.com/s/dyy9xguxjydgrl8/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S6XE15%20part2encoder.mp4?dl=0




It happen to us too in UK, but people got really mad and bug them everyday. If you go on the main page on Netfix, on the top right corner, there is your profile little square, click on the aroow for the menu, click on "Help Centre" and on the last colum of things on your right on the page, click on "feedback about a title on Netflix" then on the page scroll backdown to "request TV show or movie" A menu will apear where you ca write the Tv show you want to have on Netflix, you go there everyday and write "get me TVD and TO back. Then if you go on Twitter and find out if people in your country are not happy about this, and I'm sure there are going to be penty of it, here in Uk where thousands, instruct them to do that, and that is how we got the show back, with a message on twitter from Netflix "If that is what you are into then ok" and we won. So start the protest. In the mean time I brought it from you tube and since is not on Netflix anymore they cutted the price in half.


You can get a vpn to watch TVD And TO on netflix

Jasmine Reigns

THE HUG THE HUG THE HUG 🤧❤️ This episode was FILLED with Gems , loved every second of it. Can’t wait for you to see no humanity Caroline 😌


I knew the "Last call for Sheriff Forbes" would get you... It gets me every time! Haha Damon's flashbacks broke my heart though. I mean, the first one was adorable. How Stefan was gonna use their Father's tie and Damon told him not to because he knew he wouldn't react well and gave him his instead, and tied it for him. And how he told him it was okay for him to cry. And how Stefan told him all about his dream about their Mother. Then the scene from after the funeral when Stefan breaks down crying because Damon didn't give his speech, and the look on Damon's face kills me every time. It destroyed him that he'd let his little brother down. But something I love about it is that he was able to cry and let his emotions out with Damon. He'd said how their Father said he wasn't to cry, and then he said how he didn't think he would. But he ended up crying because it was all too much for him and Damon missed his speech, and he felt able to cry with Damon because he'd told him before that it was okay for him to do so. Idk, I just really feel like those flashbacks really show what their relationship was when they were younger. Damon basically took on the parental role that Stefan needed, because he knew that their Father wasn't a good one. And Stefan clearly relied on Damon a lot. Their relationship is so sweet and heartbreaking. I also love how in the present day, Stefan goes to Damon for advice about Caroline. He's got to that point where the Damon he sees is so much closer to the one he knew growing up, that it's just natural for him to go to him for advice. Of course, Damon's advice wasn't all that great, but I get what he was going for. I think he felt that if Stefan wasn't certain about his feelings, they weren't there, and that if they weren't there, then there was no reason to hurt Caroline more on that day. His heart was definitely in the right place. Their experiences with love have been very similar, they fall in love basically immediately. Like Stefan later said, this is very different to all that. I just find it really sweet that Stefan went to Damon for advice. (It honestly makes me think of a young Stefan having his first crush and going to Damon for advice on how to talk to her... The thought is adorable to me!) This episode is one that makes me just roll my eyes when someone calls Elena a bad friend. She spent the entire day with Caroline, just helping her through it all and just being there for her to lean on. She figured out Caroline's plan to turn off her emotions and immediately went to try and convince her not to because she knows how awful it feels when you turn them back on and have to live with the guilt of everything you did and she didn't want Caroline to go through that. She has her moments of being kinda self centred, but like, that's understandable considering how many times things actually HAVE BEEN ABOUT HER and how everyone around her tends to make things about her. But at the end of the day, she cares about her friends and family WAY more than she cares about herself. And Caroline. I feel awful for her. I lost my Mum about a year and a half ago, and it feels horrible. It still barely feels real (I partly think COVID has something to do with that, because she was in the Hospital for a while before she died, and Lockdown happened shortly after and so it almost felt like she was just still in the Hospital and we just couldn't go to see her if that makes sense? It's kinda sunk in, but it still feels more weird than anything...) But yeah. What Damon said is both true and not true in my experience. Considering I'm not a fan of people, when they stopped being around all the time it was almost a relief, because I no longer felt suffocated. But there's something really horrible about people just getting on with their lives as if nothing happened, and seemingly expecting you to do the same. Even though I know they're not. Does that make sense? I really love that everyone spent the night at the Salvatore house surrounding Caroline. They all love her so much and it's sweet. You also made me think of it when you mentioned how Caroline's house probably no longer feels like a home because it's empty, and it made me think about the fact that they probably all see the Salvatore house as home to a degree. Even those who have never lived there. Idk, I just feel like it probably feels almost safe to them? If that makes sense. Like this place they're always welcome (even if Damon claims otherwise, they're totally always welcome there...) and just hang out together. Damon's Eulogy was great. The way it was basically all about Caroline and how much Liz loved her. How Elena's words made him think back to his Mother's and how he let Stefan down and how he didn't want that for Caroline. How he was definitely also doing it for Stefan, as if to say sorry for failing him when they were kids. Then his apology to Stefan later at the Grill, then how he encouraged him to go tell Caroline how he feels because he knows she could use some good news. And of course Bonnie's return. The way he sees the pancakes and freezes, then looks up to see Bonnie and he's just so happy to see her. The fact that when Bonnie returned the first thing she did was go to the Salvatore house (THE PLACE SHE HAS CALLED HOME FOR MONTHS NOW!) looking for Damon, and made pancakes. Like, you could argue that she knew Elena would likely be there, or that she thought it was likely that everyone would be there. But she made pancakes. That is THEIR THING! Her first thought when she got back was to go find Damon and make him pancakes like he did for her every day they were in the Prison World together. (And something I meant to mention I think a couple episodes ago when we saw her in the Prison World is that she wasn't eating pancakes. What are the chances that she refused to make pancakes while she was there alone because it was their thing, and then the second she gets back it's the first thing she does?) And the hug! ONE OF MY ABSOLUTE FAVOURITE MOMENTS OF THE ENTIRE SHOW! I adore their friendship, and what makes it even better is that it WASN'T SCRIPTED LIKE THAT! It was just Ian and Kat because they are amazing and such great friends irl... I love them so much! And the fact that Mama Salvatore is still alive... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN! I'm excited for you to see where they take this... As you can probably guess, we get to see another side to the Salvatore Brothers with their Mother in the story... Something that breaks my heart though. Bonnie's timing. It is in no way her fault! But had she been able to get back maybe a few hours earlier, Caroline probably wouldn't have turned it off. Had she seen Bonnie alive, I think that would've been enough to make her reconsider. It's just really sad. I feel awful for them both here. I mean, Bonnie has just been alone for months, she just managed to get back and is probably so excited to get to see her friends again (STILL LOVE THAT SHE WENT TO FIND DAMON FIRST THOUGH!) and she's returned to an emotionless Caroline, and a dead Liz Forbes... She's come back to a world that is just gonna break her heart... :( And Caroline's singing. Candice is brilliant! Have you listened to any of her songs? I used to be obsessed with them!


True this episode is so jam packed with things that will set in motion so many other things. The return of Bon Bon "the one and only" preparing panckes for Damon, that hug full of happiness and love is life!!! Rich proposal and Jo being pregnat, it fells they haven't been together for long, but when you are an adult, you know when it is right much faster, you don't need to wait for long, you know alreay what you want and Alaric wanted a family for so long. As for Stefan, he finally got over his past issues, for good. His love with Katherine as human and his hate and the rejection of vamparism, his reliving his lost innocence through Elena, that is all in the past. He grow as a man and moved on with his life and Caroline is every thing that is good in his life and born out of mutual respect, pure friendship, light and tenderness, she always made him lighter, brighter, put a smile on his face, their relationship is just them, their natural evolution into love, that doesn't have to be necessarelly born with a bang, could be a quiet, slow feeling of realising more and more that your best friend is the person you want to have around all the time, the person you have loving feeling for, the person that makes you happy, the person you love to make happy. Damon and Stefan's mom is in a prison world, alive and looking young in 1903, when we know she was suppose to be dead in 1857. What happen there? And we have opened the charapter of Stefan and Damon as young humans, their relationship as siblings. And last but not list Caroline switch her humanity off, how controll freak Caroline humanity off experience is going to be? How Stefan will manage the situation?


All you said makes a lot of sense to everybody that went through the loss of a parent. The feeling of having people around too much, when all you want is to be alone and grief. But what Damon said is correct. The impact of the trauma of seen you parent dead is off the chart shocking and shuttering, but it gets worse when your everyday life is puntuated by the absence, when your normal life isn't normality anymore, it is something else you have to adjust to.


This episode has been heavy with so many things happening but all things beautiful. Sad but still beautiful. I love the flashbacks we could see in this episode. The age gap between the brothers has never this hard hitting earlier. But I liked how the chose to shoot with Ian and for young Stefan, a child artist. Because Damon is probably 18 yrs old in at this time so then your physical appearance doesn't go through major changes once you're an adult. Their relationship was so beautiful. It was like Damon was like the father figure for Stefan. He was protective about him and made sure that he didn't follow the stereotypical stuff about guys not crying and all. And it makes so much sense because even now Damon struggles with the emotional turmoil after losing a loved one. He missed his mother's funeral and even Alaric had died, he didn't show his emotions in front of the rest of the group. The whole transition to the present and flashbacks back and forth is just brilliant in this show. I’m speechless. I did not anticipate the writers turning Liz’s funeral into such a massive homage to the endgame. I am in love with it. Not only did it finally give Stefan the epiphany we’ve been waiting for him to have since last season, it painted both Delena and Steroline in glorious - but separate - shades of romantic brilliance. It showed exactly why each of their loves is so unique, so necessary, so powerful. And so beautiful. Beginning with the conversation between Damon and Stefan before the funeral. They have never discussed this before. Not ever. Not just Caroline, but their truly twisted and complicated history of loving the same woman. Twice. Both of whom share the same face. This really sheds a light on the exact difference between both brothers, as well as between Delena and Steroline, Stelena and Steroline, and Datherine and Steferine. Starting with Datherine and Steferine. Which, no matter what way you look at it, would never have worked out. For either of them. Katherine was unworthy of both brothers. Her love for them, and their love for her, was genuinely unhealthy. An infatuation that turned their lives upside down. But ultimately for the better. After all, it was loving her that led to their transitions. To their century long brotherly feud. To the realization that they should never have loved her in the first place. And to them meeting the women they were really meant to be with. Shifting focus to Stelena and Steroline, I could write several length volumes about the differences there. Stelena could never in a million years measure up to Steroline. Stelena were never so honest and tender and at ease. Their entire relationship was fraught with the pressure and tension of maintaining their masks, making sure neither of them jeopardized the pedestal the other had them on. Steroline is nothing like that. They have a realistic view of one another, know every good and bad thing that has shaped them and it has only increased their love and admiration for each other. Not unlike Delena, who’s love is predicated on accepting the best and worst in each other. It’s what Delena and Steroline have in common. Their love is unconditional. But the similarities do not extend much further from there. Despite the familiar nature of both loves developing from an intimate friendship, the fruition of said loves is quite distinct. Which, oddly enough, is exactly what Damon is saying in this conversation. He just doesn’t realize it. Damon gives Stefan the advice he does because that’s how he would be. That’s how he was when he fell in love with Elena, who he knows without a doubt is the one for him. He just knew. But Damon and Elena have a brand of love that completely overshadows anything that existed between he and Katherine, Katherine and Stefan, or Stefan and Elena. By the same token, they are showing us that Stefan and Caroline are not so complex. They don’t share a soul, their love did not emerge from doubt and strife and angst and endless horrors. Their love is not tinted by the brutality and intimacy that Delena’s is. But that makes it no less real. No less true. Because what Damon and Elena have only works for them. It’s a kind of love Stefan and Caroline weren’t built for. They could never handle it. It would chew them up and spit them back out. What Stefan and Caroline have is calmer and easier. It’s a breathe of fresh air for them both, these two that are so stubborn, so bent on perfection and doing the right thing no matter what, that have spent their entire lives seeking control of themselves and their surroundings. Stefan has remarkable control over his emotions. Caroline has remarkable control over her impulses. In other words, they are a neurotic match made in heaven. ‘Not all love is true is love’. Wise words. Especially coming from a man who’s already found his. But, this doesn’t mean Stefan and Caroline aren’t true love. In fact, it means they are. Because the real romances in this show, the ones the last, are the ones that everyone underestimates. Moving on to the bar scene. This scene might be one of the best scenes Damon and Stefan have ever had. And it was beautifully shot. A portrait of two brothers sitting at the bar at their late friend’s wake, discussing how screwed up their lives and their loves have been. This was Stefan realizing that he had it wrong with Elena. That what he thought was so infallible and unbreakable about them is actually what tore them apart. From the beginning they believed so wholeheartedly in how ’true’ their love was that it actually worked against them, ensuring their relationship’s demise. This is a sign of Stefan’s character development. Of him finally putting all the pieces together about why it didn’t work with he and Elena, why it was working between her and his brother, and why he didn’t realize he had feelings for Caroline until that afternoon. True love isn’t obvious to everyone. It’s not supposed to be so instantaneous and faux epic like his bonds to Elena and Katherine were. It’s supposed to be difficult. To develop over time rather than all at once. To be real. It’s supposed to be real. So real that it makes everything else in your life seem almost fake in comparison. He’s determined that whatever the nature of their romance might be, it is definitely real. But more than being real, it is also nothing like what he had with Elena or Katherine. It’s quieter. It snuck up on him. It’s calmer. It didn’t overwhelm him right away, it came about over time. It is exactly the kind of love he’s been waiting his whole life for. Stefan’s wisdom and character development is proving to be a highlight of this season.


There are so many best scenes in the episode. It has the best Caroline and Elena scene to date. The whole exchange just aired out so many issues and differences about them. Things that people just ignore, for reasons I’ve never quite understood. Like how their approach to vampirism is not the same. It’s exactly why they’ve always clashed. Why they fight, why they challenge each other, why they fell for two brothers who, at their core, are nothing alike. But are exactly like them. This scene is why Caroline is the one for Stefan. And why Elena is the one for Damon. Caroline’s transition was a positive for her in every way. She got the hang of it almost immediately. She took to the maturity that comes with it almost immediately. The transition made her better. Took away her insecurities, made her respect herself in a way she wasn’t capable of while she was human. And its that self respect that fostered her self control. That has made her the most stable, functional vampire of them all. She’s basically just an enhanced human. Stronger, faster, more capable. Eternally young and beautiful. That is what made her come to appreciate her vampirism. To skip over the initial ‘I’m a killer and a monster’ dilemma that most people experience after the transition. It’s also what separates her from Elena. Because despite Elena being the girl who fell in love with vampires, who watched them screw up and kill and forgave them for it anyway, Elena believed her own transition made her a monster. She didn’t see Stefan or Caroline or Damon as monsters. As a human she didn’t think of them that way. After her transition she still didn’t. And even her acceptance is still different from Caroline’s. Because Elena has a history of giving into her darker impulses. Her experience with flipping the switch was deadly. She was deadly. She was eerily reminiscent of Damon. Capable of terrible things. But oddly enough, it was flipping her switch that taught her to control her cravings and her emotions. In the end, it was better for her that she turned it off. And not just because it broke her sire bond. But the consequences of it are what Elena despises. She killed an innocent girl. Drove all her friends away. Basically, did everything she could to fire bomb her old life. Like she wasn’t intending to ever go back to it. No differently than Damon, who alienated everyone in his life repeatedly when his emotions were off. In a way that was completely deliberate. Calculated. Damon and Elena are ruthless with their switches flipped. Cunning and cruel in the worst way. I totally understand why Elena was trying so hard to convince Caroline against turning off her emotions, because she has come out and faced the consequences. Losing the home she grew up in and losing the memories of her passionate relationship. But Caroline is right to upset and wanting to turn it off. It's an option she has and I don't think anyone will say no to it. I do believe Caroline will be different. Neurotic as she is, she will not be so calculating and vicious. She will, however, still be deadly. Just like Stefan is, ironically, the most deadly of them all when his emotions are off. But the differences are what matter, are what separate Elena from Caroline and Delena from Steroline, just like they’ve always separated Damon from Stefan. Damon and Elena’s darkness is all about the lack of control. Stefan and Caroline’s darkness is all about the pursuit of it. And that is merely what puts their respective romances in different leagues. What makes their versions of true love their own. It is similar to Elena in the past. Now Caroline is having her own acceptance issues. She knows her mom is dead. And she can’t stomach the agony that comes with it. Stefan could make it worth it for her, the way Damon did for Elena. Unfortunately, Stefan did not make it in time. Because truthfully, Caroline needs this. In the same twisted way that Elena needed it. The numbness of non-humanity changes these people. Living without their emotions gives them a totally new perspective on life after the fact. God the tragedy of the scene between Caroline and Stefan. I can’t even describe it properly. I mean she was so hopeful. She didn’t really want to have to flip her switch to get through Liz’s death. She wanted to be able to keep her humanity. She wanted something that could make her WANT to keep her humanity. She wanted to know that there was something real going on with her and Stefan. That it wasn’t one sided. Because if it had potential, she would fight for it. She would suffer through the trauma and the grief of losing her mother to make it work with Stefan. She’d let her burgeoning love for him guide her through her pain instead of shutting everything and everyone out. But he didn’t give her the hope she was looking for. He didn’t know that he could, or that he should. So wonderfully tragic. Like all great love stories are. Because I’ve never seen anything quite as moving as Stefan realizing he does have feelings for Caroline. And I would love to appreciate Damon’s speech once again because of all people, Damon is the one who made Stefan realize how incredible - neigh, extraordinary - Caroline Forbes is. Damon made Stefan see her in a different light. A light that is practically overflowing with love. Paul Wesley carried it so flawlessly. The awe of realization on Stefan’s face as he understood what he’d blinded himself to for so long. That Caroline is the one. That she’s beautiful and strong, generous, and inspiring. A light in the darkness. The light in his darkness. And the epiphany he had during his big brother’s eulogy was only intensified by Caroline singing ‘Go In Peace.’ It was mesmerising. And the ending scene was the best reunion ever!! It felt just so right. When Bonnie finally did make it back, she went to the one person that in a sense, experienced the same thing she did. That was her support system. That kept her going. That became her friend. And of course, Damon would be ecstatic that she made it back. Because she’s the reason he did. Because she deserves it way more than he does. Because he has grown since the days where he wouldn’t show people his emotions. He is growing into the man he was when he was human. And learning from his mistakes then and making up for them. So, of course he’s glad she made it. But the hug isn’t really about Damon for me. It wasn’t about Damon at all. Because his development is shown through the rest of the episode. I think what makes this hug feel right is Bonnie. Because not only does it show how incredibly happy she is to finally be home. It shows the development she has made in regards to Damon. And by all means it is all heart.


f2movies.to has every single tv show and movie ever for free in HD there's just popups


VPN is one option. There are a few websites which have all the episodes/seasons available but the number of pop-ups are very annoying. Amazon prime also has vampire diaries but you would have to check whether it's available in your region, really hope it is because it will save you the time to go looking for links Sofie.


The reunion scene, the hug is pure Ian and Kat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gze593e2yTs&t=3s

Jay zay

U could get a vpn


i love exploring different characters with no humanity because they handle it the same by ripping peoples throats out but the way they go along their days and their plans are different. I find it interesting how they all handle it.


The bonnie and damon reunion, i love it. I can never understand those who hate damon can't see how much the people who use to hate him grown to love and appreciate him. Like bonnie hated damon at the start, they would bicker and fight and now bonnie saved damon from the prison world to then running and jumping into his arms when she sees him. I love their friendship so much and also the fact that ian and kat are close

I Am Not Chamari

The Bamon reunion was every thing I wanted and more! I am VERY excited to see Caroline with no humanity. Like, I'd feel like she'd be the most interesting person with it off.

Andrea Dcosta

This is definitely in my top 5 favourite episodes of TVD. This episode itself makes me love S6 even more. Liz’s funeral - the last call for Sherif Forbes, Caroline’s beautiful singing, Damon’s beautiful and emotional eulogy for Liz, the way stefan looks at Caroline during the service, the music I mean come on the funeral itself was so so beautiful and heartbreaking at the same time. It’s definitely for me the best funeral on television. I always get emotional seeing young Stefan and Damon their bond is so beautiful Defan forever ♥️ Then the epic Bamon hug nothing compares to this hug after a very emotional episode this hug and Bonnie returning back is all I wanted, the smile and happiness on Damon’s face is just priceless and she comes to meet him first that says a lot and he opens his arms for her they are just beyond adorable ♥️♥️♥️

Andrea Dcosta

Ric is gonna be a dad and he’s proposed Jo another wonderful thing to happen in this episode. Caroline turning her emotions off was kinda expected and honestly I always wanted to see how would she be with her emotions off. I loved how Elena was with her the whole time this episode. Btw their mother looks so much like Damon - her eyes. I loved the transitions between the two prison worlds in this episode specially the northern lights looked amazing. Direction is again excellent this season!!

Jessica George

If you have access to VUDU you can purchase them online If its something you can afford. :) Hulu might have It as well.


Damon and Bonnie ........ let me say this their friendship is amazing but at the same time the chemistry and the growth as a delena fan it was the first time I was shook from my core. The fact that in the books Bamon became a thing gave me a possibility. But their friendship is beautiful and it makes it that much more special that Ian and kat literally were like that in life, Ian said he’d quit the show if Kat didn’t get proper treatment (there was a lot of bts issues) and the reason s9 didn’t happen was kat said 8 would be her last one so Ian said so too.... it’s true friendship


The house in the 1903 prison world was damon and stefan's old house that was before the boarding house was build

Kevo The Goat

Lol they really rather lose both than treat her better 🤦🏾‍♂️