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I love the real Derek! He's so much better than the fake one! Haha I don't think Nathan ever truly planned on not sticking around with Haley and the baby. How he reacted wasn't good, and I felt awful for Haley through it, but it is understandable. They're 17. And he literally came around in a day. I think it's safe to say he had a pretty realistic reaction for someone that age, and came around exceptionally fast to the entire situation. Plus, the Press Conference is one of my favourite scenes of the show! I love everything about it. Before it starts where Rachel tells him that the baby is gonna have two amazing parents, then how he looks at Dan before he starts speaking like he knows he's about to disappoint him but he doesn't care because he does not wanna be like him, Whitey and Peyton's reactions to hearing Haley is pregnant, Haley crying as she watches it with Karen who looks happy about it (and almost like she knew this might happen. I think she knew Nathan would come around and not be like Dan...) and of course everything Nathan said. How he said exactly what Haley had told him she needed him to say. Then of course Whitey walking over and putting his arm around him after he'd finished. Also, remember back in 2x02 when Lucas threw the party for Naley after they got married? How Whitey came and gave them a baby blanket because everyone thought Haley was pregnant. He has been waiting for this day for ages! Haha But anyway, I like to believe that they kept that blanket... Plus, back to what I was saying about how I don't think Nathan was ever even considering not sticking around. When he was talking to everyone else about the baby, the way he was talking wasn't "Haley is pregnant and I don't want this." it was more "Haley's pregnant and I'm terrified." Plus, when Dan mentioned him abandoning Haley, Nathan's response was "She's pregnant." That doesn't feel like something that someone would say when they're considering leaving them. So while his reaction to Haley wasn't good and was definitely enough to make Haley think he might not plan to stick around, his talks with Rachel and Dan didn't give off the same energy. I mean, Rachel even asked "If Haley wasn't pregnant did I have a chance?" and Nathan immediately responded with "Not for a second." Had he planned on not staying, he wouldn't have been so certain with that.

Reginald Quadel Bell

The choice was never duke or Hayley and the baby Dan always wanted Nathan to be in the babies life and be with Hayley he just wanted to make sure Nathan still went to his dream school and chased basketball and not put it on the back burner for the baby he even says you can play ball and raise a child I did it with u it was just weather he was going to sacrifice his dream to make things easier which is a tough ask but Nathan is like the best guy ever


When he said you can play a ball and raise a child i did it with you was funny since he also ignored his other kid Lucas.


I ship both brucas and leyton but only when they focus on one. Like I never was like missing the other during one ship getting screen time. I do like leyton a little more just cuz things seem natural for them like opening up and always being there for each other. Brucas i loved the having fun and joking around and lucas helping brooke in s2.


The actor that played the fake derek is honestly incredible, one of the few things OTH is good at is the casting and how they write creepy or complicated characters. The fake derek actor really gave me the creeps.


i honestly dont think dan was tryna be bad during his talk with nathan on the river court. Like his points were pretty valid this one time and he made sense. Nathan did let haley chase her dream and he put hot flyers aside at first to stay with haley in tree hill before she went on the tour bus so dan is right that if haley is the one, pregnant or not, she'll let nathan go chase his dream. Nathan doesn't have good grades, a scholarship is prefect for him and the step to chasing his dream.


The problem with what he said even if its valid and comes off just as a father who wants the best for his child. He’s encouraging him to be selfish like he was and when you’re a father and a husband you can’t be selfish with them. Yes Hayley left Nathan to persue her dream but yet again she was selfish and now there’s a kid in the matter and of course hayley won’t deny him his dream she’s the first to want to see her husband successful she just wants him to make decisions considering the best interest of their family and the child. When you have a family you can’t act solo and this what Dan was encouraging him to do.

kyra bah

Hilaries acting in this is soo underrated. Honestly this episode gives me nightmares.

I Am Not Chamari

I'm not mad that Haley didn't tell Nathan earlier. Along with what you said, Sofie, about Nathan dealing with his PTSD, Haley was petrified that Nathan would respond well, and, at first, she was right. I mean, Nathan might have not heard back from Duke yet if she had told him earlier, but I really don't think that he would respond any differently.