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I thought putting the 2 together was symbolic.

BTW  I'm sorry it took me longer than I thought to upload this.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/aassqzoquqxbc3o/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E10.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0






Chris is absolutelly brilliant as Kay, he's the funniest craziest, most actractive psyco ever. And yes, this is the role that propelled his carreer. There are no redeeming qualities in him, he is just full power psyco and as any psyco he is very cleverand with a super survivior instinct. From a viewer point of view, he is so freaking entertaining, what a brilliant super villian.

I Am Not Chamari

Ric annoyed me this episode. Bonnie is literally the reason that he's alive to have a relationship with Jo. Give Damon some credit that he not only actually knows what it feels like to be there, but also recognizes that they won't be anywhere without Bonnie and we owe putting Bonnie's life before everyone else to her.


Sofie you cannot imagine how much I appreciate and enjoy your reactions. So I'll tell you, a lot!!


Thank you Dear. I’m just sad that there’s not much left to the show 😭 . I still didn’t get there and I’m already thinking this way 😂


I know but there is so much you can react after, TVD related, there is TO that I did really want to rewatch with any other reactor because I'm waiting for you. Then there are so many videos. Then there is the TVD goodbye video that is a must. Plus, they did a video with most of the male actors few months ago. like if it was a comicon thing (that becuase of the corona virus they could do live) all connected on line talking about TVD and there are also 8 episode commentary as well on line, done this months, with lots of writers and Julie Plec and guests, like Paul, Nina, Ian, Trevino, Clare, and Candice, and Micheal Malarky where they talk about all aspect of TVD, very intersting even if the interviewer was not up to the job. .....no worries, plenty to do. And then we will find a new beautiful show or the untinkable and never done before, redo it again to understand with all the knowledge you will have in season 8, all the things we see, that a first timer cannot and open to spoilers . You can do that only with TVD....because rewatching it feels like another show....if you feel you would like to do that.


I’m absolutely gonna rewatch the show. I don’t know but maybe we clan plan a watch party where we can revisit some episodes together or something like that. We’ll see.


I love your reactions AS ALWAYS! I really think why Kai is a good vilain and very threatening is because even when you compare with Klaus(much more powerful), with Klaus there was continuity, in what he was plotting, who he was angry at who he wanted to kill and why....Kai on the other hand is a total loose cannon, it's not to glorify it but he really is a TRUE sociopath he doesn't even realize the implications of what he does to people, he could be jokey at one moment and slit your throat the next, he really has this unstable component to him and he really doesn't care what happens to people he hurts etc. That's what truly makes him scarier. But of course a likable crazy guy of course lol and not bad on the eyes either if I can say so myself as a straight guy lmao


A rewatch party would be so fantastic and you cannot imagine how many people would be on board with this.


I second that absolutelly! Bonnie should be everybody's priority.


The two pictures of Stefan and Caroline are beautiful. Poor Liz and Caroline.

Jay zay

Another 10/10 reaction. Btw Have u ever watch The 100? Could be a good show to watch after tvd and the originals.


I never realized that the head stone was Giuseppe damon was basically hating on dad and trying to kill kai at the same time


There is so much genius complex in this storyline and this episode just drove it home with all the subtlety of a freight train. Much like season three and four, Elena's denial gave way to the sire bond, her mind is the enemy here. In season three her mind is what talked her out of indulging her love for Damon. And in response, her emotions forced her to acknowledge and accept how much she loved him when she transitioned. Her feelings for him were already so deep and intense while she was human that they created an entire supernatural bond between the two when she died. Her emotions forced her mind to recognize what she had been feeling for a long time. This is a similar approach to a reverse scenario. This time a supernatural force has convinced Elena that she no longer has feelings for him. And in spite of the supernatural force, her feelings are breaking through anyway. Where once magic was their saving grace, creating a bond that confirmed that she had been in love with him long before she became a vampire, this time magic has crafted an obstacle for them. But her love for him is so superior to any kind of influence or obstacle that she is overcoming the lies her mind is telling her even though she is not trying consciously. She is sitting in a bar watching him sleep with so much loving amusement written in her smile and her eyes, it is an actual mystery if she was ever compelled at all. Nothing really has changed between apart from the fact that they're just careful, gentle and taking things slow. But they still work together, laugh at jokes and talk like they have known each other for years. And three cheers for the award-winning character development of Caroline Forbes. It was six seasons in the making and here we're. It's about time that somebody acknowledged just how much Damon has done for Elena over the years just by being there for her. And it's even more fitting that it is coming from Caroline, who has been a witness to all the amazing ways Damon has stood by Elena. She may not have outwardly acknowledged any of it until now, but it's clear that deep down she saw more than we ever knew. She saw the same things that we saw. She heard the same things we heard. In many ways, this is just like Stefan's tirade to Elena earlier in this season. This is what Caroline has taken away watching Elena's relationship with Damon progress from friendship to love. Stefan's observations about Delena were quite personal because not only was he directly involved in much of their romance, he has also grown to covet what they have since they've gotten together. Stefan wants for himself exactly what he told Elena she had found with Damon. He wants someone who inspires him, who makes him feel alive, who pushes him to own his darkness instead of running from it. And Caroline is no different. Now that she really understands how important it is for someone to be there with you all the time, in every moment of strength and weakness, she has come to appreciate why Elena not only loved Damon, but was wrecked beyond belief when he died. Stefan abandoned Caroline in a time of need this summer. Repeatedly. For years, Stefan is someone that Caroline believed she could always rely on and then he let her down. So on the other side of disappointment, she recognizes just how crucial it is in a relationship to be there. To stick through, as she puts it, thick and thin, in good times and bad times. She finally gets what Elena saw in Damon. Why Elena refused to listen every time someone tried to talk her out of being with him. She now knows what uncompelled Elena knew. That Damon is trustworthy, loyal and devoted. That he is a good friend and brother and he just expresses it differently than other people do. That he is an amazing boyfriend, the kind that every girl wants to have. Why? Because he stays. And if he is ever forced to leave because of circumstantial reasons, he finds a way back. After Kai's ability to suck magic did it's job, Damon gets to go home. Some blatant symbolism happening yet again here because this show just loves it. As Elena says the word home, Damon walks across the threshold of the Salvatore boarding house. A place he spent months in with Bonnie while he was trapped in the prison world. But it's clear that while he was in the 1994 boarding house, he didn't think of it as home. Because Elena and Stefan weren't there. Now in their present time, Damon has truly returned home for the first time in months. And I need to ask when are these two getting married? Seriously. He is listening? Who says that? Husbands. Elena had a crappy day and she just wants to talk to someone about it, so she calls Damon to let him know that he is someone. And all he tells her is that he is listening. That he is there for her, to hear every single thing she has to say no matter what it is or even how ridiculous or emotional or painful it might be. No wonder she is rediscovering her feelings for him so quickly. Who could fight the allure of someone like this. Someone who will listen to everything you have got to say, who will take the edge off your fears and nerves after a long day, who will cook you dinner and hang mistletoes to try and uplift your mood a little. She didn't even want to see him just a few episodes ago when he was standing right outside her dorm room pleading her to open the door. And now after spending the day at the hospital and finding out that her best friend's mother has incurable cancer, her first thought is to call and wanting to see Damon. As if seeing him will make her horrible day just a little better. So basically the compulsion didn't change a damn thing. Damon has been Elena's safety net and support system all this time and continues to be. She still knows that he is the person she can go to for anything. This is a dynamic that was established between them in 1x03 episode. When she was still grieving about her parents death and had no idea about the supernatural and her biggest dilemma was whether she should continue cheerleading or not. And Damon lets her know in his typical style that it was okay to switch priorities, for her interest in cheerleading to fade. She didn't have to do it just because she always had and the next day, she quit. It's amazing how although Damon from the outside would be described as impulsive and reckless but despite all of that, for Elena he became a form of logic and stability and sanity that she had never experienced with another person. Ever. I loved that it was also going to led to an impromptu dinner date before being rudely interrupted by Kai. They have made fantastic headway in a short time. And the sweetest moment of the episode was Stefan's gift to Damon. It is such a pleasure to watch them like this, like brothers who know the value of one another. They have truly come back home.


Liz, I am not happy that she is sick but I am just going to say that I am glad that Liz who has been so beautifully human is going through this in a humanly way. It is not a supernatural cause of possible death. I hate that her illness is bringing Stefan and Caroline close but it is this emotionally driven situation that is going to help these two bridge the gaps that have taken place during the summer. Kai Parker is a very compelling character! I like that he is pure evil and that there is nothing more to dig into his personality because I can solely hate him and love him at the same because he is the villain. Watching him suck up all that magic from the mystic falls spell was amazing solely for the reason that I wasn't expecting it. It is ironic that the anti-magic spell was being held by magic itself. Call it double standards of the travelers. Alaric is really starting to get on my nerves. I get that he knows Damon and the capability of him being selfless is also something has seen firsthand. But then again he also is aware that Damon can be selfish too. However in this situation I would also let it be a case of misunderstanding just like Elena. He doesn't know and won't understand how Bonnie and Damon became very important for each other. But what doesn't sit right with me is his complete apathy towards Bonnie's situation. He is so caught up in trying to make a life for himself after having a second chance that he has completely forgotten the person who gave him that chance to begin. That is what upsets me. I don't have problems with his attitude towards Damon because these two always had a shaky friendship. Even before Alaric died, he would always be upset with Damon about something or the other and these two would get past it. But he should have the decency to make Bonnie his priority which Damon understands and he fails right now.

Zeph 802

BTW Bonnie light the tree because of the "Tree lighting ceremony" they did in mystic falls


I can just imagine us all crying together over our favorite episodes during a live rewatch party , I seriously can’t wait if this happens in the future ahhhhhhhhh


This season is one of my favs but also very hard for me to watch for many reasons. I can’t help but bawl my eyes out every time I see Bonnie in pain. It’s seriously not fair but at the end of the day I try to remind myself that everything she goes through only makes her stronger. Just wish she wasn’t alone 😔 And I wish everyone would do whatever it takes to get her back, because if it was Elena it wouldn’t even be a question. Ric probably would have stole the ascendant without being compelled if it was Elena. It’s always “It’s Elena” in very serious Stefan or Damon voice when shes in trouble, how about “It’s Bonnie” for fucking once. Someone said it before but It’s sad how Damon is the only one that sees the importance of saving her (besides Elena) when Bonnie sacrificed herself for EVERYONE. Ric especially, she really could have touched Damon before him and left him on the other side disappear forever. But she brought him back, and now he doesnt care about bringing her back. I dont care if compelling him was “wrong”, its about time someone did whatever it takes for Bonnie.


Also this is no hate against Elena, I actually like her when shes not making every situation about her. Which I don’t think she does on purpose, I mostly blame the writers and her survivors guilt. She has her good and bad moments, most would say more bad but I choose to see the good in people honestly. Shes been through a lot of shit just like everyone else in the show, shit that most people wouldn’t survive in real life. Just very annoying how the writers make her out to be more special than bonnie. They should all be loved equally


For example, (ik I’m talking a lot but had to get this off my chest) Elena getting mad at Damon for compelling Ric in the last episode and thinking he was only trying to save Bonnie to “impress” her was completely unnecessary and unfounded. Slightly narcissistic but I’ll give her a pass considering she only remembers the bad parts of Damon. Like Damon said, it’s not about her and you’d think as Bonnie’s best friend since childhood she wouldn’t care what they had to do to get her back even if it means “betraying” Alaric. I’m happy she realized, just think that her getting mad and making it about her was so unnecessary.


gossip girl and supernatural could also be good after

Idun V

There have been some amazing villains on this show but Kai is by far my favourite, he's just evil and they wrote it so well!


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7LCKLYFn6E Thought you might like this video. ;-P