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So our wining movie is ''10 things i hate about you''. 

I'm planning on watching the movie this week but I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to post it on the same day or not but let's see.

BTW is this movie appropriate for a tipsy reaction?? I'm thinking about drinking some.



I think a tipsy reaction would be perfect 😂


Perfect for a tipsy reaction 😘


Yes!!! I plan on drinking right along with you now😍💖 I’m so excited

Loved By You

Hahahahah yes, it is. Enjoy lol

Laura Navarro Díaz

Awww that's awesome! I miss Heath Ledger so much ❤️❤️❤️😔😔


You do you girl :) I don’t think anybody would mind :)


Yeah have a drink. It's not super deep movie, just a really good romcom based on a Shakespeare play


i think it works super well as a tipsy reaction tbh! it's not very complicated, plot-wise


Cute film, , the plot is a modern version of a classic story. Worth watching because of the young, much missed, Heath Ledger showing already his potential.