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That scene with Bonnie broke my heart... #JusticeForBonnie

Ps: It's gonna take more time for me to upload episode 10. 

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i7czza6pya3u2cd/The.Vampire.Diaries.S06E09.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




The most hiarious thing is that the Kay Parker twitter account really exist with Kay comments and pics 🤣 ....but I can't give you the link yet because contain spoilers....but as soon as we get to one particular scene I'll post the link. The fantastic details the show goes to be fun are unparallel.

Sade L.

Poor Bonnie…Kat is so good that scene was heartbreaking


Damon and Elena seem to be the only one that cares about Bonnie, and think she is a priority. Kay is out and it has nothing to do with Damon. Even if he didn't stole the ascendant from Jo, Kay would be in Mystic Falls anyway. Ric here was wrong. Bonnie comes first.

Jay zay

Tbh it’s the fact that he felt the need to compel him. If I was friends with someone who took away my choice everytime I was in the wrong.. well Yh. Even tho he should have helped Damon. In the end he decided against it and Damon took away his choice. So he wasn’t really in the wrong.

Matthew hoholek

Thank god you posted best way to pass the time in a hurricane bless you


If you ever need to be reminded that Damon and Elena are twin flames, just watch this episode because I swear this entire episode was a silent shout out to their shared soul. Their love is as present and obvious as ever. The compulsion hasn't erased any of Elena's feelings. It just erased her intimate knowledge of Damon. Any and all crucial details about Damon that fostered her love for him to begin. This storyline isn't just about her falling in love with him again. It's also about getting to know him again. It’s about proving to us that Damon and Elena’s romance is about them as people. About the similarities they share, the differences that draw them together, the influence they have over each other. Their relationship was never about their environment. It had nothing to do with how they met, or when, or under what conditions. After all, Elena never knew about the real first time they met until months after she’d already fallen for him. That night, how it affected her, and what it represents, did not play any part in how Elena fell in love with Damon. Important of a moment as it is in their story, part of its significance lies in the fact that Elena had no memory of it the first eighteen months she knew Damon, and she fell for him anyway. Because history and memories are not a real factor in their relationship. Their love is not contingent on when and where and how. Their love just is. It was inevitable. It was always about who they are, deep in their hearts and souls. And considering they share a soul, crafting an entire episode around just how alike they are, compulsion be damned, is a fierce reminder that even if both their memories were wiped clean and they met again and had to start over, it would play out the same way every time. And they continue to act like a married couple. Like they’re literally walking through the woods and gossiping about the drama between Stefan and Caroline, Elena’s laughing at his ridiculous jokes about her friends, and he’s nonchalantly poking fun at her for the compulsion. It's basically like nothing has changed. The lost memories are barely a factor here. For the love of god they even knock back a small glass of blood the same way. It's surreal. It’s been over a a few months since I first watched this episode and I’m STILL not over the pancake thing. The nerve of these writers. They may as well have had Elena write ‘Damon and I are twin flames’ on those pancakes in whipped cream. But they did even better. They had Elena decide, in the moment, to add whipped cream fangs to Damon's pancake smiley face. Just like the way Damon used to when he was living with Bonnie in the prison world. Even though Elena has no good memories of Damon, she still has able to trust him to go with him on this trip just like she trusted him in Season 1. And even without the memories, unconsciously she is still so much like Damon, she is doing something that I am guessing he must have done all summer. And look at him just sitting there watching her do this and smiling at her in bemusement and looking at her like he just fell in love with her a little more. Because he knows deep down, she’s just like him. He’s always known it. It took him years to get her to admit it. Even longer to get her to a place where she was not only comfortable with being like him, but proud of it. It is the most telling of all about this scenario. Because she still doesn’t have her memories. Yet she’s still behaving like him. And she’s still not ashamed of doing so. She may not realize many of her recent choices are examples of how similar she and Damon are. But she carries no less pride about them. She’s not second guessing herself like she used too. His influence on her and her life has not waned despite her memory loss. Damon’s impact was such that even without a single positive recollection of their past, she is still the same fiery, witty, stubborn, impulsive, audacious woman that he helped her become. And all his awe-struck, smirk-ridden silence did was prove to us that he knows it. That he’s damn proud of it. While they may not be thinking along the lines of a shared soul, deep down, they both recognize the parts of themselves that are the same. The equally good and bad traits that make them more alike than anyone could ever understand. Playfully adding whipped cream fangs to some pancakes is just the tip of the iceberg. After Elena finds out about Kai's greatest hits, I was glad that Damon didn't lie to her about how he got the ascendant. I always value the honesty he maintains with her no matter how complicated it can make things for him. And god it's been so long since they have shared a real fight. Or a scene in front of the Salvatore fire place. This episode for me was like a gift to understand and appreciate just how much Damon has changed for the better. He is far removed from the monster he once claimed to be. And when Elena tells him that he does whatever it takes to get what he wants, it hurts deep. But I cannot blame her here because of the compelled state. It’s a mark of just how much her compulsion erased that she believes Damon’s motivations here are so selfish. Because Damon hasn’t done a single thing just for himself since season one. He shed that ‘I’ll get what I want regardless of the consequences’ persona a long time ago. Pretty much as soon as he started to get over Katherine. And much of that was due to Elena. Once he fell for her, the motivations behind his decisions shifted accordingly. Anything in regard to her was mired in some variation of selflessness. But I don't ever believe that Elena was the only person who was the reason for the progress Damon made. In his journey, there have been people like Rose who helped him a lot to come to terms with his humanity slowly and steadily. And that is who Damon is. If you're going to be owing him something, he will be grateful for it and he would acknowledge that he owes them. Bonnie is now of those people for him. Going to back selfishness. Even at times when he is being selfish like when he’s trying to keep her alive even if it completely goes against her wishes it’s shadowed with good intentions. But this is an entirely different scenario and accusation. This is Elena. An Elena who really doesn’t know Damon at all, living under the illusion that his reasons for trying so hard to get Bonnie back are really just about trying to get her back. And of course she would think that. Because she has no idea of the innumerable sacrifices Damon has made in her name over the years. She doesn’t know he’s the mastermind of most of their greatest supernatural hits. She doesn’t even really appreciate that he drove into an explosion and killed himself voluntarily to get his little brother back from the Other Side. In her current mindset, she hasn’t considered how much he had to love Stefan to make that choice. Because in her mind, he’s a stranger. A monster. Elena doesn’t know Damon as a lover, a partner, a friend, a protective older brother, a slightly unstable father-esque figure for Jeremy. She has no idea how much a part of her life he really was, and how much he did for the people she loves even when he himself cared nothing for them and was only doing it for her. But there’s beauty in having her rediscover this. In having Elena ‘meet’ him again, get to know him again, without the complications of Stefan and Katherine and his absent humanity. This time, as she gets close to him, there won’t be anything in the way except her own preconceived notions, which he will shatter quickly and effectively because he’s nothing like the Damon she carries in her head. He is better version. I feel like it sort connects back to Season 2 finale. He told wished that she met in 1964 because he was not a monster back then and guess what it is happening. She is meeting him again for the first and it's his best version. It’s been almost a full two seasons since we’ve had a Delena porch scene. And I didn’t realize how much I missed it until I saw this. Because this is easily one of their best. Right up there with the kiss and Elena calling him from that very same porch swing to tell her she loves him. This scene is a parallel to 3x19. You remember 3x19 of course. Mostly for the motel kiss I’m sure. But the lead in to that kiss, the reason Elena could no longer fight the love she’d been feeling for Damon for months, is where the parallel here comes into play. As they’re laying in that motel room bed, Elena calls Damon out on not telling her he gave Rose a dream of a happier life and time before she died. And Damon only says that he didn’t tell her because it wasn’t about her. Even though his feelings for her made that decision on his part possible, Damon’s right. What he did for Rose as she was dying was not about Elena. It was him doing something thoughtful for a friend, giving her a moment of peace before he put her out of her misery, sparing her a truly terrible death in the process. Damon is not one to take credit for doing the right thing. He doesn’t want acknowledgment for being selfless or sweet or even nice. And as much as I love him for this because I believe those who are genuinely good are like him. You don't good things for the praises. But sometimes it annoys me too because I feel like he lets people walk all over him and it's unfair and breaks my heart. But then again I love him. As he told Elena in 3x19, he doesn’t want people to think he’s good because he doesn’t want to have to live up to that expectation, even though he’s more than capable of doing so. Now here we are in season six, with a similar situation in play. Elena thinks Damon’s incentive for saving her best friend are about reawakening her feelings for him. She thinks he’s being selfish and that makes her question what she ever saw in him to begin with. But much like 3x19, he refutes her misconception, letting her know quite plainly that saving Bonnie isn’t about her. He’s not even doing it because he loves her and he wants her to have her best friend back. He’s doing it because Bonnie is his friend. Someone who sacrificed herself to send him back to the present time. Someone he’s not comfortable just leaving behind. And I melt right here. I just want to hug him in this moment. I am not someone who gets too irritated with Elena, but moments like this at times makes me think of her being vain. I agree that most things revolve around her but she should not always believe this. This is Damon being thoughtful and doing the right thing for a friend. Again. It's just that this time he is not so uncomfortable with admitting that. Because now it's not abnormal for him to have friends. And not only does he cop to caring about someone other than her, he gives her the whole story. About how he thought this time dimension was his personal hell. About how he did something terrible eighteen years ago that he regrets. He doesn't spare any important details or try to sugar coat it so she will just see the best in him. He gives her the entire truth without bringing down his brother yet again. Even at the risk that it will drive her away further. But it doesn't. Because this was all Elena wanted. All she ever wanted from the time they met. For him to care about other people. To have friends, taking responsibility for his mistakes and make amends. To do the right thing not because she wants him to do it. This is exactly why she fell in love with him the first time. This is the Damon she has to know again. The real Damon. The one who has built friendships and his life, who loves his brother and his girl and who would do anything for the people he cares about. The one who was selfless enough to say, give her necklace back on her 18th birthday even though it was a symbol of love for his little brother. That was all the compulsion erased. The things that made Elena love him. Like him. Believe in him. Trust him. And she’s rediscovering those things rapidly. Because he isn’t holding back like he did the first time around. He doesn’t have to reacquaint himself with his emotions. He’s already entirely comfortable with his humanity and his heroism and how he feels about her. He’s confident in himself. So confident he’s letting her see everything, for better and worse, because he knows she loved him flaws and all once before. And that she can again. That she will again. I thought she hated him. Didn’t she say he was a monster and she didn’t want to see him like three episodes ago? Yet she’s sitting on the porch of her old house and laughing at his jokes about her best friend. Because, as we’ve always known, Elena’s love for Damon was fostered from the most solid of all bonds: friendship. They didn’t hop into bed and romance right off the bat, they got to know each other first. They didn’t fall in love after ten seconds, they tested the waters before jumping in. Elena has been in love with Damon for a long time now. Even longer than we knew before this season. It’s been so long that we forget this didn’t start with all consuming, passionate love. Their understanding and intimacy was created by something much simpler than that. They don’t just love each other. They like each other. As people. They appreciate each other’s little quirks and silly habits. They enjoy each other’s company. They have fun together, crack jokes, engage in witty banter and nonsensical gossip and open, honest discourse. This was never just about love. But in the haze of all their insanity and angst from the last several seasons we let the importance of ‘like’ fall by the wayside. But this season is bringing all of this back. We’re watching her rediscover why she liked him in the first place. Why they were friends first, why their love was so much more than love simply by virtue of how genuinely pleasurable they find the other’s company. They weren’t going to live together forever just because they’re so viciously in love. To spend centuries or even millennia with someone, love isn’t enough. You have to like the person too. And you better believe she does. Those smiles and laughs say it all. Monstrous memories of him or not, she just loves spending time with him. She always did. Even at his worst, she always found something to like about Damon. Even at his most sarcastic and cruel, she was still captivated by his presence and charmed by his personality. This isn’t just about the grand romantic tropes, like eternal love and shared souls. What they have goes far deeper than that. This is about friendship. This is about simple pleasures and moments of lighthearted silliness, even as the world is falling in around them. This is about making pancakes with vampire smiley faces or dancing their way through a crisis at a decade dance. Seriously who loves someone so much that they devote their endless free time in some time dimension prison afterlife to fixing the porch swing at the house of the girl they love. Keep in mind, he never thought he would see Elena again. Certainly never thought she would find herself in 1994 with him at some point. Why fix the swing? Because that is what Damon does for Elena, and anything that involves her. He fixes broken things. Patches up holes and repairs emotional damage and sticks it out through every bump and rough patch. Even when he is feeling hopeless to care about his own situation, he finds a way to create hope for Elena. Or through Elena. Or by loving Elena. And because he couldn’t be with her or hear her voice or look at a picture like she did with her trinkets and hallucinations of him, he grasped onto the only things that connected him to her. Her home. And his. The two places that saw the glorious progression of their true love. Their every relevant moment, large or small, good or bad, beautiful or ugly. Their entire history is wrapped up in the Gilbert house and the Salvatore boarding house. So of course while trapped in his own personal hell, those are the places Damon gravitated too. Those were the places that let him hold onto his humanity and his life and his sanity. Places that held memories of her, of them and their love. Elena talking about how she had great memories relating to her home and how one bad memory made her burn it down to the ground was an amazing way to connect it to her feelings about her compelling away memories of her relationship with Damon. Does it sound like she’s talking about how drastic it was for her erase all her good memories of Damon after he died? Yes. This is Elena admitting that when it comes to grief and loss, her reactions and coping mechanisms are severe. Extreme. Dangerous really. Elena Gilbert doesn’t cry into her pillow and listen to depressing music and go to therapy when people die. She burns down houses. Shuts off her humanity. Takes supernatural hallucinogens. Erases her memory. In her effort to keep moving forward with her life no matter how she’s hurt or who she loses, she turns to some serious and damaging coping mechanisms. Especially when the loss is one she just can’t handle. When she lost her brother, her last living family, she broke down so completely that when Damon told her to turn it off, she didn’t fight it. And even with the clear-headedness of non humanity, she still burned her house down. Because she couldn’t look at it or live in it without remembering that her little brother and all of her parents and guardians had died and left her behind. So rather than living with the bad memories that permeated a place she once called home, she got rid of it. Erased it from her mind and existence. And when Damon died she did the exact the same thing. She chose to erase him. Because she couldn’t look back on their life together, their memories and love and happiness without it being tainted by his absence. She couldn’t look at pictures of him without remembering he’d died and left her to live out her eternity alone. So rather than living with the horrific emotions that accompanied her memories of the man she considered her forever, she got rid of him. Erased him from her mind and existence. It was crazy of course. Like burning her house down and taking drugs, it was radical and impulsive in only a way she or Damon could ever manage. And she knows it was. In hindsight, after the dust settled and the loved ones she lost returned, she regrets the decision to erase what connected her to them from her life. And that’s character development. "They were only half mine". This is one of those lines that just breaks my mind straight in half. As in her memories, her past, her life are not just hers. They’re his too. Much like they share a soul, they also share an existence. A history. And those memories of him that she erased were not only her memories because he was a part of them too. Because he has those same recollections. Because he made them possible. They are not just his or hers. The memories, the love, the life is THEIRS. Their story is not about them as individuals, not really. It’s about THEM. Together or separate, personally or collectively, at the end of the day they are the same person. They have the same damaged soul and the same loving, selfishly selfless heart and the same impulses and reactions. They are two halves of a whole. Not one without the other. The mirror of the other. Coming to the sad departure from the prison world and sitting together in the graveyard. So let’s just take a moment to acknowledge that they have come full circle in this scene. In the pilot of TVD, Elena was sitting by her parents’ graves writing in her diary, alone, as she had been doing for months, when she was interrupted by a crow and then driven out of the cemetery by the fog obscured man just up the path. That was the second time she met Damon. Now here they are six seasons down the road, and they are sitting by that same grave together. But some things haven't changed. And one of those things is that Damon is still there. Still with her. Where once he watched her from the shadows, crawled into her nightmares and greeted her with fog and black birds and mysteriously open front doors, now he is solidly by her side, reassuring her that they’ll get Bonnie back one way or the other. But the true genius in this parallel scene is that in both instances, Damon is something of a stranger to Elena. Someone she knows in her soul but can’t quite wrap her mind around. In both instances she is silently yearning for that undefinable something that will shape her life, give her a purpose. The first time, when she was seventeen, she had already met Damon months previous. And he had given her a small taste of the life she always wanted to have for herself. This time, she is twenty, immortal, and neck deep in tragedy. She’s already found what she wants for her eternal life. She already has Damon. She just has to rediscover it. Reawaken emotions that have technically existed in her all her life, that were just waiting to be called on by the right person. By Damon. And this entire episode proves that they’re making excellent headway already. He’s only been back for a few weeks. But she’s let him back in, in her own way, with the same unconscious baby steps she took when they first met. It’s just happening more quickly this time around. Because compulsion or not, she really is already in love with him. Her heart and soul are in this, without a doubt. Her mind just needs to catch up. After all, the writers spelled it out nicely for us. With parallel scenes in nearly all of Damon and Elena’s significant spots. The porch. The fireplace. The entryway of the boarding house. Her parents’ grave. They even added a new spot: the kitchen. It's all about coming full circle, with little revelations and huge shifts. It's about how they have never just been Damon or Elena their entire life until the moment they met. There never was just him or her. There was only them. Moving on to the confrontation scene between Damon and Alaric. Honestly, this is one of those moments I really get annoyed by Damon. He just takes the punch not once but twice. I am so sorry but these people are just ungrateful. Bonnie and Damon died to bring back them from the dead and yet they seriously think that giving second thoughts about bringing them back is good enough. It is not. Damon is back solely thanks to Bonnie. He won't be here because no one was doing anything to bring them back. And he hasn't even complained about it. I mean if it was the Damon from 1994, he would be pissed off at his brother but I guess he has not only matured but he also doesn't have any high expectations any longer from his previous experiences. I understand compelling your friend and taking away their choice is wrong. But if that is what it is going to be required to bring another friend back then so be it. The friend who has sacrificed over and over again deserves a lot more effort on everyone's part. My heart breaks for Bonnie when she is at porch looking around and sees no one. Damon is also feeling the same pain because he really was looking forward to saving her from this heart-break. And I was glad that Elena also saw this happening. She understood that Damon didn't have any bad or selfish intentions of what he did and that made it somehow okay. As for Kai, he is out but that is not Damon's fault. He already had the freaking ascendant in 1994 prison world. All he needed was Bennet blood and the spell which he got. There was no way that he wasn't going to get out. So this whole blame game just needs to end. Enzo and Stefan, ugh I don't really understand the point of this plotline. I can understand that Enzo is feeling all alone and he doesn't have a purpose so he is digging into things that can interest him but it doesn't add up for me. Although I was glad that someone in the show was calling out Stefan's trait of lying and still playing the hero. Overall a really good episode but heart-breaking end too. Though I guess most of us were prepared that this was too good to be true and Bonnie wasn't going to come home but still Damon's effort is valuable. He makes me proud of him for this. The idea that Bonnie is all alone is going to be enough motivation for both Elena and Damon to keep trying. Because they won't let each other give up. Coming back home was the symbolism of this episode. Damon and Elena creating new memories just like Damon says and for Elena, Damon is her home. And hopefully as we see them finding each other again, Bonnie will be here soon too.


Holy shit, never seen a comment that long before lol

I Am Not Chamari

The Enzo storyline is really dumb, but I love him, so I will just let him vibe. I think this storyline is coming from general criticism of Stefan and how he's so self-righteous and an outright liar. The writers basically used Enzo's character to explore that... it's weird, but I glad they're acknowledging it kind of?

I Am Not Chamari

In terms of Kai not wanting Bonnie to get back,,, he's evil. I stopped trying to understand his motivations a long time ago lol