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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/evjrfxfv6jdsmnk/tvd%205X10%20part1%20.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e25o1z57wtp1ql4/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S5xE10%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0



Fatima Bah

I'm not saying the whole Delena relationship is toxic but this was hella toxic no matter what anyone else says.


I know Katherine right now is weak and she probably has a lot of time to reflect on herself right now. When she is speaking to Nadia about forgiveness I feel so bad for Nadia. Katherine always does this and continues to do so even now when she is possibly going to die, pushing people who love and care about her away. The way she speaks about redemption with Stefan makes me feel a little bad but at the same time I only think about how can you possibly expect that from Stefan. Only because of that one night and he is right there is no way he will forgive you for any of it. On the other hand, Damon was the one who was ready to forget all those years of pain and misery and start all over again with you but your loss Katherine. She chose to crush his heart so badly that now it's actually true if you die no one is going to miss you. She had the love that one can only come across once in their lifetime and you chose to push it away and I know she had her reasons but it's not going to happen again. It kinda mirrored that moment for me in this scene. Stefan isn't Damon and somehow that is the kinda reaction she was seeking from Stefan.


In this episode there are few specific moments I would like to talk about because I find them important. The moment Katherine tells Damon about her night with Stefan 😂 I find it so funny that she still tries to get him to react and be jealous about it. When Stefan hears about the Augustines I'm really disappointed in his reaction. He doesn't react in a way I would expect a brother to react and therefore I figure why Damon won't even bother. Later when Aaron tells him about Damon's revenge again the comment is not in good taste. He says 'not all of us are like my brother' and I'm thinking really? Not that I remember because I know how you would focus on revenge too in the past when you went through unpleasant experiences so I'm guessing no one really is any different in this aspect. Enzo is here and I'm really happy because Damon was too overwhelmed to really react but I'm sure he must be happy and relieved to see him alive although the fact that he was still tortured is not good at all. The bond between them is very deep because they bonded in such difficult times. Damon does not like to live to people's expectations because it's never enough but there are a number of people he doesn't like disappointing. When Enzo says that he is a monster and ruins people close to him is like another moment of reliving his own reasons to believe he isn't worth of love. I personally didn't think Elena was defending him but Damon noticed that when she loves someone she tends to always look for reasons that can make her feel better about the worst behaviour. He has seen that earlier in Stefan's case too. But the thing with Damon is that he doesn't want her to do that for him and that's something I do admire in him. He doesn't want to change himself and he doesn't want her to change for him either which is fair. Also, I don't know why Damon forgets that Elena isn't perfect either or Stefan but he doesn't judge them so why is it that he does not want to seek the same kind of understanding? It's so sad but amazing at the same that Damon is actually the biggest critic of himself. He doesn't need anyone else to actually point out any of his actions because he doesn't make excuses for himself. He will tell you the whole truth just like it happend and not add anything more to make it work in his favour. No matter how important the other person's opinion of him is to him.


I agree with you in so many points. Stefan reaction to his brother being torture for 5 years is very underwhelming and self -rightlessness in the sentence told to Aaron is shocking, I would have said “your family torture my brother for 5 years and keep doing it up to these days to vampires without their consent, what you aspect a thank you?” Instead we get the usual Stefan not defending Damon but finding another occasion to self-appraised, putting himself above his brother as if he had been an angel all his life. Damon suffer the effect of growing up with a reputation that is following him as a grey cloud hanging over his head, reminding him every time someone he loves or cares like Stefan or in this case Enzo that he is bad, he believes that because when all your life you are told you are bad by the people that should care about you, you believe it. Damon is a very damaged person, he was damaged before he became a vampire, Sofie doesn’t know that bit of the story but we do. And even after he got a very shitty life, his brother force him to became a vampire, “to walk the earth alone drinking people blood” alone with no love, every time he tried to reach for his brother, Stefan or Lexi pushed him away, he was tortured for 5 years, that must have taken a toll on his mental health, considering that vampires fells much more than humans, after that he roam around with his humanity off for good for 60 years, trying to find his way back alone. He has such a baggage of pain, desperation and things done out of rage for the unfairness of his life, like “if life bite you hard, bite back harder”, no wonder he lashes out when someone or something wound him. Splitting up with Elena was his lashing out after long time of “bashing Damon sport” among all Elena’s friends, Stefan included, and the last drop, that was Enzo telling him his is a monster, and he believes it. He feels he doesn’t deserve Elena, because his life will always be hunting him, he will never escape the fact that he feels he is undeserving, he cannot change who he was though to be since he was human, a bad person. My heart is bleeding for this character and Ian is so damn good at portraying him, he makes Damon so real and relatable.


@PatPet Exactly! Okay warning this is going to be a long post. I know Damon didn't talk about in a emotional way with Stefan when he was explaining about it but still the reaction was underwhelming and somehow he made it about himself when it wasn't about him. Damon has a suffered a good amount of rejection and suffering from his close ones from the time he was a human. I won't dig into it because like you said Sofie doesn't know all of it. But all of that has always ended up adding to Damon's insecurities. It is so interesting to think about how Damon had promised Stefan an eternity of misery but if you think about it he actually has tried to protect his brother from a lot of guilt instead burdening him with his trauma, heartbreak and all horrible experiences. Stefan has grown up to believe he is superior and that is not entirely his fault because as we know his father treated him better and I would even blame Damon for this superiority complex because he actually has also many times led Stefan to believe that he is a lot better than his brother. But the reality is a lot different. Damon despite doing so many good things would never take credit for any of it and although we like that about him because we know he is not doing it for praise, it also means because somewhere he does not think he is doing anything worthy of praise. In these episodes, we find out that Katherine wasn't the one who stole the gentle edge of Damon's humanity. Nor did vampirism itself as was the case with Stefan. Damon's softer side was torched by monsters of the humankind. He was broken by mortal devils. Much of the darkness in Damon, was created by outside forces. By Katherine, by his father and by the Augustines. Damon is, at his core, a genuinely sweet and honest and loving soul. Anyone with the depth of love and capacity for commitment that he carries was sure to be shattered and warped by the evil done to him at the hands of others. Damon’s connection to Enzo changed him in ways that are almost incomprehensible. It is possibly the most important relationship he had in 170 years of living. Until he met Elena. He left Enzo behind to die in that fire. Spent decades assuming his friend was long dead because of him and his selfish need to survive and not be taken by the Augustines again. His ability to love. His capacity for compassion and selflessness. None of which are his obvious character traits, at least not to the outside world. And yet they exist. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, despite the walls he tries to erect, Damon is loving and compassionate and selfless. He has always felt too deeply, too powerfully. The man loves and cares and hates and despairs too much. And that is why he have witnessed him fight it in previous seasons. When he decides to break up with Elena in this moment, there is a lot happening in his mind and heart to register everything all at once. Elena and Damon know each other very well. They know the good and bad side of each other. He accepts all of it and loves her for all of it, but I do recognise that Elena reminds Damon of what he believes he’s lost in himself. As dark as he may consider himself, Damon holds a vast potential for real good. He is capable of being better no matter what he believes. And his love for Elena is a mirror of that struggle. It’s a combination of the darkest and lightest parts of himself. Its mired in the purest affection and devotion and selflessness known to man but tempered by the dangerous impulse that he holds within his damaged soul. He is a realistic person but his view of himself is entirely flawed. He choses to let go of Elena once again because his love for Elena wasn’t restricted to her being with him. He was always going to love her, and his only priority was her safety and happiness. He does not recognise that Elena is not defending him because of him but because that is who she is from the beginning. Ditto!! Damon Salvatore is my most favourite character in this series for the way it is written, his journey and Ian just makes it more relatable and enjoyable.


I feel like Damon and Elenas relationship is really toxic. Elena really changes for the worse when she is with him. It's not a healthy relationship at all.


Nope damon is older than enzo


Ehlalallero!! ....and Italians are all about pasta and pizza, Americans are not intelligent, Brits are snobs, Mexican are lazy etc....yeah let's parade some good stereotypes. because I and I imagine many of us here, so miss the stereotype of the word toxic connected to Damon...Please don't use stereotype here, the word toxic is so misused in this occasion, that if you want to use it you have to elaborate and explain how, what, when and where. Because here we is not youtube, so if you want to character hate you better have a great solid argument to back it up in a very detailed manner.


I couldn't have said it better...👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 By the way don't worry about length sometimes it's necessary to fully lay out a topic that is as complex as this one.


Next episode Sofie is gonna freak out hehe

Loved By You

I’ve had time away, because I was on vacation but, I love season five. I think that is a really good season of just character arcs and personal character growth. I love that even in death Katherine Pierce is as vain as an as selfish as she was when she was a vampire. But Katherine also has so much heart and I agree with her, she is a survivor. She has survived and overcome so much and she’s done it without the help of people. I also think that there’s something to be said about her obsession right now with wanting Stephan’s love and being in love with him despite not him not feeling the same way. It’s sort of reminiscent of season one and two were Damon was so in love with Katherine and he spent his entire life being in love with Her just to find out that she he was never that into him. I think that those parallels are really cool to see. I also think Enzo is a fantastic addition to this cast Enzo is sort of going to fill in him as an Alaric type character. I really do think Sophie you’re gonna like him. I also do feel for Damon‘s character the season for the first time in about the whole series Damon’s past is catching up with him. This season is the season where he is finally having to reap consequences for his actions. And I love the line where he said “stop defending me.“ Because all of the crazy Damon fans all they do is sit on the Internet and defend his horrible behavior. And it’s so not OK. I also do love how you pointed out Stephans compassionate sweetheart that although he’s flaw that that that has not changed is really great. I don’t necessarily like Elena‘s personal growth this season I feel like all the other characters except for her have a massive amount of growth. Yes I think that she is really good at becoming a vampire this season however I just feel as though Elena getting her humanity back has reverted out to a lot of her very problematic ways. yeah and so I really wish something would happen this season that would force her to grow up a little bit but that’s just my personal opinion


part one link isn't working