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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hg4bu6qph4i63f3/The.Vampire.Diaries.S05E09.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




We Have Another addition to the list of "Psychopaths we love to watch"

Kristen Maddox

I love Damon so much. He didn't deserve to be tortured and neither did Enzo.

Andrea Dcosta

When Damon is just lying on the floor after being tortured it just breaks my heart it’s so sad to see Damon this way 🥺🥺💔


One of my most favourite episodes this season because after a long time we got to know more about Damon and his past. This episode breaks my heart but I also love how we got to see Damon being vulnerable. He came back to Mystic Falls after hearing from a family member but then he is sold out by him. No wonder he didn't trust anymore from the family later. Being tortured to no ends for five years with his humanity on is the most heartbreaking 🤧😭💔 the amount of pain he and Enzo must have experienced is beyond imagination so the fact that they were going to be vengeful makes complete sense. Damon leaving behind Enzo only after turning after his humanity is saying a lot yet again about his attachment to people. He is the kind of guy if you show me a little bit of love and understanding Damon is going to be yours!! I know what he did wasn't honorable but was it necessary? Yes. I know killing the entire Whitmore family members isn't something you can say is okay but looking at it from Damon's perspective it makes a lot of sense. He lost a dear friend in that fire and the only way he could compensate for it in his own way was to follow through the revenge for him and his friend so that in future no one goes through it. I'm not saying killing innocents is okay but how do we know they were innocent. Damon's experience with the Augustines must have really made him brutual because he experienced so much torture from these so called good doing humans that he could care less about them. And yes I know that Elena must be very shocked to know that Damon continued to kill people from the Whitmore family despite all the character progress but from my pov it's something I can expect from him even now. It's only going to prove that Love isn't the solution to everything being all pretty. It's harsh but it's the truth and Damon has always said that he might have found his humanity again and cares for people but he won't change himself for love and that's who he is and it makes sense. He has changed his entire life around earlier only for love and what did he get out of it? Heartbreak and betrayal so from that person I do not expect him to ever go down that road again for anyone. He would be who he is and if someone can love him for all of it then great otherwise it is okay too.


Stefan and Katherine have a really different dynamic this season I feel and it's maybe because of the whole prophecy thing but I don't know how to feel about this. I know it's not a big deal for Stefan because he actually might care enough about not wanting to kill anyone because of his PTSD situation but it's no where close to love. And therefore I find Katherine staying around him always a safe option for both. I'm really glad that she was able to help him and really wanted to because we can see that she took a risk by going in that safe with him. However yet again it's a safe option for them. No one would get affected by emotions in this scenario because Stefan doesn't love her and never did since he was compelled to be okay with Katherine in 1864 and as for Katherine as much as she has tried to always convince people that no Stefan and her did love each other and it was real....I always remember how she is a compulsive liar so do not buy it at all.


This episode explain lots of things. In 1953 Joseph Salvatore sold Damon and Stefan to the Augustine research Megele type of monsters, Stefan was late, otherwise he would have end up like Damon, but Damon killed Joseph, so when Stefan arrived finding Joseph dead and the news was already out. That is the footage Elena saw in season one when Logan gave her access to the news in 1953 the accident at the Salvatore Boarding House. Damon didn’t switch his humanity for the torture but because he couldn’t help his friend Enzo, he thinks is dead because he couldn’t save him. Damon waited for Stefan to show up and save him and didn’t happen. So imagine when in 1977 instead of Stefan, Lexi show up, with her draconian method ,torturing Damon to force his humanity back. She didn’t know, but psychological torture was not what Damon needed after been torture for 5 years. He needed his brother’s love and tender care, not Lexi that kept him apart from Stefan and then showing up instead of him torturing him, without understanding why he switch his humanity off. And that is why Damon acted the way he did and resentment among the brothers grow. Damon had his humanity off for 60 years, he manage by himself to pull out little by little, by concentrating in the rescuing of Katherine, and that is why he came in to town in Season one with his humanity on a dimmer switch. In regard of the Whitmore revenge plan that Damon kept doing. Enzo was kept as a subject to be experimented on for 70 years, during which the researches were founded with the Withmore family’s money. So the only family member that Damon kept alive, generation after generation as adult would be very much aware of the research, and give consent. So Damon, that was keeping the revenge promise he did to himself and Enzo, was actually killing people that were still torturing vampires, not so nice people.


How gorgious look Ian in this episode is beyond belive, with those cheek bones and that chiselled jawline, with the blood staned face and T-shits, and that walk, so drop dead gorgious!! The 50s look suits him.


The chemestry between Stefan and Katherine is on another level, a type of chemestry never felt with Elena, that is a wierd thing since is the same actress.

Andrea Dcosta

Katherine and Stefan have sizzling chemistry that moment they had in the safe was so hot 🥵 wow loved it. Both Stefan and Katherine saved each other how cute is that Stefan in the last episode and Katherine helped Stefan here she understands him really well.


I think Katherine is more in love with the idea of being in love with Stefan because he is not available and as a 500 years bored selfish person she is attracted always to people that don't want her, presenting her with a challenge. She loves Stefan, but then she said she loves both Stefan and Damon, but she remember that when Elana started to show affection to Damon and vice versa , so he wasn't anymore available, she always tease Damon and want to make him jealous too anyway. So yes, her so claimed undying love for Stefan is out of boredom and wanting to be a winner in any situation, no matter who she crushes in the process, Nadia her daughter, in this instance.


I slightly agree that the recent murder doesn't fit in with Damon's character. But I can understand that these five years of torture have left a big mark on Damon's soul. In addition, he did not share this with anyone, which also does not contribute to recovery. And yet, he is not only avenging himself, but also Enzo. This plan he shared with him and wanted to implement it with him. Plus, he feels guilty for leaving Enzo there to die. All this together gives such a painful craving for revenge. By the way, it is very interesting to observe that it was Augustine what made such a big change in the character of Damon. He took a lot from Katherine. But as you can see, in the flashbacks, Damon is a little modest, gentle and kind young man. And I didn't understand where this cruelty and this propensity for violence came from. Now everything is falling into place.


Enzo is another controversial but beloved character. I'm glad his story didn't end in that fire, because he really intrigued me in the flashbacks. And Sofie, I think you like music. The actor who plays Enzo (Michael Malarkey) is also a musician, writes and sings songs. I suggest you listen to this if you're in the mood.


I love that you made the connection that when Damon met Lexi in the 70s, he had been with his emotions off for 20 years. Great work! And that's what I love about Damon. Damon has changed, but he has never changed completely. I don't really think it goes against his character that much. The thing that has changed about Damon is that he is willing to accept people into his life and protect them. And he become less cruel overall. But he will still be ruthless to those around him. That's why I loved Damon so much in the first 2 seasons, he would not take shit from anyone.

Jay zay

Caroline has seen Damon good side. Especially when Damon is with Caroline moms. Caroline is just way to judgy


I would agree with you that Katherine is always toying around with Stefan. There have so many instances when she has proclaimed her love for him but have we ever witnessed her actually try to prove that love to him before this season? No. She has only manipulated him. If I think about the 1864 flashbacks, the two scenes of them in the room in particular that make me believe that Stefan was not her love interest. In both the scenes, Katherine is feeding on Stefan and so far from what we have gathered, Vampires feed on people who they do not have romantic feelings for. She bleeds him dry to the point he ends up passing out for the night. And the next morning, she doesn't even try to be accepted instead she compels him to just continue the charade. After 145 years, she returns and she still continues to be the manipulative person and plants dreams in his mind. She is never seen trying to win over him. As for Damon and Katherine, I have a lot to say but I want to wait a few more episodes and then talk about it. But as for Stefan and Katherine, it is a safe zone. Stefan does not love Katherine and in the past it was him who called for the sheriff to take her away so that says a lot too. I personally feel Stefan does not resent Katherine for what happened between them but for the way she corrupted his relationship with his brother which makes sense.


I knew i recognised the name Joseph Salvatore. GOD the continuity of the story in this show is top notch.


Yeah tell me about it. Couldn’t get over how much gorgeous he looked in the middle of all that chaos .


I know, I 've never saw anything like it anywhere else.


Yes. It explains a lot about his character. Before i thought that over time he became the way he is . But now it’s really because of a good reason.


You see the connection in season 1 when elena was trying to find out about stefan she watched the video about Joseph salvatore dieing amd yes the connection was from the 70s to whne lexi asked him why he switched it off


I do believe Kathrine really loves him yet in her own toxic Kathrine waay. She saved him many times and kept checking on him over the years even when she was running from klaus. She said she loved them both but i feel like she never loved Damon. Damon was always a sex toy for her even if she does slightly care for him . And when Damon started to have feelings for Elena.. she started to tease Damon because for me it has to do more with Elena than Damon himself since she’s so full of her self it hurts her dignity that Damon who worshipped her for a century rejected her now for her shadow Elena.

I Am Not Chamari

The introduction of Enzo! I'm not quite sure about how people feel about his character but I LOVE him and I cannot wait for you to get to know him more, Sofie! I can tell he's already made an impression. In regards to Damon Salvatore systematically killing Whitmore people, I can see it being a part of him now. This entire torturing thing happened over 50 years ago and he never told a soul. I cannot imagine the PTSD that he received from that experience. Now, he turned his humanity off, so technically he wouldn't have felt those ramifications of all that torture until he fully turned his humanity on at some point in Season 1. The PTSD was always there and in order to deal with it, he killed people. Because even when he loved Elena, and even when Elena finally loved him back and chose him, the PTSD never left, because he never properly dealt with it. I also like how they used Enzo to further deepen Damon's character, even in the fifth season. It's clear that Enzo seemed to be a good soldier - very strong, emotionally, mentally and physically, and extremely loyal. He's sturdy and resilient. Damon, however, was a deserter during the Civil War, and he never fought in World War II. We see Damon as this Big Bad, but honestly, he was never really built for that kind of stuff. He knew how to have a good time and be a vampire because of Sage, but he was still tender and loving and trusting up until 1953. I think those five years really did a number on Damon and changed his character to who we know now, and who we met in Season 1.


I agree with you Sofie because that's how I used to see things too. But now when I rewatch some of the episodes I have a different theory. I feel Katherine simultaneously loves and fears Damon. Fears him because he is the only person who ever truly knows her. This leaves her vulnerable. Also, love gets in the way. So perhaps for Katherine to admit she loves Damon, she needs to feel safe enough to take the risk. With Elijah and Stefan, there was never any real risk because her feelings for them were safe. She has feelings for Elijah and loves Stefan but it doesn't consume her. So it doesn't scare her. Damon has now mastered the art of guarding himself against Katherine, the women he loved so deeply and passionately. In 2x01, there was sheer panic in her face when Damon told her he wanted to be with regardless of what she had done to him. Then she quickly calms herself and in an act of survival, she lies straight to his face and claims to have never loved him. Never does she allow herself to be vulnerable. Speaking about the flashbacks, sadly we didn't see the beginning of Damon and Katherine's relationship. How did he find about her being a vampire and how did she know she can trust him? But we did see them being happy and in love. She would take him out for her hunting adventures and show him the ways of being a vampire. She was more comfortable being herself with him and show her demons to him. It's about the trust and intimacy that they did share in 1864. I personally feel that Stefan was her pawn in the game. I do believe that Damon had the right reasons to believe in his love for Katherine. She did compel him once and I believe that she was trying to understand what Stefan had just confessed so she just ended the conversation with Damon without saying that his love wasn't enough....it was more!! When she comes back to Mystic Falls, the first person. She goes to see is Damon and if she was playing Elena, why not stop him from kissing her? She didn't and instead she allowed herself to get lost in that passionate kiss. The two times Katherine had the chance to have her freedom from Klaus, she chose to save Damon's life. Why not just let him die because the only person that matters should be herself and Stefan right? I would like to believe her actions more than her words. Katherine speaks about how humanity is the biggest weakness of a vampire and no matter how hard you try to push it out, it keeps trying to fight its way in and she lets it sometimes. Now, in this moment she was talking about humanity it was after she decided to pull the plug on the plan to take out Klaus when he threatens to kill Damon. Katherine put Damon before Stefan and herself. It was Damon the made her humanity slip out every now and then. She confessed that she loved Damon too in conversation with Stefan and Elena but never says it to Damon and there is a strong reason for it. Also, when Damon is bit by the werewolf she is in panic mode. She doesn't want him to leave mad at her and Katherine never justifies herself but with Damon she feels the need. She many times would keep telling him to not play the hero or he would end up dead. She cannot express her love for him in an upfront manner but these moments do indicate her love and concern for him. Katherine tells Damon that she didn't let love get in the way in order to survive. That moment was significant I felt for both Damon and Katherine. So, she did love Damon but there is a fear of vulnerability with Damon and she will not let herself be vulnerable. I'm really glad with where Damon and Katherine are now in their relationship but I do believe that the writers did waste a good potential couple if things were different in Season 2. And this season, it is very different but this is my theory.

Loved By You

I really like Katherine and Stephen dynamic the season it’s really interesting, because I like the fact that Stephen has always been the one guy in Katherine’s life that was never in love with her. And I think that, that kind of drives her crazy. This narrative “that Katherine doesn’t really like Stephen“ is just the furthest thing from the truth. We’ve seen all the way back from season one that She had real feelings for Stephan and she has always really loved Stephen. I like her characters so much this season we see literally the human side of her. I think that Katherine’s normal way of being is pushing people away. Thats all she knows how to really do well and so I sometimes forgive her scenes with Nadia. I love Stephen. I will always love Stephan. And I’m happy that he’s excepting help, I’m happy that he is choosing to not do this alone. Katherine can bring a lot of support in traumatic events in her life and I do see the purpose of it. I also think this is a good season for a Damon. Damon this season his maturity and his ability to react is really tested this season personally I love the character and the introduction of Enzo. Sophie, you will see girl but he is a character and he is one that we really like. A lot less evil than Klaus but still just as interesting and entertaining to watch. So I am so so happy that he’s finally on our screen and I know that you love him.

Loved By You

I am personally happy that Stephen is deciding to except help. Especially since Stefan is notorious for having to suffer through things alone and never turn to anyone and that’s why it always gets so dark with him. I do agree with you though as far as your analysis of Katherine and Stefan. I do think Stefan has never loved Katherine. I think that Stephen has a lot of respect for her and a heart for all that she’s gone through but I don’t think that he is in love with her. and Katherine, herself, has said that. She said that “what a shame it is to have never been loved by you”. I I think that may have something to do with why she can’t stand Elena; because in someway Elena was able to see him receive the love from Stephen that Katherine her self was never able to get from him.