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I'm sorry guys, usually this doesn't happen but the video file got corrupted and I lost a parts of the reaction. Again, sorry guys hope you enjoy the rest  though




Jasmine Reigns (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:10:05 Oh that sucks but we understand. But are we getting episode 7&8 this weekend since we only got one episode last week?
2021-06-12 03:22:10 Oh that sucks but we understand. But are we getting episode 7&8 this weekend since we only got one episode last week?

Oh that sucks but we understand. But are we getting episode 7&8 this weekend since we only got one episode last week?


Too bad lol, at least we saw the draft just in time ahahaha I love how all hell breaks loose on Brooke hihi


Great! Can't wait for 7 and 8 this weekend and beyond! Love this season so much!!