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Ok let's do it this way. Keep in mind that if I start a spinoff now I will only be able to do 1 episode per a week for each show ''Sometimes I could do more but that's occasionally''.


Shaniyah Armstrong

Do what you think you can do.. if it’s better for you to finish after you finish the shows it will be fine...

Allan Cornett

The best way to experience the BUFFYVERSE is back to back Buffy and Angel. VD don’t care. Gave up on the show after 3 seasons.


Although there aren't a lot of Buffy/Angel crossovers, there are a few storylines and character arcs that start on one show and continue on the other.


and *KINDA SORTA SUPER VAGUE SPOILERS* ... one character in particular who's entire alignment would make no sense when they return if you didn't see them on the other show.


people really picked to watch TVD to the end then originals. The originals so much better and makes sense to star it at the end of season 4 story wise

Roy Ben-Ami

You gotta watch Angel with Buffy - that's how they aired and the main guide follows that order. Every Buffy reactor follows this guide.


imo, you should watch them at the same time - you will probably love the originals and angel, and if you wait until you are finished with current shows you won't be watching them before christmas this year. i think maybe some people will be less happy with only 1 episode a week of their favorite show, but also that there will be more people here who are happy when there are more shows

Connie Kay

I absolutely disagree that TO is better. The only show I watch over and over is TVD. I really don’t give a crap about watching the Originals again. Once was enough.


TVD is too long and not even that good after Season 5, I truely think it would be better to watch The originals after season 4 so you are not forgetting everything about them and continue their story, it is more hype that way and you can also see crossovers at the right time (although not many of them you would feel like you don't understand some of them if you don't watch both shows). But more important than my opinion you should do as you wish.. If you feel like finishing TVD before then go ahead it's fine too whatever you choose is fine


I also want to watch them together to get the full experience. But as you see in the Poll more people don't like watching just one episode a week

Sade L.

I really think it would be better to go ahead and start the Originals after Season 4. TVD is wayyyyy too long to wait, and if we're being honest....season 7 and 8 arent awesome enough to justify putting off the originals


You people.. just because you can't get enough episodes, Sofie can't have the full experience and watch the shows together.. that's so annoying.

Calvin Williams

I gave up on TWD after episode 1, so can't comment on that, but I'd recommend Buffy and Angel together. Love your reactions.

Nebulous Shooter

I feel two polls, one for tvd/to and one for btvs/angel would have given more accurate results. Plenty of people love both universes, but prefer one over the other and because its single choice poll, they don't get to vote what they would like for the other shows.


Starting "Angel" after BTVS is a bad choice at any rate. These two series are so synched together, it will leave you confused watching them separately

Nicholas J Hoover

That is absolutely untrue. There is very little in angel that pertains to buffy. Maybe the vice versa is slightly true.