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As you may know both The originals and Angel are taking place soon. A lot of you are asking me if I'm going to start watching them right after the end of TVD season 4 and BTVS season 3. According to what I know it's ok to watch them separately as there's not a lot of crossovers but a lot of people prefer to watch them the way they aired. So I'm gonna give you the choice to vote on wether I should start the Spinoffs now or after I finish the shows, But keep in my mind that I won't be able to do 2 episodes a week for each one of them unless I finish one of the shows and the spinoff takes place on the schedule. As you know I do 2 episodes a week for TVD, BTVS and OTH but sometimes like this week I do 3 episodes a week. So sometimes I may be able to post more episodes a week, sometimes will have those types of marathons but mostly the Spinoff will take the place of the second episode of the original show on the schedule. 

So knowing that I'll leave it to you to choose. 

Please leave a comment and tell me what you think.


Shaniyah Armstrong

After you finish the show... it really doesn’t have a lot to do with vampire diaries...


I personally would recommend to watch them together. They have overcrossing episodes, and themes, and it would be amazing to hear how you compare similar situations, storylines and characters. You can watch them seperatly, but I don't think it would be the same great expirience. Plus at times they will be mentioning characters from the other show, and you wouldnt be able to understand why a certain dialogue happend.

Andrea Dcosta

I think you can do Originals post TVD. I would love if you finish with TVD first then go to the Originals for me one show at a time makes more sense then doing it simultaneously and honestly only 1 TVD episode a week no way so yeah I would say finish with TVD first then go to the Originals :)


I kinda dont understand when people say watching originals after vampire diaries will spoil stuff....but if yall think about it, watching originals and vampire diaries together, would also spoil the same stuff (because she will be watching alternate episodes).....so if originals s1 ep 8 and tvd s5 ep 8 have a crossover, she will watch one of the episodes first,and spoil the other one.............so watching originals after tvd is better, because at least you wont remember the crossovers and when they happened. I personally watched originals years after tvd, and I had no idea what happened in The originals...this way you can really focus on 1 show

Andrea Dcosta

Exactly this makes so much sense I still have to watch TO btw 😁 and I intend to watch it with Sofie


Plus you would have to wait 4 seasons until you would see the Originals on a regular basis again if you'd choose to watch everything seperatly 😂 you can forget some storyline details about them as well.

Andrea Dcosta

On a separate note I can’t wait to see TO with you cz il watch it with you haven’t watched it yet watching it for the first time with you will be fun 😻


Watching TO after TVD. I honestly tried eps of TO when it aired and i was not a big fan so I did not watch it until i finished TVD 😊


If the main shows have to suffer because of the spin off then no I prefer for you to finish the main shows. I've watch Angel after I finish Buffy and it didn't effect either shows in the slightest. The Originals is a bit more interstesting to watch as it aired because you have this universe going on in contemporary and the cross over are delightful, absolute gems that will make you scream for joy and will make so much sense. Ideally it would be great if you could do it as it aired. But again I've watch TO after TVD and it was fine. So at the end of the day I prefer for you to finish the main shows, rather than having you cut the number of weekly main shows episodes. I love the spin off but not as much as the main shows.


Finish the Main Ones first i would say


I can't comment on TVD, but for Buffy and Angel I'd definitely recommend watching them together - I think the crossovers are worth watching as they were intended, and two "Buffyverse" reactions a week is still a decent pace to get through the episodes.


You should watch them the same way they aired, just go to 1 episode a week instead of 2


I think you you should finish the Main One before

Lynell Twiner

I would start the Originals as soon as Season 4 shows the pilot of the Originals during TVD.. The Originals runs during same time as TVD with a few crossovers. Best way to watch.

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

Hmm, it seems my original post disappeared. Let's try again: I would definitely recommend watching Angel at the same time as Buffy S4. While there aren't many crossovers, I feel like you don't get the full Buffyverse experience if you watch Buffy first and then Angel afterwards. There have been a couple of reactors who didn't watch Angel until after they had finished Buffy and they have said that they wished they had watched both shows at the same time, because Angel filled in some gaps, which meant some of the storylines made a lot more sense to them now. If you do decide to watch Buffy and Angel at the same time, Slayalive have made a watch guide so that you see all the episodes in the right order, and it also groups together different story arcs so they flow better as you're watching - they have one general watch guide and they've recently put together a new one just for reactors: http://slayalive.com/showthread.php/3924-The-Buffy-Angel-watching-guide It's awesome that you are able to post 2 episodes (sometimes 3) per week, as a lot of reactors can only post 1 episode per week, which means that when they start Angel, they only post 2 Buffy episodes and 2 Angel episodes per month. So, 2 per week is awesome, even if it's only 1 of each show... I certainly wouldn't expect you to manage to react to 2 episodes of each show every week :).


My memory of TVD/TO is pretty foggy, but I don’t really recall too much bleed over between the two shows. In my memory they were basically separate shows so you’re probably safe keeping those separate, but better to take others suggestions on that one. With Buffy and Angel I’d definitely recommend watching them together. While the shows do stand on their own you’ll end up missing chunks of stories for each and you’ll likely end up getting a lot of spoiler comments at points where stories really overlap. I wouldn’t recommend just following air order, though. There’s watch orders that make for a better viewing experience. As a for instance there’s been two reactors that have watched Angel after Buffy for differing reasons. One ended up rewatching parts of Buffy with the Angel watch to refresh their memory. The other didn’t rewatch, but has had those moments of “oh so that’s explains X”.


With Buffy and Angel, there are actually a few episode order guides that show you the best order to watch them due to crossovers and stories matching up. I personally watched Angel after I finished Buffy and have always regretted it. I think you should do them together.

Idun V

Angel and Buffy do have some crossovers and moments that make more sense if you watch them side by side. TVD and TO don't really bleed into each other at all. In my opinion, watch Buffy and Angel at the same time in the right order. Watch TO when you're done with TVD.


I think you should finish the main shows first. I don't know about Buffy and and its spinoff but as for TVD and TO, it's fine to watch them separately.


Not a fan of Angel - I would prefer watching it after Buffy.

Laura Navarro Díaz

I prefer watching them at the same time, both BTVS/ATS and TVD/TO ♥️

Heather Hollenbeck

I think you should watch them together, because there IS some bleed over into each show. And personally, I love TO and would love for you to start it soon :)

Paul Maki

I don’t know anything about Vampire Diaries and Originals, but I’ve seen people put off Angel until the end of Buffy and there’s a lot that they miss because they can’t remember how it all matches up. I haven’t read this whole thread but I’m sure someone has mentioned the viewing order guides that are out there to simplify watching Buffy and Angel concurrently.

Nicholas Corgan

I can't speak to the Vampire Diaries and Originals, but as others have said, I'd recommend watching Buffy and Angel together. It's not strictly necessary for plots to make enough sense, but there will certainly be some scenes (and occasional crossover) that appear out of the blue unless you're paying close attention to what's going on in the other show, at which point you may as well be watching them together anyway.

I Am Not Chamari

I think you should watch them the same way they aired, so at the same time. While it’s not necessary, I think it would be amazing for you to start The Originals sooner rather than later.


My vote for The Originals. I would love for you to watch it with The Vampire Diaries as they both aired, but most likely my vote will be unpopular. For those of you who have seen all of TVD but NOT TO, you are missing out! There's a reason why this show's success set-off CW's decision on releasing spinoffs for the Arrowverse 😊


I only watched TVD and never started TO. I don’t really recall any significant crossovers. So those can likely be watched separately. However, while Angel does stand alone. There are enough significant crossovers that I would recommend watching it at the same time. I think other reactors have used the slayalive guide for viewing order. Unfortunately episode numbers are not always reliable to line up the crossovers correctly- do either air dates or use a guide would be recommended.


Would rather finish the shows you're on now. It could get tedious to watch them together since they don't really affect one another. I found it better to watch them separately to keep interest and be more invested in both shows!


TVD and The Originals easily stand on their own. Buffy and Angel are meant to be watched together.

Addiletsplay ‘n’ Vlogz

I think you should watch originals after tvd has finished since they really do stand on their own but I’m not sure with angel. Ill leave that to the other comments


TVD and TO they do have some intersting cross overs episodes. But when you watch it after, you can recal the related story on TVD...

Connie Kay

After is fine with TVD

Angelika Birkeneder

Start "The originals" after you finished "Vampire Diaries" 😊


I think you should watch them as they aired at the same time :)


It would be so fun to see a show from beginning to the end without interuptions of a spin off. Because it is different show and take so much more time, that can be a distraction from the original show. And i think the crossovers can be followed anyway.


personally id really prefer if you watched the originals after tvd


I think you should finish Tvd and then To

Rey Gallogo

In regards to Buffy and Angel, it would affect season 4 of Buffy and season 1 of Angel, and season 7 of Buffy and season 4 of Angel.

Rey Gallogo

Doesn’t matter if you’re not a fan of Angel. It’s whether or not the stories will flow, specifically crossover ones. Based on a couple reactors who watched Angel after Buffy, they were certainly confused about certain things happening in the later seasons of Buffy, and didn’t get the bigger context watching early seasons of Angel because it had been awhile since they had watched Buffy.

Rey Gallogo

For the Buffyverse - it’s better to watch them together or else you’ll be confused about certain things down the line if you separate them. Torchwood Boy and Shiny Antics are good examples of confusion or having to rewatch Buffy to make sense of storylines in Angel.

Shaniyah Armstrong

Not really you only see Stephen in the tvd once’s or twice .. the originals is it’s on show has nothing to do with the tvd.. that’s just my opinion


I would love it if you watched TVD and TO at the same time, but becouse we would get one episode a week from each, I think it would be better if you watched TO after TVD.


It’s up to you, but TVD and TO do have crossovers... Things should still make sense if you watch them separately, but things might get a little confusing. (But there’s a back foot pilot to it, maybe when you’ve watched that decide. You might not feel able to just not watch it as you may be really interested in the show...)


I watched both separate....and had no problem.


i personally would like to see it back to back cuz if you don't have a good memory the crossovers can be confusing or the timing can. I dont mind either way, i just cant personally wait for you see the originals and how different it is to the vampire diaries but it's up to you. I watched originals live when it first aired and i was on the vampire diaries live and it stood on its own till they did the crossovers. It would help to watch the crossovers back to back so the information alines with each other

Audra Foxgrove

I recommend watching Angel & Buffy as they aired or by the Slay Alive Guide order, but I don't know if it matters with The Originals or not.

Allan Cornett

Most Buffy fans like using the Slayer Guide watch order. I like a Buffy episde then an Angel episode starting with Buffy 4.1 and Angel 1.1. Watching them separately is the worst option.

golam rabbi

Watch The originals simultaneously


I cant wait for the originals honestly prefer it more than TVD

Chad Williams

Please TVd and originals at the same time


I don’t mind. I just watched to the end of T.O series 3, and I see a lot of great reaction material. So... whenever, however, That you’re doing it, is way more important than when.

Keith Engel

There are fewer cross overs in the Original than in Buffy/Angel, and the Originals do make some mention to the events that take place during TVD with some appearances. So whatever is easier for you. I know I binged TO first, then I went back and watched TVD, not realizing that was the original show. Watching them together could be interesting viewing experience, but not necessary.


as much as i like tvd and originals, its without question that you have to watch buffy and angel together


That’s what sucks about it. Is that I’m not gonna see the originals until i finish with TVD 😭 but i have to do what the majority wants

Allan Cornett

Not by air date. Some episodes dealing with gun violence were moved to a later date.