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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6mcsvft1c7w38dl/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S4xE11%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/59f9u3epak1dxui/The%20vampire%20diaries%20S4xE11%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0



Fatima Bah

Sofie's reaction to this show is truly amazing and I love it, but these comment sessions are not so great. Wayyy too many biased opinions for the dumbest reasons y'all are not even hiding it.

Muhammad Hassan

About compulsion I don't think Stefan completely fought Klaus compulsion because in the end he actually bit her and that was not Jeremy that was Elena the love of his life that's why I think he fought harder and Damon was compelled to kill Jeremy not Elena and Damon did fight compulsion too in this Episode. But I think if he was compelled to kill Elena he would've fought harder too.


I think Damon resisted the compulsion as much as he could. Obviously, Damon didn't want Jeremy dead for many reasons: 1. Damon knows that this is a compulsion from Kol. 2. Jeremy is Elena's brother and Damon knows that she will never forgive him if he kills him. 3. Jeremy is the key to finding a cure for Elena. 4. If Damon kills Jeremy, he will also be tormented by the hunter's curse, and he knows it. So if Damon could have fought harder, he would have. Let's not forget that this is not a request, but a compulsion which is almost impossible to resist without some preparation. We don't know how much longer Stefan would have lasted in season 3 if Klaus hadn't shown up.


It bothers me that this episode has made Damon look guilty again. Matt tells Elena that old Elena wouldn't let Jeremy and Damon go after what happened. What happened? Isn't that Klaus ' fault? After all, Klaus showed up on their doorstep, Klaus turned the whole bar into vampires, Klaus compelled them to hunt for Matt. What is Damon's fault? I understand that Matt has no reason to trust Damon. But if you think about it logically, after what Klaus did, Damon let them run, and he stayed to hold the vampires, saving their asses. But Elena, Matt, and Jeremy turn the situation around as if it was Damon who put Jeremy in a dangerous situation.


Killing the original to finish the map is a good idea. But how is that any different from killing those vampires in the bar? After all, among the descendants of the Stake, there may be good people who did not want to be vampires and who try not to kill. And there are many of them. But if they kill Kol, they will kill many vampires who also lived, fell in love, had family and friends.


In my opinion the difference in resistance to compulsion about the two brothers is down to something else. Stefan is been resisting bloodlust for years, in that way he developed a strong sense of will that Damon hasn't. on the top of that there is a big difference in feeling between Elena and Jeremy, I don't think that Stefan would have find that strength to resist compulsion if there was Jeremy instead of Elena in that situation. And let's not forget that Damon was pushing Jeremy to kill him, he've rather die than killing Jeremy. So even if it was Jeremy he resisted compulsion.


The problem with Stefan is that, surely he is hurt, surely Elana cannot ask of him anything anymore they are not together, but boy, he is a sore loser and his true self come out when he is not anymore "adored" and he comes out as a petty mean person.


It really is a breath of fresh air seeing kol back in action...he's definitely the most underrated original..also,cant wait for silas!!


True...there is a massive difference between elena and jeremy, I like stefan,but he probably would've attacked jeremy too if he was in the same situation..but also as rose mentioned,stefan's love for elena was pure,and maybe that contributed to him being able to resist compulsion, but idk


Elena's logic :- I dont wanna kill 20 innocent people directly, but I can kill thousands of innocent people indirectly... My conscience will be clear😊 And also why tf is she mad at stefan for being with rebekah? You just broke up with him,he can do whatever he wants. She did the same thing with damon when he slept with rebekah in season 3...GIRL DAMON WASNT IN RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU, HE CAN SLEEP WITH WHOEVER HE WANTS Honestly both the salvatore brothers should just lock elena up for a month and go on a world tour together like chill tf out


Yes I agree on that. Killing Kol means killing thousand of people that they don't know, that can be just like Stefan, Damon and Caroline, and the fact that you don't know them doesn't make it right.


I guess Rebekah doesn't count murdering the love of Stefan's life as a betrayal. Damon resisted the compulsion 3 times.. Killing Kol solves a lot of problems. Turning a human into a vampire just to kill them is the same as killing a human - finding a vampire to kill is just killing a vampire and no vampire is "innocent" (except for elena, who - according to the show - only killed when literally forced to)

Andrea Dcosta

I lovee all the Rebekah and Stefan bits so much they are so entertaining and fun to watch I ship them 😻

Andrea Dcosta

Damon loves Jeremy I’m pretty sure and not just cause he is Elena’s brother but I feel he takes him as his younger brother ive always seen a good bond in them right from season 1. I just can’t debate who resisted the compulsion better and stuff cz it doesn’t matter that in no way shows us who loves her more. I’m sure the writers added that stuff here to again get on with their stupid ship wars arghh just irritates me.

Andrea Dcosta

The actor who plays Shane is really so creepy but hot haha he looks full on like a crazy guy lol but I must admit he acts quite well that interrogation scene was intense!!


The problem is not with the writers, they wrote the show, in this case, to make you see that Damon too resisted compulsion but he gets blamed for all sort of things, he has done. The problem is how fans ,twisting everything they see, into let's crucify Damon and sanctify Stefan, that is NOT what the writers intended. Both brothers have merits and faults and it is getting so tedious every time you discuss one of their faults to get the usual fanatic that start a useless conversation about how the other brother is so much worse 🙄... really tedious, pointless and uninteresting.


Boy this post animated picture...I can get lost in Ian's eyes, so beautiful and expressive.

Andrea Dcosta

@Patpet hopefully I didn’t bug u much. Yesss Ian is beautiful and his eyes is the best part of him 😻


He is such an underrated villain and an actor.....perfect human villain you could ask for in a supernatural show


Ikr...I dont understand how elena could be mad at damon in that situation...it was entirely klaus's doing..damon had no say in it

Keith Engel

He kept giving Jeremy warnings to run, he didn't use his vamp speed to also get to Jermey quicker, and even asked him to kill him. So yeah, it proves he was fighting the compulsion as best as he could, as well as showing to Jeremy that he did care for him, and when Jeremy shot him in the head, shows that Jeremy still cared for Damon as well. I know I have seen many fans, those of the Stelena variety, use the dramatic way that Stefan fought of Klaus's compulsion towards Elena as to his showing he loved her more than Damon. Yet Damon was doing everything in his power for that not to happen, while it not being towards the woman he actually loved.

I Am Not Chamari

I fully agree with Patpet’s assessment regarding the compulsion. Any ship fandom arguing about whose love is “stronger” is silly. Stefan was able to resist compulsion (and as many people pointed out, he wasn’t exactly able to do that anyways) because he has been practicing control for over a century. With his very rigid diet, he has learned to control his instinctual need for human blood from the vein, because it’s something that he learned and built up over time. It’s similar to how Caroline’s father claimed to be able to resist compulsion as a human. Let’s say Shane too. They know how to be in control, to focus, to be very rigid and uncompromising in how they approach parts of their lives. With Stefan specifically, Lexi trained him and he was able to put the training into practice, for almost 150 years - the willpower he gained would, of course, be impressive. Damon, on the other hand, how often is he characterized as impulsive, reckless and out of control? He did his best to resist compulsion, but I’m pretty sure that’s why it manifested differently here. Damon has always given into his impulses. Stefan has spent the majority of his life as a vampire rejecting them. That’s the difference.

Idun V

I get why people get annoyed at Elena for what she said to Stefan, but Rebekah KILLED Elena, she has every right to be hurt that her ex-boyfriend is being all friendly with her murderer. I also completely understand Stefan being hurt, but in the last episode he straight up said that he hates Damon, and he's treating Elena horribly when he himself is the one who ended it. He has every right to be in pain, but a lot of the things he's saying are very off for me. When it comes to the compulsion thing, they're very different circumstances so they not truly comparable.

iiSauce 2much

I don't understand the part about you saying he hates Damon because I would to know matter what your my brother there is no reason why you she make moves on my girl no matter if we are not together not and of course he ended it why would you stay in a relationship when you know the person you love is in love with someone else so I feel like the stuff he said made a lot of sense

Connie Kay

Lordy this gif of Damon/Ian is beautiful