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Shaniyah Armstrong

Are you going to watch the originals after this season?

Taylor Jackson

It was mentioned once way back in season 1 that a vampire can't outcompel another vampire. when the tomb vamps had stefan they compelled the owner of the house not to let damon in, and damon had to kill her because he couldn't just compel her to invite him in. He told Rick 'it doesn't work that way'

golam rabbi

Lol Kol getting killed my jermy and Elena had to be one of the biggest plot armor in TV history! It’s almost laughable! How did Elena a baby vamp able to hold Kol for more then 1 second!


The killing of Kol was brutal and very lucky. Kol is very powerful. The relationship between Kol and Klaus was different from Fin, Fin was daggered for a thousand year, and they really had very little time together. With Kol they were together as a family until he was daggered in the ninety century, he was very much part of the close group, even if they considered him as a loose cannon, with a volatile temper. Even so, what if he was right, what if Silas is a real danger, what do they know? The only information they have on Silas comes from Shane that is the one very willing to resurrect him. So, who is to trust in this matter Kol or Shane? The problem is they don't have Alaric to advise them on history matters anymore and all the originals are sweeping the matter under the rug, because the concern is coming from Kol that is a "lunatic" believing in children scary stories... Anyway now Elena is mass murderer, her and Jeremy killed god knows how many people and just because they don't know them, it doesn't make it right, those people could have been just as any of them, she has became ruthless when it come to get what she wants. Stefan, another of his pleasant sentence to Damon "you manage to use that sire bond pretty well haven't you?" Thanks god Damon finally gave him a punch, instead been the punch ball to Stefan pettiness all this time. The funniest thing in this episode was Klaus asking to Damon for love advice, that was hilarious and Damon as usual cames out with one of his many iconic quotes "If you want to be bad, be bad with a purpose otherwise you're not worth forgiving" Damon philosophy. 🙌


Stefan:- I hate you! Damon:- I hate you too, lets fight!! Jeremy:- LEMME STOP YOU RIGHT THERE


Writers just wanted to get rid of kol Asap lmao..they literally gave no Fs about that fight scene


Klaus asking damon for dating tips is one of the best things to come out of this season lmao......also, when I first started seeing tvd, I honestly thought stefan was the wise one, and damon was the impulsive brother, but in this season the amount of petty stefan has shown is off the charts, there literally was no reason to call damon out in that last scene jeez


Kol might be slightly unhinged but I feel like everyone should take the Silas stuff a little more seriously Dozens of people are being sacrificed, Bonnie is doing crazy dark magic and almost losing it and everyone's just kind of shrugging it off to get the cure lol

Andrea Dcosta

The way they killed Kol was funny is he even an original vampire 😂 lol they just put him off as a weak guy when Elena hurt him with the knife he just stood there and did nothing and he was literally waiting for Jeremy to put that vervain water on him and stake him lol and he’s supposedly roaming with the dagger haha that’s funny and like you said so convenient. I love this season but his death and mainly the way it happened didn’t go off with me. Stefan was so petty at the end here he basically told Damon you took advantage of Elena and managed to use the sire bond really well that wasn’t required I’m sorry but Stefan very much deserved that punch. I like how they are fighting here and Jeremy starts yelling and the mark starts to show and gets complete it was like stop fighting guys look at me instead lol. The way they showed it looked really well.

Andrea Dcosta

Rebekah my girl I love her so much she owned this episode for me. I loved all her scenes with Stefan so much their slide thing was so cute 🥺 and she looked even prettier than usual. She just wants to be loved and I can’t help but always get sad and tear up cause of what she told Stefan that touched my heart. I ship them and they also have history together he was compelled to forget her they are so cute together 🥺 I was so happy he finally didn’t dagger her else I would be super super pissed on Stefan

Andrea Dcosta

Felt really bad for klaus when he sees Kol dead but boy my girl Bonnie was so badass this is dark magic yes and dangerous but she was totally badass. She tells Abby I don’t belong to the spirits anymore I belong to myself like wow that was amazing. I’m just happy to see Bonnie get more screen time and get a good storyline of her own. Loved the Damon and Klaus scenes who would have thought Klaus to be asking for love advise from Damon lol and Damon’s reply to him was savage loved it!!


Well all this time, Stefan is hurt and said to Damon the meanest things possible and because Damon is Damon let his brother do it. But this time I'm glad he didn't and fought back, because is not his falt Elena is sired to him, he didn't take advantage of the situation, he loves her and she loves him. So it was time for him to raise his head and start to fight for their love and demand respect, sending a message to everybody to back off, that their relationship is their business and theirs only and that is real and serious. That punch was not so much for Stefan's specifically, it was a demand of respect. Damon acted like a real man, nobody, not even his brother, should dare to talk disrespectfully about their reletionship. It was a sign of how real is their love.

Keith Engel

Elena's character is consistent when it comes to protecting those she loves. Last season, they wanted Stefan to no longer be compelled by Klaus, and wanted to kill him to free Stefan, albiet before knowing about the sire line business. Kol is literally trying to do harm to Jeremy, sent Damon to Kill Him, her compassion is there with them, not the thousand of vampires she doesn't know, but with the people she does and loves. The big change in Elena's character is what we had seen in the previous season, her getting training from Ric to protect herself. This is a sign that she no longer intends to be a victim, this aspect of her personality is now heightened as a vampire.

Keith Engel

I'm one of the few people, who sees the Kol situation differently. It was literally a life or death situation, so a decision had to be made after sending Damnon to kill Jeremy, then he then he attacks Bonnie, then he actually breaks in to harm Jeremy further wanting to cut of his arms. As far as Elena's character, I did post that this now part of her character's personality in no longer wanting to be a victim from the training that she received from Ric last season, when wanting to protect herself from Stefan and being strong. Hence a consistency in her character as well to protect herself and her family, that was also similar to them wanting to kill Klaus to free Stefan from compulsion, prior to of course knowing about the sire line, now she wants to do the same with Kol for Damon. She wants to protect Jeremy from becoming a monster like Kol and Connor as well. I don't see her wants are out of line giving the extreme situation she is under, protecting those she loves, as best as she can. I don't think her wants have anything to do with the Cure and herself as well. It's more of an understanding that there are others now who want that, who need Jeremy to achieve their own goals and agenda's and will do it on their own terms not hers, and not caring about what actually happens to Jeremy. This makes it so that everything is taking place on her terms, once more no longer being the victim of others.


Tyler's mom is more powerful than Kol. Look at how he died. Stupid writing


I feel like everyone expects Elena to be perfect. If that was Bonnie or Caroline making a plan to kill Kol, no one would care, but because Elena slowly loosing her compasion after her first kill (Connor), people get mad. Kol is actually my favourite Original, and I won't say why cuz I don't want to spoil anything, but I honestly was on Gilbert side this time. People forgive how bad guys or grey characters do questionable things, but when another character who was good does something similar, they are suddenly the worst of the worst. It's very hypocritical. Klaus and The Originals made Elena's life a living hell. I think everyone need a reminder that Klaus killed Jenna, Elena's aunt, Koll tried to kill Matt just for fun, Rebekah as well wanted this, Rebekah killed Elena and almost killed Matt, Klaus killed Elena and destroyed Stefan's life but now when Elena and Jeremy had enough and decided to act the way other were treating them, they are selfish and horrible?!


And Klaus the reason why Stelena ended. He drew them apart. I am a Delena shipper, but they probably wouldnt be together if Stefan was in the picture, and Elena wouldnt had a chance to grew closer to Damon, get support from him and fall in love.


This. I like the originals, but they are not good people. They consistently disregard the lives of everyone around them. I have no pity when others treat them the same way.


I have no clue why people think originals are hard to kill. They get killed all the time. They just dont stay dead unless its a white oat stake. Damon has killed Kol at least twice, has killed elijah, and would of permanently killed Klaus if it wasnt for stefan. Thats just some examples, ric has daggered them, so has elena. Matt even killed one.


I desagree. Stelena has an expire date, because it started when Elena was very young, and in a vulnerable state, her parents just died. Stefan is very much linked to that period, and she never contemplate a future where he was in it. It wasn't Klaus to cause, it was the fact that Elena is in. a different period of her life and she wants different things. Stefan and Elena adult are not compatible, specially as vampires. Klaus or not they would eventually grow apart anyway.

Loved By You

Lol, Klaus is such a Stelena shipper. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Loved By You

Not me saeeing y’all say “violence” is manly???

Josh Lomax

I think he's more of a Delena shipper, not because he likes Damon or whatever, but because it gives him hope for him and Caroline. He is the "bad brother", just like Damon is after all

Loved By You

@JoshLomax nothing he has said indicates he’s Delena. Also he hates Damon. Klaus has also said Elena will finally “come to her senses” when she’s done with Damon

Josh Lomax

When he's in the room with Damon and asks "what do you say to her", you can see it in his eyes. Its hope. If Elena can forgive Damon for some of the stuff he's done, then maybe Caroline can forgive Klaus. Maybe I'm just better at reading people than your average Joe, idk. Honestly though I dont think Klaus really gives a flying donkey $#!+ who Elena ends up with, its not really his style. When he says things like she will "come to her senses" when she's done with Damon, its meant to antagonize Damon, because he disliked him and he's a little sadistic, not that he actually prefers Stelena or Delena, either way, we all know what happens so the Delena-Stelena argument is a moot point

Enas Bassiony

When did he ship Stelena 🤣🤣🤣 .. just because he was trying to annoy Damon?!