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I had some technical problems with my camera and it stopped recording by the end. I'm sorry guys!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8r6az8djkrnnugm/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE12encode.mp4?dl=0



DazzleFae (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 05:16:34 Taylor messaging Chris telling him to stay away made me so happy! I feel like it was a mix between wanting to save Haley from making a mistake, and also knowing that Nathan deserved better than that. I mean, she must've taken notice of the fact that she was flirting with him like crazy and he was just completely uninterested, and the fact that he was honest with Haley about the two of them. She knows he's a good guy, and good for her sister, and she definitely wants them to both just be happy together. I also love that she confronted Haley about it, and pointed out that she's getting mad at Nathan about his past, his sexual history from before he even knew her, when she kissed another guy while married to Nathan, and has kept in touch with him. I understand what's going on with Haley, she's mixing up her music with Chris. She got married so young, with no experience outside of Nathan, and suddenly she has this guy interested in her who is also interested in helping her with her music, and it's confusing for her. But she can not get all judgmental on Nathan about things that happened in the past, when she's had something going on while married to him behind his back. Taylor is a bitch, and a mess, but she was completely right in calling Haley out and I am so glad she did! (I mean, like I said on the last episode, I wish that Peyton had confronted her about it when she found out... So I'm glad someone has finally pointed out to her how wrong what she did is...) Love the Nathan and Lucas scene, like always. Lucas' comment when arriving about not having to throw the ball in the river this time, then saying that maybe lying isn't such a bad thing if it's to protect someone and poor Nathan's reaction of wishing he'd said that before he went and told Haley about him and Taylor... Haha I just love how far they've come from the first few episodes. Watching back, especially after seeing the whole show and seeing how their relationship continues to grow and change, it's weird to see how bad their relationship was at the beginning, and how much of a dick Nathan was in the first few episodes... (Though having all the information certainly helps in sympathising with him through it all...) Along with Naley, the Scott Brothers relationship is my favourite part of the show. (I love a few other friendships too, but don't wanna go into spoiler territory... Haha) I feel really bad for Jules tbh... Like, yes she's lying to Keith, but I truly believe she cares about him. Dan's a manipulative piece of shit, and she's just another one of his victims. But I feel worse for Keith. Because this is just awful. I'd never be able to trust again if something like this happened to me. Especially if my own brother set the whole thing up... Yay for Brooke signing up for Student Body President though! <333 And for Anna managing to put both girls and boys for her dating profile. And the fact that Karen managed to track her down to ask her to try convincing Lucas to take the test... Haha you go, Karen! Hahaha So glad Lucas finally took the test though! It's so important to know whether or not this is something that'll effect you for the rest of your life. Because with the correct medicine, it can be managed, but you have to know if you have it or not. And of course, finding out you don't have it would be such a weight lifted. And the whole thing would give everyone such a peace of mind. Everyone was so clearly so worried about him. (I still just love that Nathan told Karen about it... It's something I'll always love...)
2021-03-25 05:04:26 Taylor messaging Chris telling him to stay away made me so happy! I feel like it was a mix between wanting to save Haley from making a mistake, and also knowing that Nathan deserved better than that. I mean, she must've taken notice of the fact that she was flirting with him like crazy and he was just completely uninterested, and the fact that he was honest with Haley about the two of them. She knows he's a good guy, and good for her sister, and she definitely wants them to both just be happy together. I also love that she confronted Haley about it, and pointed out that she's getting mad at Nathan about his past, his sexual history from before he even knew her, when she kissed another guy while married to Nathan, and has kept in touch with him. I understand what's going on with Haley, she's mixing up her music with Chris. She got married so young, with no experience outside of Nathan, and suddenly she has this guy interested in her who is also interested in helping her with her music, and it's confusing for her. But she can not get all judgmental on Nathan about things that happened in the past, when she's had something going on while married to him behind his back. Taylor is a bitch, and a mess, but she was completely right in calling Haley out and I am so glad she did! (I mean, like I said on the last episode, I wish that Peyton had confronted her about it when she found out... So I'm glad someone has finally pointed out to her how wrong what she did is...) Love the Nathan and Lucas scene, like always. Lucas' comment when arriving about not having to throw the ball in the river this time, then saying that maybe lying isn't such a bad thing if it's to protect someone and poor Nathan's reaction of wishing he'd said that before he went and told Haley about him and Taylor... Haha I just love how far they've come from the first few episodes. Watching back, especially after seeing the whole show and seeing how their relationship continues to grow and change, it's weird to see how bad their relationship was at the beginning, and how much of a dick Nathan was in the first few episodes... (Though having all the information certainly helps in sympathising with him through it all...) Along with Naley, the Scott Brothers relationship is my favourite part of the show. (I love a few other friendships too, but don't wanna go into spoiler territory... Haha) I feel really bad for Jules tbh... Like, yes she's lying to Keith, but I truly believe she cares about him. Dan's a manipulative piece of shit, and she's just another one of his victims. But I feel worse for Keith. Because this is just awful. I'd never be able to trust again if something like this happened to me. Especially if my own brother set the whole thing up... Yay for Brooke signing up for Student Body President though! <333 And for Anna managing to put both girls and boys for her dating profile. And the fact that Karen managed to track her down to ask her to try convincing Lucas to take the test... Haha you go, Karen! Hahaha So glad Lucas finally took the test though! It's so important to know whether or not this is something that'll effect you for the rest of your life. Because with the correct medicine, it can be managed, but you have to know if you have it or not. And of course, finding out you don't have it would be such a weight lifted. And the whole thing would give everyone such a peace of mind. Everyone was so clearly so worried about him. (I still just love that Nathan told Karen about it... It's something I'll always love...)

Taylor messaging Chris telling him to stay away made me so happy! I feel like it was a mix between wanting to save Haley from making a mistake, and also knowing that Nathan deserved better than that. I mean, she must've taken notice of the fact that she was flirting with him like crazy and he was just completely uninterested, and the fact that he was honest with Haley about the two of them. She knows he's a good guy, and good for her sister, and she definitely wants them to both just be happy together. I also love that she confronted Haley about it, and pointed out that she's getting mad at Nathan about his past, his sexual history from before he even knew her, when she kissed another guy while married to Nathan, and has kept in touch with him. I understand what's going on with Haley, she's mixing up her music with Chris. She got married so young, with no experience outside of Nathan, and suddenly she has this guy interested in her who is also interested in helping her with her music, and it's confusing for her. But she can not get all judgmental on Nathan about things that happened in the past, when she's had something going on while married to him behind his back. Taylor is a bitch, and a mess, but she was completely right in calling Haley out and I am so glad she did! (I mean, like I said on the last episode, I wish that Peyton had confronted her about it when she found out... So I'm glad someone has finally pointed out to her how wrong what she did is...) Love the Nathan and Lucas scene, like always. Lucas' comment when arriving about not having to throw the ball in the river this time, then saying that maybe lying isn't such a bad thing if it's to protect someone and poor Nathan's reaction of wishing he'd said that before he went and told Haley about him and Taylor... Haha I just love how far they've come from the first few episodes. Watching back, especially after seeing the whole show and seeing how their relationship continues to grow and change, it's weird to see how bad their relationship was at the beginning, and how much of a dick Nathan was in the first few episodes... (Though having all the information certainly helps in sympathising with him through it all...) Along with Naley, the Scott Brothers relationship is my favourite part of the show. (I love a few other friendships too, but don't wanna go into spoiler territory... Haha) I feel really bad for Jules tbh... Like, yes she's lying to Keith, but I truly believe she cares about him. Dan's a manipulative piece of shit, and she's just another one of his victims. But I feel worse for Keith. Because this is just awful. I'd never be able to trust again if something like this happened to me. Especially if my own brother set the whole thing up... Yay for Brooke signing up for Student Body President though! <333 And for Anna managing to put both girls and boys for her dating profile. And the fact that Karen managed to track her down to ask her to try convincing Lucas to take the test... Haha you go, Karen! Hahaha So glad Lucas finally took the test though! It's so important to know whether or not this is something that'll effect you for the rest of your life. Because with the correct medicine, it can be managed, but you have to know if you have it or not. And of course, finding out you don't have it would be such a weight lifted. And the whole thing would give everyone such a peace of mind. Everyone was so clearly so worried about him. (I still just love that Nathan told Karen about it... It's something I'll always love...)