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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2fhjony7nx8xqfi/One%20tree%20hill%20S2xE11%20part1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://www.dropbox.com/s/12nl6o3zrad8hr9/One%20tree%20hill%20S2XE11%20part2encode.mp4?dl=0




While I hate the drama because I adore Naley and just want them happy, I am glad that they didn't just have their relationship be perfect as that would probably get boring. If they had no obstacles to overcome we wouldn't really root for them in the same way as we do. Also, in a really weird way, I really enjoy the friendship between Nathan and Taylor. I hate all the flirting she does of course, and that Nathan's not just outright telling her to stop (though like you said, he's likely trying not to make things awkward as she is his sister in law...) But besides that, I feel like there's real potential for friendship there. What with her being able to open up to him about getting kicked out of College and all that, and them just having fun. Just get rid of the flirting and it's a pretty cool friendship if you ask me. :) I adore the scene between the Scott boys on the River Court! Nathan refusing to play with Lucas because he doesn't want him to die, the teasing about not giving him CPR, which disguises the actual concern he has, then him throwing the ball in the river and then him telling Lucas about Taylor and Lucas teasing him and then the play fighting thingy at the end and Lucas yelling out "Heart condition! Remember!" Haha I love them so much! They really have come so far! I often think about getting all the characters from maybe episode 2 or 3 and just putting them in a room and making them watch these moments between them, the absolute shock they'd be in for is just hilarious to me. Cuz at that point in time, they couldn't even imagine being civil towards each other, let alone becoming brothers and joking around with each other and having these real conversations that they have. It's just a fun thought I have, they'd all be so weirded out... Anna coming out to Lucas was so cute! I really enjoy their friendship and think it's highly underrated. Anna as a whole is an underrated character, and I think it has to do with the fact that she's Felix's sister and came in at the same time as him, and everyone hates Felix. I feel bad for her, as coming out to her brother probably wouldn't go well as we know Felix is an asshole and he made that comment at the Formal. She's clearly got a lot of fear about coming out, which is completely understandable. And I love that Lucas reacted well. Not that I doubt Lucas as a character, I just doubt Mark Schwahn (the creator) as he's a pig who doesn't understand boundaries or respect and I wouldn't put it past him to have Lucas make some distasteful joke. But really, the male/female friendships are done really well, as are the male friendships. It's the female friendships that need work most of the time. Sometimes they're done well, they have their moments, but oftentimes they're kissing each others boyfriends (S1 Brucas/Leyton drama...) or just fighting over boys or other stupid things. I love Jake so much, and he and Peyton are really cute. What I don't like is the fact that he told Peyton he saw Haley kissing Chris, and yet neither of them thought "Hm, maybe Nathan should know this considering they're married..." I get it's not really their business, but imo, you see someone who is married, kiss someone else, you tell their partner about it. Or at least confront Haley about it and tell her she should tell Nathan herself. Cuz I love Haley, but the way she jumps down Nathan's throat for hanging out with Taylor when she's kissed another guy not once, but twice! It pisses me off. Everything with Jules and Dan and Keith is just agh! Dan is an awful person and Keith deserves better...


I get that their relationship need go through obstacles. But i just find this obstacle ridiculous and so random since nothing shows that Haley likes Chris this way. So her kissing him twice for no good excuse is so out of character. Her saying to Nathan «  it doesn’t mean anything ». So why did you kiss him ? To figure it out? I can’t even link this with her wanting to do music.

I Am Not Chamari

The Naley drama is a bit annoying and, at first glance, unnecessary. However, I think it reveals things about their relationship and makes us remember that despite their marriage, they are very young and sometimes selfish and motivated by what they want in the moment. I agree that Haley isn’t really into Chris, and I don’t think her kissing him (or moreso letting him kiss her) were actually about him, but Haley having doubts about what she really wants. We have to remember that she is 16 and never really had a boyfriend before this and has never been in love before Nathan. She might have thought there were feelings for Chris, idk, but really, I think she was enraptured by the music and singing and dedicating her time to doing something she loved. But, she also loves Nathan and she must have felt like she had to choose between him and the music. And in a brief lapse of judgment, she chose the music. In terms of Haley/Nathan/Taylor, I think her behavior directly stems from the fact that she doesn’t trust Taylor around Nathan. Well, she doesn’t trust her period. So, it almost seems she’s being hypocritical, but there’s so much history between them, that she’s annoyed that Nathan would even want to hang out with her or want her to stay. I cut Haley a LOT of slack this season, but it is consistent with me cutting Luke a lot of slack last season. So, I’ll continue trying to understand why she made the choices she did. I hate that Lucas is all of a sudden into Brooke, but I enjoy the fact that Luke called Jake, knowing that he would make Peyton feel better. To me, that’s love. That’s showing where his heart is. But hey, show writers will write what they write lol


Well cheating is still cheating i didn’t like what Lucas did to Brooke last season but his case is different from Haley he wasn’t in love with Brooke and loved Peyton. Haley may have chose music over Nathan at that moment but it doesn’t mean that she has to hook up with the guy that helps her do music . I really don’t understand, yes she is 16 but so is Nathan and since we know how responsible her character is you won’t expect something like this from her. To be honest i know that Nathan changed and grow so much but if he’s the one Who did this i won’t be this confused.


Just because you’re not in love with someone doesn’t give you a pass to cheat though, what lucas and peyton both did to brooke was gross. which actually brings me to another point, i find it odd how peyton is talking about haley kissing someone she shouldn’t when peyton literally kissed lucas while he was in a relationship. it just seems a bit hypocritical coming from her but i’d love to hear your thoughts too 🥰 but i can definitely agree that this naley drama was extremely unexpected considering the entire first season they seemed so stable and committed to eachother, it is a teen drama so i guess they had to mix it up a bit i just wish they’d found another way to do it.

I Am Not Chamari

Yes! I agree with both of you that it’s awful that Haley cheated. I want to make clear that my response to this episode wasn’t giving a pass to cheating or trying to excuse Haley for what she did. I only made the comparison to Lucas in Season 1, because I spent a lot of time unpacking his decision making and the missteps he made along the way. I love trying to understand character motivations and this is how I understood Haley’s actions, with the help of the show, so it doesn’t seem so out-of-character or out of the blue. Haley has been painted as a responsible character and now we’re seeing that crack a bit. This might be the first time that Haley got exposed to something that she really really wants. We have seen how selfish/douchey was when Nathan only cared about basketball. Maybe this is the flip side of that. Now, obviously, Haley doesn’t only care for music and she loves Nathan a lot, but I think sometimes the things we want make us less of a person and even less responsible. Arguably, Haley marrying Nathan in high school wasn’t the responsible thing to do, or getting a tattoo, skipping school, getting drunk, etc. We have seen Haley do irresponsible things in the name of love, so I find it interesting that in this season, we’re seeing Haley do something irresponsible for music’s sake. Again, I don’t agree with her choices and find them really bad decisions, especially where Chris is concerned. But Chris, for her, I think, is this representation of a dream she never knew she could have. But what she has done is not at all fair to Nathan. I only attempt to understand why she made those choices. I think Peyton didn’t realize her hypocrisy when she made that comment to Jake. But it doesn’t make it any less true lol


My response was more directed to Sofie since she had mentioned that Lucas cheating was different because he wasn’t in love with Brooke, which i do agree the situations are very different but morally still are equally wrong in my opinion. thank you for sharing your analysis on Haley’s actions during this though, it was actually very interesting to read and had me trying to see it from her point of view a bit more. I still do think this storyline was irritating and a bit out of place but at the same time i’m not horribly mad at it because i believe it was pivotal in terms of thing that happen later on which i can’t get into because of spoilers but i’m sure you understand what i mean.