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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xhj9i4xe5xz7qfi/The.Vampire.Diaries.S04E10.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




I know you would use that scene as episode picture...my heart bursted there, in joy for Damon!!


I think what's great about this season is that it keeps you busy, your mind is always working trying to connect the dots between, council and hyrbrid sacrifice, expression magic, the hunters of the five, and the cure, and now silas......you can actually predict what's gonna happen in this season if you think hard enough, the season keeps giving you hints....and Its the only season that does that...the whole 12 sacrifice thing is interesting


I feel awful sorry for Tyler. He did such a great job of freeing the hybrids from Klaus. And in one day, everything collapses. All the hybrids that became close and that he cared about die at the hands of Klaus. And to top it all off, Klaus kills Tyler's mother. After Carol's murder, I hated Klaus even more. I was ready to forgive him after Stefan said that they all did terrible things. But then Klaus kills Carol and ruins everything. Although, I still love his character as a villain. But I can't forgive him for so many deaths of characters I loved.


All of Damon's scenes with Jeremy in this episode are amazing! Damon is like a strict and angry teacher. And even though Jeremy is annoyed, he's always looking for Damon's approval. Remember when Jeremy helped lure the hunter to the hospital, he said to Damon, "I told you I could be a bad ass"? And there are several such moments in the show. He reach out to Damon since the first season. It's charming and funny.

Muhammad Hassan

I just think that It's little bit Stefan's fault too that Damon and Elena slept together because Stefan just left them all alone in one giant of a house and he knew that they both had feelings for each other so what did he expect that they will play PlayStation together🤭 obviously they will have sex


Yes, it was once unclear to me, too, why Stefan and Caroline were so surprised that Damon and Elena had sex. Elena and Stefan officially broke up, Elena admitted her feelings for Damon and moved into their house. When Stefan left the house, he gave them permission to do so. Stefan left why? Because it is unpleasant and awkward for him to be in the same house with them. And why is it awkward and unpleasant? Because Damon and Elena will act like two people in love. And people in love, especially vampires with an increased sexual attraction, usually have sex. And it seemed to me that when Stefan left, he assumed that this could happen. But it wasn't like that.

Muhammad Hassan

When Damon was looking at the sky. I think he was like Ric I got the girl🤭❤

Idun V

Same for me, he's a great villain and I do at times feel bad for him, but most of the time given the chance he'll choose the worst possible action. You can only give someone so many chances 😔 (I might feel different if I ever watch The Originals, donno)

Idun V

I always find it kind of funny yet adorable that Jeremy often listens to Damon and does what he says.

I Am Not Chamari

I get that Elena chose Stefan at the end of Season 3 - and to Stefan, that means he “won.” But he knew that Elena had feelings for Damon before she turned. In fact, the sire bond confirms this. He knows Damon has been in love with Elena for over a year now. After Elena and Damon’s road trip, he said he didn’t need to know what happened between them. I’m just so confused why it’s such a surprise to him that they slept together. He is right to hurt and right to feel angry, but I am still confused why he didn’t expect this to happen.

Andrea Dcosta

Rebekah is a queen she got all of them to actually tell the truth Stefan needed to hear that my heart broke for him so bad :(( But at the end he says I hate my brother which broke my heart even more he still can’t believe Elena really loves his brother and is desperate for this cure it’s just sad.

Andrea Dcosta

That Delena moment it just gets me so teary eyed every time to see that he finally hears what he longed for ages Someone to actually love him even with his flaws yes we have this sire bond thing but that moment the look on his face the happiness in his eyes that glow in this eyes makes me so happy for Damon and I do feel he looks up to heaven telling his best buddy Ric I think I got the girl which made this moment even more special and beautiful for me 🥺❤️

Andrea Dcosta

The story is gonna get so much more interesting The cure Silas and everything I love season 4.

Keith Engel

During the entire Rebekah scene, I never once felt bad for Stefan, it was a truth he didn't want to accept, similar to how Elena the season previous didn't want to accept her love for Damon, which we see at the end of this Episode concerning Elena, her accepting the truth, while Stefan still doesn't want to accept that truth he just heard. As I said previously, his reaction to once he lost Elena had been set up through out all the previous seasons, and he becomes a sore loser, from the speech when he finds out about Damon loving Elena, to when Caroline goes ahead and distracts him for Elena while she went talk to Katherine, e.g. She's with Damon, the matter about him having her respect. There were all these hints as to how well Stefan would handle this, even the motel aspect from last season, and his not wanting to hear what happened there. Hence, his not wanting to hear this.

Keith Engel

I'm unsure also if any of the other members may have mentioned this, but episode 20 of this season is the Backend Pilot to the Originals. While 21 continues on with the story of TVD. I'm not sure if intend to watch the Originals, but I would suggest to possibly skip Episode 20, and then Watch 20 and Episode 1 of the Originals back to back. The way they did this is that Episode 20 of TVD shows things from Klaus Perspective, while Episode 1 of the Originals shows matters from Elijah's perspective.

Connie Kay

There are some crucial moments in the end and beginning of 4X20 with Stefan, Katherine, Damon and Elena tho so she def should not skip it.

iiSauce 2much

I disagree Stefan wasn't a sore loser that's betrayal if she's my girl and we breakup and you get with my brother and I found out you loved him while we were dating I would be hurt that's your family he's not supposed to keep putting moves on your girl even after we broke up. Honestly that's a low down move from Damon and Elena.

Loved By You

Y’all blame Stefan for everything. They are grown. They are gunna do what they are gunna do, if he had stayed y’all would’ve also been upset. Elena is allowed to move on with Damon. Stefan is allowed to feel some type of way about it. It’s called feelings.

Loved By You

He didn’t expect this to happen, because Stefan is in love with Elena. Some times things are hard to accept after you’ve been with someone so long and love them so much. Clearly, you’ve never had your heart broke. Elena is selfish, for wanting Stefan to have to keep all the pain and memories. She’s with Damon and they desrve to be happy. But Stefan, deserves to be happy to, and staying in situations that hurt you isn’t the way to do that.

Josh Lomax

I absolutely don't blame Stefan for feeling hurt about the situation. What I do blame him for is the fucked up way he treats Damon and Elena throughout most of this season (and last)

Enas Bassiony

Thebproblem isn't about him feeling hurt, that is justified .. the problem is that he doesn't act hurt.. he acts so angry as if he owned Elena and Damon stole her .. Stefan and Stelena fans use the exact term Damon stole Elena


Although I'm not a fan of Stelena (like Delena, because I don't like Elena lol), but it's true. Elena was in love with Stefan, Stefan sacrificed himself to save his brother and couldnt be with Elena for a while. Damon used this time and flirted with her while his brother wasnt around