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Part1: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kboeuim2drqtlqj/One%20tree%20hill%20S2XE04%20PART1encode.mp4?dl=0

Part2: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BC6_HzTsD2RPZa9kpy_I82xQjukJwMKK/view?usp=sharing



Heather B

The link for Part 2 isn't working (and season 1, ep 1-6 aren't working either). Is it possible to get those reloaded?


Nathan and Haley are so cute! I love how much he believes in her music and how much he supports it and wants her to work on it. And the little song bit at the start, with him asking if she was planning to kill him! They're so adorable! <333 I also love seeing Nathan and Keith working together and bonding. Nathan really needs someone like Keith in his life, he really deserves it and needs that positivity. And the fact that he's actually happy to be doing work like that, not wanting any special treatment because he's family or anything, because he knows he's not any better than anyone who works there, and he knows nothing about cars. He just wants to work, do things for himself and get to know his Uncle. And the fact that they're gonna work on a car together is just perfect! I feel for Lucas. Part of him really wants to know Dan as a Father, really wants to give him a chance and spend time with him. But Dan is just an asshole and Lucas doesn't need or deserve that. He'd be much better off just hanging with Nathan and Keith... Poor Brooke though! Felix is just a jerk. I despise him. Yes, he has his funny moments, but at the end of the day, he's awful and entitled and misogynistic. I hate him, and I hate that both Brooke and Mouth have seemed to be drawn to him and are kinda letting him into their lives. They both deserve better than him and should just cut him out. I love that Nathan just stops by the River Court on his way home to see Lucas and the other guys. And that they invite him to join them. I just love that they're getting closer and that Lucas' friends are becoming Nathan's friends too. And the fact that Nathan understands why Lucas feels he needs to get to know Dan for himself, but he's clearly concerned. And even a little hurt in a way. I guess it would hurt a bit, having your brother want to get to know your Father who was abusive and controlling to you your entire life, and who abandoned him before he was born. Plus, as I said before, he's probably scared that Dan might actually be different with Lucas, like him better, try to change for him and make an effort. He's probably kinda scared that Dan and Lucas will actually get along, and that it's just him that Dan feels the need to control and be like that with. (Also, his scene with the cardboard Dan was both hilarious and heart breaking! That is clearly what he wishes Dan would be like, and it hurts him so much that he's just not...) I love that Karen is doing all this stuff for herself. Taking College classes, opening a Club, all that. And I really like Andy. I obviously love Karen/Keith and all, but Andy is great and I really like him. He's a really good guy. :) And Peyton's All Ages Night thing. Such a good idea. Kids do need more places to go where they don't need a fake ID to get in... :) Though the whole cocaine thing is concerning. <3


Thanks for the post! Your reaction at 14:15 is so cute 😂😂😂