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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/fznsnwqfopsdg2i/Buffy.S02E21.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Thanks for puttin in the extra effort before taking your break. It doesn't go unnoticed.

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

All these reactions so close together are awesome, especially for these particular Buffy episodes :). I love this episode (and the second part - I tend to think of them as one long episode together), and your reaction was great :). The voiceover at the end was Whistler, the guy who found Angel in Manhattan and showed him Buffy. In the past, when watching this episode, I've thought the beginning voiceover was Angel, but actually, watching it again this time, it sounded like Whistler at the beginning too. I find it interesting that a lot of reactors recently have commented that Angel was stalking Buffy before they met, but he literally just arrived in LA, saw her called, and then left again a few hours later. That was it. He saw her for just long enough to be able to emphasise with her struggles and realise he wanted to help her, and then didn't see her again until she moved to Sunnydale several months later. Essentially, Whistler showed him just enough of what he needed to see so he could make a decision about whether to become someone or not.

Cheryl Coffin

You’re one of the few reactors that have noticed the callback to the shopkeeper’s comments about selling the orbs as paperweights. I really enjoy your commentary. Very thoughtful and insightful.


RIGHT!? I always thought that throwaway line was so funny, but no one ever notices. When she did I cheered.


I can't wait for the finale today <3


Sorry Savannah i won’t be able to post it today. But I’ll post it tomorrow though.


I think Angel’s initial reaction to Buffy came from two places. One was guilt. He had his soul restored after nearly 100 years. Even at only 1 person a week that is 5,000 souls that he has to live with. That is a lot! He wanted to help to make amends. The other is really close.. I think he was at heart protective, he was offering to protect Darla when she turned him. Yes it was an Irish sort of accent. For Kendra. When she arrived Buffy had just died and come back. But she was also very involved with Angel. She was a bit compromised in some sense. Kendra had to stay alive as an understudy in case Buffy just gave up. However as soon as Buffy made her mind up that it was over with Angelus and she said I’m prepared to kill him. Kendra was there. Not to take over but to die so Buffy could be the 100% slayer again. For Dru, she was totally unhinged when she went into the confessional. At the time there was only one unforgivable sin, suicide because it did not allow for repentance and forgiveness. When Angelus said nothing can save you... wrong.. repent and ye shall be forgiven right? And how would a creature like Angelus ever get into a church? Ok Xander was being totally insensitive and selfish. What he said was right. I mean do you really want the person you love, turn into a monster right after you lost your virginity, to him, watch him kill a few people including your Dad/Uncle’ love interest, and then pop back with ... I’m better now, sorry. How could you see his face every day and shove all that out of your head. No one could do it. Buffy is16, she is not equipped to handle that. That’s my, probably lame, observation. On the reaction. I would watch every one of yours hun. One after the other. Superb!

Phoenix Dawn

I love how observant you are. You even picked up on the "paperweight" joke which took me like second or the third rewatch of the episode! Awesome reactions. Can't wait for the finale.

Jim Greer

Awesome reaction SoFie .