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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wzjxtvup2hla75c/Buffy.S02E20.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




The classic slipping your mind is the creature from the black lagoon.


Glad you chose to react to this one. It was a great reaction to a lot of the funnier moments. When the coach turns to Buffy with “After the fall of the Soviet Union, documents came into light” I lose it, the tonal shift is hilarious and ridiculous. At this point I start laughing a few seconds before he even starts. May not be a well-regarded episode, but I enjoy it and love reactions to it because it has so many “reactable” moments. Cordy’s speech to “fish Xander” is probably the highlight. Also a window into how much she actually cares for him. The themes of sexual harassment and privilege certain boys are given at school is important and interesting, but they handled it with the subtlety of a sledgehammer here and at times it’s unclear exactly what the perspective is honestly. Like the scene when Xander, Willow, and Giles shut down Buffy’s legitimate outrage at being sexually harassed. It’s such a wtf moment.

Rey Gallogo

I guessed that you would enjoy watching this episode even if it’s not the greatest. No way is it comparable to Bad Eggs.

Flora Smith

The ‘after the fall of the Soviet Union...’ line kills me. It’s so Mulder deadpan explaining a ridiculous X-File it may as well be a parody


There are a few bits that look like Humanoids from the Deep. I loved the Xander scan when he walked in to the pool. Every cute girl gets the X-ray up and down look. I walked behind one down a train platform at Times Square, I just thought holy c**p she has to put up with that! They’re showing that win at all costs mentality even in high school, if it isn’t the parents it’s the coaches. SoFie since you said way back that they often showed teen issues in the show, I’ve been looking at it and they cover adult issues too. The 1980 and ‘83 olympics and games were nicknamed the Chemists games because of the number of cases of doping. The drugs were supplied by the state in Soviet Union. The Union fell apart in 1990. There was a lot of talk about other secret documents falling into US hands, so yeah while he idea of the high school coach running a major research program from the Chem Lab is a bit much 😂😂; i can see where they got it. Of course it had to be the big bad RussiaAbout 3% of US middle school students were using steroids. In 1997 it was recognized as a huge problem. I guess if you’re brainstorming I could see all the pieces of this story coming together.

Kirsten (Heavenli24)

Glad you reacted to this one - it's not actually that bad, it's just that it doesn't seem to fit in this part of the season... it feels like a season 1/early season 2 episode that got slotted in at the end of season 2, where it doesn't really belong. I do like most of the main character scenes in this, it's just that I have to skip over the last few minutes. You're right about the Angelus scenes... he's just been popping up out of nowhere, with no real reason for him to be there. I believe that's due to the fact that David Boreanaz was a series regular and contracted to appear in every episode, so they had to find a way to fit him in for a scene or two in each one.