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What a freaking amazing season finale!

Ps: Dropbox did't want to process the 2nd part so I used google drive, BUT I'll share another link with dropbox when I'll fix it.

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/83aqaf6v4oeixwn/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E22.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




I'm glad you chose that thumbnail picture. I looooved Alaric so much. This was one of the most devastating moments to watch in the show. Alaric dying in Damon's arms as Damon realizes that he's not only losing his best friend he's also losing the girl he loves. It broke me.


Please tell me if the second part is working. Dropbox got the file stuck in 1 second left for hours now don’t think its gonna work tonight. If google drive is working. I’ll go to sleep for now and try again with dropbox tomorrow.


This finale is the best finale after season 8...just perfectly written. And you used the perfect pic of damon...it was emotional as hell🤧..Also the next season is the best season imo, great plot,great mythology,and a perfect big bad at the end.....also a great season for delena fans lol...cant wait for your reaction!!


Great reaction can't wait for season 4 this show Is gonna keep getting better and better


@Sofie I'm sure if you go back and look at your 1x19 reaction comments you'll see We were all blown away at how insightful you are. Even using the word "consumed"

Kristen Maddox

Elena still had her seatbelt on when he pulled Matt out and she couldn't get it unlocked and that is why she didn't swim out by herself haha but he could have saved them both, don't know why he didn't.


To clear a couple things up about the underwater scene. Elena's seatbelt was stuck. She had tried to undo it before Stefan got there and couldn't. On top of that, by the time Stefan got to her and Matt, she'd been underwater for over a minute. Most people can't hold their breath longer than 2 minutes. She just didn't have enough air left. The ONLY reason am okay with Stefan not saving them both is because there is a precedent set by the show that when Stefan pulled her out of the car with her parents the first time he said he could only take one of them (her) and then he went back down for her Dad. Now I originally attributed that to the fact that Stefan was a weak bunny eater at the time. Now though it feels like he should have the strength to get both of them especially cause he just ripped the truck door off. Maybe he (like you) didn't realize her seatbelt was stuck and thought she'd swim out behind him. I really really wish they had given us an actual reason for him not being able to get them both. In some vampire stories vampires are weakened by or vampires can't cross running water. That would have been easy to put that into the show's mythology.


At some point Damon also mentions that vampires dont like water, but doesnt provide any details on why that is. Could be a joke, could be something more. Like you said though, the precedent of stephan only being able to save one person from drowning in the car was already set.


Last thought before sleep. I'm not sure you put all the dots together on the near ending sequence with Alaric and Damon: SO Damon knows Klaus is dead and that he probably has an hour or so to live. Elena calls him and tells him she is choosing Stefan Elena says "maybe if you and I had met first" He says goodbye to Elena and Ric starts kicking his ass and Damon just lays there. Alaric was like "fight back" Damon doesn't fight back and he says "you're kinda invincible Ric" Cause well Damon thinks he's dead anyways and he just got his heart broken. Then he remembers meeting Elena first and that gave him hope and something to live for so he starts fighting back he gets sort of a burst of strength and tosses Alaric off of him. I have always loved that sequence and just in case anyone didn't notice I figured I'd share.


Your words about Bonnie understanding Damon more and putting herself above everything else this time ... wow, that was beautiful. I haven't thought about it that way yet. Bonnie and Damon are a great team, and I'm happy to see them together.


Exactly! BTW, the word "consumed" sounds several times during this episode. At first, Elena had said this to Matt when she talked about Stefan and Damon. Then, Damon had said that word during their first meeting with Elena.


Elena’s choice. I don’t believe that Elena’s choice was about who she loves the most. She said to Matt about Stefan “He came into my life when I needed someone.” Then she said to Damon “Maybe if you and I met first.” as If maybe if you were the person there for me to help me to go through the grieving of my parent’s death. So it was a matter of who came first and if Damon pursued her right after he arrived in town he could have been easily the one she fell for not Stefan. Also when Elena this season talks about her feelings for Stefan she never talk about her feeling now, but always refer to the past. It is understandable her and Stefan never really split up like a normal couple they were torn apart by Klaus' actions. So there was never a chosen closure between them. But still, her feeling for Stefan are very much connected with her past. Elena: “It’s like I knew he would never stop loving me. Like he would never die.” Matt: “Like your parents did.” “After the accident it felt like I didn’t know how to live anymore. Then being with Stefan, I kinda figured it out.” Stefan came into Elena’s life when she was very vulnerable and what it is happening with Alaric is bringing everything back. All the memories she has during the day, was all about the parallel of the current situation with her past trauma. The point is what will happen when she will move on from the grieving, from the past, what significance will Stefan have in her life? And we know already. that the writers by making us see that actually Damon made her first are actually telling us that she is wrong. When Damon said Stefan is always be Stefan” she answer “I can’t think about always. All I can think about is the right now”. She loves them both but Stefan is the safest option, is the past, is what she knows, Damon is the unknown the future and she can’t see it right now, not until she has closure and move on. She will have to close the charapter of her life connected with her past before starting to think about her future.


I like your thoughts. Thank you for sharing this with us! But before that, I thought it was Elena's memory. She remembers on this day the entire episode when she is asleep or unconscious. And just at that moment, she was under the water. And the picture was in the style of Elena's memories, and logically it should be her memory. But it was only now that I realized that Damon had made her forget about their meeting, and Elena hadn't died in the moment of that memory. So it was definitely Damon's. Well, it seems like it's not enough for me to watch this show 100 times to notice all the details. 😂


Stefan choice. When I say that is not healthy never to argue iabout your partner choices and always do what the partner says, even agaist logic, common sense and feelings,Tha is what I meant. It is that is not respect, is codependency and it is dangerous. And the writers show us exactly that. Stefan by doing without questioning what Elena told him to do, killed her, he is the reason she is now a vampire. Imagine she didn't had vampire blood in her system, Matt would be alive and Elena would be dead. Imagine having the love or your life in that situation, would you do that? Would you risk killing the love of your life? That is the point that the writers want us to ponder about. Be in disagreement, arguing and acting not according to your partners will , but by the genuine feeling of doing the right thing for your partner isn't wrong, it's normal, if it comes from the selfless place that is true love and the real concern for the well being of your loved one. That is the difference between a normal relationship and an unheatlty codenpendency.


Damon can never catch a break, he always ends up having his heart brutally shattered. Now he has lost his best friend and the girl he loves. Poor thing.


I just love how the show takes Elenas very shallow reason (meeting first, tells you everything you need to know about Stelena right there) and tells us even that is wrong Immediatly 😂. I love Damons and Elenas first meeting.


Elena:- if you and I had met first,things would have been different Sofie:- that doesn't change anything elena *later realises they did meet first* Sofie:- OMG that changes everything!!!!! Lmao I love you sofie😂


It looks like my comment has been deleted again. I love this show with all my heart. But the finale of the third season left me with a vague feeling. For some reason, it seemed to me that the creators simply manipulated our feelings. Don't get me wrong. I love the way it ended, but I don't like the way the creators presented some of the moments (as if some of the events were far-fetched) 1. One of the questions is why didn't Stefan save both of them? He's a vampire, he could have gotten them both out. Okay, let's say the water hinders his vampire abilities. But he could have torn off the seat belt so that Elena could swim out on her own, because she was still conscious. And instead of wasting time arguing about who to save first, he could just free Elena and get Matt out. I understand that this is done, on the one hand, to loop the plot (again the same situation with the accident, on the same bridge and again Stefan at the scene of the accident and saves the one pointed at by the surviving passenger). I don't argue with that. On the other hand, it's done to finally have an excuse for turning Elena into a vampire. But it still looks illogical to me. 2. Elena says that if she had met Damon first, she would have been with him… Well, that's not clear to me at all. Not at all like Elena. Choose someone just because she met him first? This is very strange and incomprehensible. And again, I understand why this was done. When the show was first released, there were breaks between seasons and the creators wanted to keep the audience. In order not to lose either Stelena's fans or Delena's fans after Elena's final choice. And so it turns out that on the one hand, under the pressure of circumstances, Elena chose Stefan, but there is still hope that she can still choose Damon (this conversation about who she met first and this flashback about the meeting of Elena and Damon). And again there is this uncertainty, and again there are disputes among the audience about who Elena should choose. 3. I hate this fight between Alaric and Damon. It was the best friendship I've ever seen on screen. And to see two best friends beating each other up, and then Alaric dying in Damon's arms.… I really hate TVD writers for that. Sorry if something is wrong. I write this out of emotion. And no matter what, I continue to love this show and what happens next. And I can't wait for season 4. Sofie I love you and your reactions!


I'm so excited season 4 😏🔥🔥🔥🔥🙃


Lol I don't really think Elena meant she'd have chosen Damon at this point with all things considered just because they met first. I think she meant like maybe if you and I had developed a relationship prior to me and Stefan.


OMG and now we are on season 4...I so love season 4, I can't wait to share it with you!!! Yesss. Sofie just as a reminder...your reactions are fantastic!!


This was the best reaction ever! :)I really loved the moment when you realized that Elena met Damon first. Thank you so much! I am so excited for the next season :)

Andrea Dcosta

The reaction I’ve been waiting for since a veryyy long time. You’re amazing Sofie 💙The underwater scene always breaks me it’s so beautifully shot. Specially the flashback with her dad and her dad asking Stefan to save her it’s just heartbreaking. But what a finale insane twists and so emotional as always. Alaric dying in Damon’s arms is just mean not fair to us :(( always happens to Damon he must be shattered at that point knowing Elena is dying and his best friend also is. I have no idea on Stefan saving both of them was possible or no but il say this in that situation none of my heads will work she was already for a minute I guess in water and May be she probably didn’t think of swimming plus she had her seatbelt on so never know. And we know she won’t let her friend die before her that’s Elena. Ric coming as a ghost to speak to Jeremy was so beautiful and sad at the same time. Season 4 now finally 😻Can’t wait!!

Andrea Dcosta

Delena meeting first time is beautiful. Another thing to notice is it didn’t seem like Damon’s emotions were off or something at the time. It was probably somewhr in between. It’s insane to think just few minutes post this scene and Stefan sees Elena for the first time when her parents car went off the bridge. I love how everything in this show is so symbolic.

Rahul Radia

I know Sofie will be away for abit on vacation/holiday - do we know when we can expect season 4?


Lol she says it doesn't "excuse" anything


It's so obvious that Sofie is team Delena and I love it 😉


Anyone notice that Damon would have totally killed Elena's parents if she hadn't been standing at the side of the road already? He was doing his thing again 😂


I never noticed that, but yeah you're right. He was doing that "game" he learned from Katherine when they met.

I Am Not Chamari

I very much predicted that Elena would choose Stefan. It makes so much sense. Stefan is the safe and familiar choice - the guy that saved her life in more ways than one. Elena has never actually defined her feelings for Damon. She's never said "I love you" to him. We only get that she cares about him. That she has feelings for him. Having something so undefined is scary, and I could see why she would run in the other direction, to something she knows. A person who makes her comfortable. Settled. Stefan. This whole underwater car situation reminds me of the door in Titanic haha As I was typing this, you mentioned that Stefan was the easiest and safest choice. Great minds think alike!

Loved By You

I don’t think Elijah is “into” Elena like in a romantic way. I think his adoration of her comes from the fact that she looks like Katherine. And Katherine was someone that he really loved so I don’t necessarily think it’s Elena, I think that its her resemblence to Katherine.

Loved By You

In my personal opinion I don’t think a “consuming” love isnt healthy. The fact that Stefan, supports her, protect her, but yet still allows her to make her own decisions is very good. I think that the show tries to make Damon and Elenas dynamic a “passionate“ relationship but I think that Elenas heart will be with Stephen forever. Like Klaus said in episode five of the season, “a love like that never dies“. And I think that that’s why she chose Stephen because although she grew feelings for a damon I think that what she has for Stephen will never go away

Keith Engel

Oh, where oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good So I can see my baby when I leave this world We were out on a date in my daddy's car We hadn't driven very far There in the road, straight ahead A car was stalled, the engine was dead I couldn't stop, so I swerved to the right I'll never forget, the sound that night The screamin' tires, the bustin' glass The painful scream, that I heard last Oh, where oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good So I can see my baby when I leave this world When I woke up, the rain was pourin' down There were people standing all around Something warm flowin' through my eyes But somehow I found my baby that night I lifted her head, she looked at me and said "Hold me darling, just a little while" I held her close, I kissed her our last kiss I found the love, that I knew I had missed And now she's gone, even though I hold her tight I lost my love, my life that night Oh, where oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me She's gone to heaven, so I got to be good So I can see my baby when I leave this world

Keith Engel

Nods, not many people recognize this. The one thing about Stefan that some fail to even recognize, even though the show tells us in a variety of ways is that he is a very good emotional manipulator. They inform us of his pure heart, and he later tells Caroline about basically being an Empath. An Empath has a dark side, if you are able to feel deeply the emotions of it's easy to be able to manipulate those feelings in your favor. He may have had a pure heart as human, but his vampirism brings out the darker side of the empath as well. There are very few who seem to recognize Stefan has been manipulating Elena since the very beginning of the show, because it's so subtle and it's covered with this "good" exterior. Simply put, when you think about Stefan's love for Elena, is it about her? Or is it about himself? This is also told to us when he talks to Lexi and why he even came back, so he could feel more human, pretend to be human, and basically feel better about himself. Once you come to realize all of this, the way he treats Elena is really part of the manipulation he's been employing to continue to appear as the good guy. The only reason to manipulate someone is to keep them under your spell and to control them and their image of you. One of the aspects of Codependency also lies on the reason some one loves some one in the relationship. The Controller if I remember correct is the one who Loves because it comes down to well you let me save you so I love you, while the Dependent person in the relationship is I love you because you save me. Once again this brings us to the manipulation tactic that Stefan used in Season 1, after she got angry about Katherine's picture, he flipped her emotions from anger to shocked sadness by brining up how he saved her life, and then the adoption. It's only after he told her these things, while in a mixed emotional state and very vulnerable that he tells her he loves her for the first time. This is after he had manipulated her emotions by having her starting to fall in love with, got her to say I love you first, and even got her to sleep with him. Not many pick up on Stefan's manipulation of Elena, because it's never called out technically, but the show leaves all the hints for it in various ways. The biggest is his first conversation with Katherine and as we learn more about Katherine's method of manipulation. A pretty face inserting herself into the lives of others and getting them to come to love her. What does Stefan do with Elena? Mainly because I think early in the show we are seeing so much from Stefan's perspective at first, that he doesn't see himself acting like Katherine. It's up to the viewer to realize that this is what he is doing. His words to Katherine when they first meet is a projection of himself onto her. Stefan: The truth? Well the truth is, you're the same lying, selfish, manipulative bitch that you've always been. So, whatever it is that brought you here, why don't you just get on with it and leave town? Because if you don't, I will hunt you down and I will rip your heart out.

Keith Engel

The scene were Damon realizes Alraric is dying and that means Elena is dying is so powerful, he gets the last good bye, in two different ways. Then when he enters the hospital with such passion just saying where is she, gets me every time as well.


I believe quite the opposite. Stefan inserterted himself in Elena's life after month of stalking, lied to h her, just about anything, himself, her, his brother, whithold important information and manipulated a young gild in a vulnerable state, while she lost her parents to make himself appealable and needed. Seasn 3 also proved that he doesn't reaspect her, the Jeremy, situations, the Wickery Bridge kidnapping and the territorial behaviour and last but not list the killing of Elena, t That isn't respect that is codependency, a very unhealty psycological issue were one of the part would do anything to please the other for fear to loose the partner an the writer killed Elena to prove it, that this kind of relationship are dangerous. The relationship she has with damon is based on trust, friendship, closiness first and also passion, but self respect too that is healty. You are not suppose to do whatever your partner ask you to do without questioning when you don't agree, specilally when it comes to your loved one safety. Sorry but we past the false narrative where Stefan is the saint respectfull boyfriend and Damon is not. That is for people that didn't wacth the show carefully and reading everybody's comments...I would suggest you to go back and rewatch here what it was brought to light.