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Poor Klaus!!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/3lyzput1bfmiiyh/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E21.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




I can't wait for episode 22


Just a correction, abby didnt loose her powers because the spell she did on Mikael. She loose his powers because the witches punished her for abandoning bonnie (sorry for the bad english)


It's fine if you feel bad for klaus. He someone you hate to love but still love.


Klaus is one of my favorite characters, but i never feel bad for him. He plays rough so should expect it in return. Well sometimes i do feel bad for him, but not for stuff like this. Damon and Bonnie are always the best team.

Addiletsplay ‘n’ Vlogz

When’s the next reaction for tvd since doing it this week kinda changed when your normal schedule? On next Saturday or this one? Btw, love your reactions and I’m happy to see another klaus and Caroline shipper (their ship name is Klaroline) !! Anyways, cant wait to see ur reaction to the finale! Crazy!


she's going to upload the next one in a couple minutes i guess. On the schedule tvd 21+22 are on friday

Kristen Maddox

Hopefully episode 22 comes out soon!!


Stefan definitely feels bad about Klaus. For all his faults, and my god there are a lot of them, Klaus sees Stefan as the true friend he had in the 1920s. Maybe the only true friend Klaus ever had and like Klaus said, they had moments of genuine brotherhood and Stefan felt that too at the time. The thing is though, as Damon so territorially pointed out; Stefan already has a brother. I think Klaus had kinda filled a void Stefan felt for so long being estranged from Damon but now he has his real brother and there is no replacement for Damon in Stefan's life.


There are two types of people: "Missed me" and "Get down". Damon swaps boards with Klaus while Stefan sits under the table with Bonnie and Jeremy. And then there's Klaus, marching to Elena's house with a "torch" in his hand. I can't get the image of Klaus climbing over the neighbors ' fence to get the ball out of my head. 😂 😂 It was all so damn funny. By the way, who fixed Elena's door after Klaus blew it down with a ball? 😂 Was it Matt?


It's funny that Jeremy only went to his room after Damon's "Now".


I really don't feel bad for Klaus. Yes, he is a gorgeous villainous character, colorful, charismatic, funny. But I can't help but remember all the evil he brought with him. If it wasn't for Klaus, Damon and the tomb vampires would still be the greatest evil in Mystic Falls. He brought so much suffering and fear into the lives of ordinary teenagers, robbed them of their normal lives. And of course, I can never forgive him for killing Jenna. So no, I'm not sorry.


I know you were kinda irritated that Caroline was like 'toasting' to Klaus being gone because he saved her and likes her etc... I think if you kinda recap though, she has plenty of reasons to not like Klaus even if there are moments that she wishes she could forget all the awful crap Klaus has done. Just in case we all need a Klaus wake up call from the characters perspective... Reasons to have something against Klaus: Killed Jenna Killed Elena Uses Elena as a blood bag. Terrorizes Bonnie to get her to do spells for him. Made Stefan go into blood lust mode for Klaus healing Damon's werewolf bite. Compelled Stefan to obey him. Made Stefan turn off his emotions. Made Stefan attack Elena. Made Tyler bite Caroline. Controls Tyler Is AWFUL to his sister and other siblings. Had Alaric run over by a hybrid driven car. Lol you get the point. From a viewer's perspective in a world where there is no black and white, only shades of gray, It's easy to love him, I do.


It’s crazy how the show can make you forget about all of this. We surely need a wake up call from to time 😂


"She'll make a list of pros and cons and at the end of the day, dumb both of our asses". Oh, Damon, Damon... But why, I have a feeling Damon isn't going to leave Mystic Falls if Elena chooses Stefan? It's obvious that he was forced to say this because of Stefan. This is exactly what Elena is afraid of and because of what she cannot make a choice. In episodes 20 and 21, it seems to me that Elena sees the hope of Stefan, who has just regained his humanity, and is afraid of offending him, disappointing him, and losing him completely. Elena really cares about Stefan, he will always remain a close and dear person for her. But I don't see in her the feelings that a girl should have for him as a man. Maybe I'm wrong. In my country, they say that if you can't choose between two men (or women), then you don't really need either of them. I think that Elena has made her choice in her heart, but she is afraid to admit it, afraid to break the delicate balance.


I can't bear to see Alaric like this. Matt Davis did a great job with his role. But I was so used to Elena and Jeremy's guardian and Damon's drinking buddy that seeing Alaric drag Caroline to school and torture her there was almost unbearable.


The battle scene at the house was so funny, I adore the writers when they through in scenes like that, pure genius is in the little details. I don’t know why but in the scene between Klaus and Stefan I percieved it differently, were Klaus was going down and was looking at Stefan with a look of utter shock and betrayal and the feeling of discover that he is, after all, not invincible, and Stefan looking back at him has a sense of closure. All that he had gone through in this period was passing before his eyes and felt relief he finally was able to put him down, looking straight into his eyes, like “now you know how does it feels to be overpowered”. It reminded me a bit like when Damon closed the tomb door with Katherine in it. But that is my perception. It is obvious that it wouldn’t be a love triangle if Elena wouldn’t choose one of the brothers, but I wished they contemplated, at this stage, also at the possibility for her not to choose, at list until she clearly loves only one of them. And ahhhh Stefan Stefan.... immediately after Elena said that she doesn’t want to lose any of them, understandably, Stefan cornered Damon, that clearly didn’t want to, but felt obligated and pushed into it, to be separated while one of them is with Elena. Why? Cannot be adult about it? So much for respecting Elena’s choice. 🙄

Idun V

I have a hard time feeling bad for Klaus when he was in the middle of killing Elena 😂

Idun V

Jeremy really seems to have some level of respect and liking for Damon, it's funny.

Andrea Dcosta

I love Klaus so I did feel bad for him specially the way Stefan looked at him. It hurt him too. Just between us girls whom would you have picked I laughed like crazy hearing klaus say this. I love the car scene between the brothers Defan truly is the best ship 😻One more to go one of my favourite finales for sure!!


I personally did not feel THAT bad for Klaus, but that didn't mean I wanted his character to be gone! 🙂


Ohh Jenna i feel like i betrayed Jenna. But as i watch him his charisma makes me forget all that he did. It’s crazy i was calling him bitch when i stated the season and look at me now

Emilia Leidich

I love klaus, even after all he has done I can’t despise him, he is cool and charming and funny.... I can’t help loving him, similar with what happened to me with Damon the first season ;) I had a thing for funny bad boys lol. That’s the reason I never liked Stefan, he is in the bottom of my favorite list, just right next to Matt lol!! And because of that, the only ship I like Caroline with is klaus 😊

I Am Not Chamari

I felt bad for Klaus, sure, but I definitely feel like he got what he deserved for terrorizing all of their lives. Also, it's literally what they have wanted to do since Season 2 - so, can't even blame them for toasting and celebrating. Every single thing has been about them trying to kill Klaus, and now they have sort of achieved that? Of course they would drop him in the ocean, because then he can't come back to life and seek revenge.