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Waay to break my heart again JOSS!!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xn05m37g37tsaln/Buffy.S02E19.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




This episode is like poetry... art. It's beautiful and smart. It just makes me feel like it belongs in a museum.

Raven Dark

Holy wow. I love this episode, but the reaction was just beyond fabulous. It's the best reaction to this episode I have ever seen. I feel like there is just so much a lot of reactors miss in this one, because it's just so subtle, and the parallels for most are easy to miss. I love how deeply you "got" this one, the way you noticed every detail, every parallel between the Buffy and Angel/James and Miss Newman storylines. This episode has always hit me in the feels, but it has never made me cry. Until now. With a lot of the comments you made in this one, and with how certain things affected you... God this show is gonna kill you. And I'm here for it. I want so badly to beg you to skip the next episode. It is entirely skippable. It doesn't push the main story forward at all, and I have a feeling you'll hate it. Aside from one cute scene that doesn't tell us something we already know from other episodes, it's just cringy and totally out of place with the rest of this part of the season. You could skip it and you'd miss nothing. The problem is, as hated as it is in the fandom, and as much as I want you to get back to the good stuff, I've advised only one other reactor to skip it, because I was sure he'd hate it, and he loved it. Not only that, but because he loved it, I found myself enjoying watching it with him. So I won't tell you to skip it. But don't expect much from it. Like Bad Eggs, it's a pallet cleanser. It's the clunker that usually happens before the shit hits the fan again. All that said, I've been waiting for you to get to the two part season finale that comes after it, and after seeing this reaction, all I can say is, girl, you are in So. Much. Trouble. :D This is gonna be fun.


Ugh next episode. I wouldn't shed a tear if Amazon removed it from my purchased episodes, even without a refund.


I’m dense so i had to let SoFie point out the details! Thank you!. I just want add a couple of things The demon in The Exorcist was Pazuzu, a demon who was made up of different animal parts with two sets of wings. A snakes tail, one hand pointing down and one up. Interesting that in the middle of the possession the whole school is overrun with flies, and snakes. I don’t know if the arm that got Xander was the upper, the statue was dug out of the sand... it looks like there may be some common things. Ok the big one. He’s a KID full of hormones running every which where. The teacher was a grown adult. A child’s executive decision making part of their brains don’t fully mature until they are 25. He is completely unable to deal with the relationship with an adult and she should never have let it go that far. Heck when I was 30 plus, had I formed that kind of relationship with a girl Buffy’s age? Forget the girl shooting me, her dad would. You guys might be getting a bit stuck on gender roles. So even if Teach didn’t know the psychology she would know exactly what had happened and she would have forgiven him. You don’t go and teach kids and remain unable to forgive what you caused, when you see that much pain. Someone once told me, there is only one unredeemable sin. The belief that you cannot be forgiven. To be honest the hardest task would be for her to forgive herself. Just my 2 cents. SoFie the reaction was amazing. I am running out of compliments 💫. 👸💫 💜

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

This is definitely one of my top 4 episodes this season - such a fantastically underrated one ☺️ The feels!!!! X


I always start crying when James takes over Buffy and her and Angelus act out the scene. I love that you immediately got where they were going with this.

Alexis Cardarella

Loved your commentary! You honestly helped me connect more of the parallels with James and Buffy and I've seen this dozens of times. David's acting is notably top notch in this one. Of course everyone's was. But with David they really gave him something very different and fleshed it out and he pulled it off in spades.

lost in translation

Please stop telling her about episodes in advance like this. She doesn´t want it and it really annoys the rest of us.

Raven Dark

I have already seen that. I would have deleted the offending parts, but she had already seen the comment. The reason I mentioned Go Fish is because I've seen what the extremely ill placed and inappropriate rape jokes do to some people who see this one. It sometimes diminishes their respect for the show, Unfairly so, because most of the show does not have that problem. Especially now, with what's going on in the news, they look even worse. But yes, I am already aware of it, and I won't do it again.


Your reaction was pretty much me when I first watched this episode. I still get emotional every single time I watch it. It really does tug on my Bangel fan heartstrings.


Jenny's computer was destroyed by Angelus before he killed her, so how can Willow be following her lesson plan off of that computer? Sometime I hate noticing the details. Still love the episode though.

Nichole Hutchison

This episode always gives me goosebumps when I Only Have Eyes For You starts playing and Buffy looks in the mirror and it’s the ghost she sees. Aw I just love this episode

Nichole Hutchison

Yeah like one thing that’s been bugging me recently is when Jenny asks Angel “how did you get in here” in the episode Passion, it’s like uhh haven’t you seen him in the school multiple times at this point and now you ask that question ? 😂 not to mention when Spike and his gang took over the school at the start of the season


Yeah, and then he proceeds to explain for some reason how he was "invited" by the sign outside, despite being in school multiple times before, not to mention he doesn't need an invitation to a public place. they even made a point to say it in the very next episode in the hospital, if I'm not mistaken. I think writers themselves got confused at some point, and that's why those two episodes got stuck a little on the question where to vampires need to be invited in. I never thought it was even needed to be explained up until this point, coz vamps were going in and out of school and other public places as they pleased, so it was a common sense knowledge.


My headcanon: 1) There's a homeless kid living in the school basement. He or she is known to the gang from an adventure between episodes, and they did have to invite Angel in off-screen during Season 1. 2) During this episode, the school is one of the places they covered with their anti-invitation spell, counting on the homeless kid's presence to enforce the barrier. 3) The sign outside the school overrode the barrier.