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What a heartbreaking season finale 😭

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nm3j78gv66wufn2/Buffy.S02E22.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0



Rio de Tanana

“Jenny Calendar, who?” As long as you get your ship. This fandom drains my faith in my own gender.

Rey Gallogo

Joyce isn't a bad mother... She doesn't have the same perspective as you. Your daughter gets into fights and now she's saying she's a superhero? LOL


I don't think Angel's blood is the key because it has to be Angel... I think whoever performs the ritual has to use their own blood, and that's the part Angel was missing. This was a wonderful reaction. Enjoyed every second.

Kyle Jordan Ashley Brown

Such a fantastic episode and a great reaction. So glad you've enjoyed the finale! And ye with Joyce it's rather sad when you reflect tbh. She's always been kept out of a big part of her daughter's life, barely gets open d up to and all season since innocence she's seen her daughter down in the dumps and couldn't do anything. All she knows is that Buffy's getting into fights, has had sex with an unstable guy and then has all of a few seconds to process the slayer reveal. Hard to watch at the time but when you look bad it's rather sad x


I felt so bad for you, how giddy you were about Angel getting his soul back because I knew what was coming... It’s so sad. The Joyce/Spike scene is one of my favorites of the show. Makes me laugh every time. Yes, Xander should have told Buffy what Willow was doing. I love that you have accurately captured Dru & Spike. Spike is more into Dru than she is into him and he has a “weird kink”. I think Dru was into Angelus in a Stockholm Syndrome sort of way.

Raven Dark

Since this reaction is in two parts, it's easier to comment on them separately, so this will be the first of two comments. Sofie, you know I adore your reactions, so please don't take anything I say here as being critical. I only wish to offer another perspective with regards to Joyce. There will be no spoilers here. I totally understand your reaction to Joyce in the scene with Buffy revealing that she's the Slayer, and to be honest, I felt the same way, that she wasn't being understanding, that she wasn't giving her a chance or listening to her, and even that she was being a bad mother. But after many rewatches of this episode, I see it a lot differently now. Also, although I don't have kids, now that I'm Joyce's age, I understand her more now. All that Joyce knew up to this point is that Buffy was constantly getting into fights, and had been warned by her principle that she was a troublemaker, she dated and had sex with a boy who turned out to be unstable and way too old for her, and she snuck out of her room a lot, probably sometimes staying out all night. Without Joyce knowing why, and never having gotten an explanation from Buffy, and always being shut out of a big part of her life. Joyce doesn't know everything that went on with Angel or how things went down, and though she seemed to understand that Principle Snyder is a jerk after School Hard (the episode that introduced Spike), putting what he said in perspective with everything else only, to her, paints the image of a daughter getting messed up in the wrong side of the tracks. Then she sees a guy go poof, a strange man she knows attacked Buffy is just invited into her house, and Buffy drops this huge bomb on her. She's a Slayer (and Joyce doesn't even know what that is or what it really means), and guess what, vampires are real, and she's a superhero. And again, Buffy isn't really explaining any of it. Not that I have an issue with Buffy not explaining it, there is no time here, but the fact is, Joyce is only getting a very small, very scary part of the picture and is just expected to accept it and let Buffy leave her with it. Also, don't forget, she thinks Buffy burned down her prior school gym, and still doesn't know why. She isn't going to be able to put that together with the whole vampire thing without Buffy explaining that there were vampires there. (This is not a spoiler for the movie, guys, it was revealed in season one, through Principle Flutie, and then again through Shiela, that girl in School Hard who was turned into a vampire). And let's not forget one other thing. I don't know if you noticed, but the cop who told her about what happened at the school is the same cop who took Buffy in and questioned her about Ted. They chose not to investigate and never charged her, but he probably still thinks Buffy had more to do with that than she let on, and Joyce would have picked up on that. It would all be a little too much to handle. I agree, kicking Buffy out of the house is too much, but people say things they don't mean. She's scared, she's worried her daughter is getting into some dangerous shit, and she is *still* being left out of the loop. It's kind of like, this is the last straw, you know? I dunno. The point I'm trying to make here is that, Joyce may have handled it badly, but I also get where she's coming from. And yes, this is a metaphore for coming out. It's not just you. The writers have made that clear when they've spoken about the show. Which is why I thought Buffy leaving the door to the house open when she left was a brilliant touch. She just came out to her mother, and left the closet door open when walking out of it. More to come after I watch the second half. :D Great reaction so far.


I totally understand what you’re saying. I was biased in that moment knowing what is going on with Buffy. But still if we think about the metaphor of coming out for a gay teen in the scene Joyce behaved exactly like how some parents react «  not accept that there may be something going « wrong » with their kid, and try to control the situation » plus I’m sensitive about this whole «  if you go don’t you ever think about coming back » and to be honest it’s not just about this scene specifically Joyce has basically been ignoring what’s happening on with buffy ( buffy said she even cleaned blood from her clothing so many times) and yeah buffy was always pushing her not telling her what’s happening but to be honest i didn’t see Joyce trying that hard either she just prefers to ignore it and not accept that there something going on with her daughter.

Raven Dark

Ok, now that I've seen the other half of this reaction... My God. Just wow. You picked up on a lot of things that a lot of other viewers and reactors often miss. You picked up on things that even I missed on first viewing. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me. :D First, let's get the angel being the key thing out of the way. I always interpreted it that it's not Angel himself who is the key, or his blood specifically. The person who wakens Acathla has to be worthy, and here, the mark of being worthy is a person of exceptional evil who is ready to send the world to hell. Such an evil person, who has no humanity, it's their blood that is the key. Angel fits the requirements, so he is the key. He is deemed worthy, so his blood opens the portal...and unfortunately, closes it. I hope that makes sense. I loved every second of this reaction. Yes, even your reaction to Joyce, because, although I see it differently, and I explained why in my above comment, your reaction makes sense, and to a certain degree, that's what I think the writers wanted. They wanted us to side with Buffy, and we do. I hope what I'm saying is clear here--while I do understand Joyce's reaction, and I empathize with her, that doesn't mean I think it's right. I understand hers, but I side with Buffy. I also love that you picked up on Xander's lie. There are a lot who don't pick up on the problem with him not telling Buffy what Willow was doing or realize on first watches what a jerk he's being there. Don't get me wrong, I love Xander as a character, and usually I love how complex he is. He is loyal to his friends and risks his life daily to help or save them. But he also makes decisions for people that he has no right to make, and lets his feelings for Buffy mar his judgement. By not telling Buffy what Willow was doing, he savagely curtailed Buffy's choices. He limited Buffy's choices in battle, because by not knowing they were trying to bring Angel's soul back, she didn't know there was a chance to save him. Had she known, she could have just kept hum from pulling the sword out of Acathla. Instead of fighting to kill, she could have taken the fight outside or just tied him up or something until the spell was complete, and then if it didn't work, then she could kill him. Buffy might have still had to kill Angel in the end if she had known they were doing the spell. But then again, she may not have had to. I love how complex Xander is as a character. Angelus is dangerous, and Angelus deserves to die. It makes sense that Xander would want him gone, and it even makes sense if he thinks that it might be better for everyone if Angel dies because then Angelus can't become a danger to them or Buffy again, but his reaction comes from a place of jealousy. He had no right to make that call for Buffy. I love him, but I was hella mad at him in that scene, and it's nice to see that you were too. My heart broke for you, watching this one. It broke me, seeing how happy you were that Angel was back when I knew what was coming. God, this show is so, so good, and your reactions make it even better. Thank you for letting us relive this show through you by sharing your Buffy journey with us. Excited for your reactions to season three, and the rest of this epic series.


I usually stand up for Xander when I see a lot of people putting blame onto him for acting how he does... but not telling Buffy what Willow was doing is the worst thing he's done so far in this show. That one is hard to forgive. That being said... even if he did tell her, it wouldn't have changed anything. She was already going there to stop him from pulling the sword out, and whether she knew about Willow or not, the immediacy of completing her goal would not have been affected. She was always going to try to stop him before he pulled it out. Even if she was trying to kill him, she was trying to do it before he got to the sword.

Chas Summers

Snyder's job is partially to keep all the supernatural stuff in town quiet. Buffy makes it harder to do that.

Phoenix Dawn

Love your reaction!


Absolutely loved it! I remember when I first saw this which wasn’t too long ago actually (2020) I was bawling, Buffy’s my favourite from the show and I felt so hard for her, you’re absolutely correct, she did lose everything. The burden of the slayer, she’s alone, once again. Bring on Season 3! Btw is it too early to say who’s your favourite?


Loved this reaction. I cried for sure the first time I watched this but never really cry on rewatched but you made me tear up again so I’d say you did a good job.


What would happen if Buffy knew that Willow was trying to get Angel’s soul back? She would have fought half hearted waiting for it to happen and died. Xander’s action? Morally bankrupt. Result? Probably saved her life. Go figure.


I've never heard a reactor point out that Buffy doesn't even look at Angel after she stabs him with the sword, but it's one detail I've always noticed and loved about this scene, so I'm glad you noticed too. :)


OK, this is absolutely the best reaction I've seen to this episode yet - the reaction I've been waiting for! Sofie just gets it, plain and simple. 20-odd years on, I still can't believe that they did it, they actually brought Angel back only to 'kill' him almost instantly. Such a defining moment of TV.


Yeah I wish buffy could have closed her own eyes to avoid having the look on his face burned into her brain


Totally agree with your reaction to Xander. This episode was heartbreaking. I still cry every time I watch the last part with Buffy/Angel and then Buffy leaving.

Audra Foxgrove

Watching this reaction was so satisfying. It really let me relive the intensity of emotions I felt when I watched this as it was airing when I was a young teen.

Nichole Hutchison

I think Joyce was trying to call Buffy’s bluff when she gave her the ultimatum. Joyce didn’t believe her and was in extreme denial and I don’t think she actually expected Buffy to leave