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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/k8ge2dz7nd1x0ke/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E19.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




Just a thought for some of the regulars here, I'd love to do a virtual watch party for her 3x22 reaction. Okay on to the episode! I promised myself I wouldn't just fast forward...


I'm so excited for Wednesday and Friday's reactions


Delena is so freaking passionate!! When I first seen it I though ...they waited from season 1 to jump each other's bones. The chemestry between those two is off the chart. The scene is so well constructed, the sexual tention is simply spectacular.

Sade L.

Ugh my favorite delena scene..breathtaking 😩


Damon statements are so epic. "Because when people see good they expect good, And I don't want to have live up to anyone's expectations". Someone made a clever connection, this sentence is mainly referred to his father, when he was trying to please him and no matter what he did he was a disappontment. So he learned to lower the bar, of what people should expect from him, not to feel anymore the pain and frustration of being misanderstood, unjustly harshly judged. This character is so deep.

Andrea Dcosta

Sofie I’m so happy I was waiting for this reaction since soo long and it was so much fun to watch you react to it. I literally had tears in my eyes watching this scene with you it’s like Damon has finally got his wish yes they aren’t yet together but that make out part was Electric. According to me they are the best most passionate on screen television couple. And specially since this wasn’t forced at all their relationship grew tremendously over the seasons specially with lots of ups and downs it’s even more beautiful and realistic. Rose rose I love her so much what she said is so beautiful and true. Perhaps if not Elena I would love to see Damon with Rose.

Andrea Dcosta

Also I love Stefan’s and Ric’s conversation in the cellar. He is the darkest parts of Ric and it totally makes sense him hating vampires since Jenna was liked by one and with his problems with Isobel. Makes total sense. Damon telling Jeremy Did I go for a trip to Disneyland with Rose was so freaking funny when he asked for a picture of them and when he tells Jeremy how did u make a friend so fast have u met you that was so hilarious 🤣🤣


Rose!!! She's amazing. Her death was one of the worst on the show. And it's so good to see her so calm and peaceful. She deserves it. And she was saying the right things to Jeremy. Of course, he will judge. Damon tried to turn him into a vampire, almost killed him, guilty of Vicki's death, and all that. But on the other hand, Jeremy was in love with Anna, no matter what. Anna also hurt both Elena and Bonnie. And she tried to kill Elena. But Jeremy still loved her. So he has to understand this situation. Thanks Rose for trying to explain everything to him from her point of view. Stefan and Elena's relationship is like their first high school crush. This is the pure and immaculate love that many people have in their lives. Damon and Elena's relationship is more mature, more mature. I don't think she'll be much safer with Stefan, though. All these breakdowns, ripping, etc. None of this is any safer than Damon's breakdowns. But I have already said this, and I will not repeat it. It's not safe to date a vampire anyway.


Oh, that kiss. 🔥🔥🔥 I don't even have the words. To say that it was hot and passionate is like saying nothing. I didn't expect such pressure from both of them. Their previous kisses had been so careful, almost platonic. And then, both of them broke through. I laughed when you told Stefan not to worry because Jeremy was with them. When did that get in Damon's way? 🤣 I can even understand why Elena lured Damon out of the room. If she'd kissed him in bed, it wouldn't have ended with a kiss. 😂 It's an unpopular opinion, but I'm glad Jeremy interrupted them. They're both not ready for anything more yet. Elena can't even openly admit that she feels something for Damon. She spent the entire episode making excuses that Stefan thought she had feelings for Damon. It was as if Stefan needed this trip more than she did. Her fear of losing one of her brothers hurts both of them. I understand that she is young and it is difficult for her to understand herself. But still, she acts selfishly, trying to keep both of them. Even in this situation, she hoped that everything would resolve itself. Damon had told her the right thing. She must decide for herself.


Whoopi. Another nickname from Damon. I like this reference to the movie Ghost. And in general, all of today's communication between Damon and Jeremy can be divided into quotes. It was hilarious. Sofie, that was amazing. Best reaction ever


sofie: i don't know if i prefer stelena or delena sofie during delena scenes: AAAAAAHHHHSJGJ *has a heart attack and replays scene 10 times* same girl, same.


I think the moment I sorta made up my mind lol or like Elena just finally accepted how I felt about one ship over the other was in the next couple episodes. I won't even say when or which til after the moment happens when I for sure knew I had decided cause I want Sofie to get where she wants to be all on her own. I had kinda thought oh I'll be happy either way but I came to an actual decision. If anyone has watched Juli DGs reactions I decided the same time she did.


To be honest personally I've decided pretty early what I would prefer. Is not that I didn't like the other couple is that there are elements in one that lacks in the other one and I am more inclined to like the elements present in that specific one. Also I feel both ships represent a life period so to me was easy to choose.


The way they look into each others eyes before kissing again, gets me every time


the fact that you said : "don't worry nothing's gonna happen" five minutes before something happens ahah

Keith Engel

the only other couple that I feel is better, is Clark and Lana from Samllville.