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I swear to God, I'll never look at this show the same way ever again. This was horrific!

Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lbixhy1trqiuk2a/Buffy.S02E17.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




I wondered how far they would go showing Angel reverting to his former self. I thought they would stop before he went this far. For me the most jarring part was them using La Boheme when Giles came home. In the Opera that scene starts when Mimi comes up the stairs to Rudolfo’s room to say her candle has gone out and she needs him to light it. Later she says she looks after her roses so they bloom after winter, Finally the BIG moment, when they profess love for each other, happens on the stairs outside his room,; and that is where Giles saw her. To get that moment right Angelus would have been there watching. They packed a whole lot of dark into that episode. SoFie, I feel for you, I never like watching anyone distressed, especially a young woman. Sorry, old guy protector mode kicks in - I can’t help it. It’s kind of like getting it in both directions. I get mad at the Angelus character because of what he does on the show, and mad all over again because I’m watching the effect on you.. 🤗🤗 here is a hug. You’re way too adorable to go through that without one. 💜. P.S. pulling a hard left, I love the nail polish and the mascara 👍🏻👍🏻

Raven Dark

First, before I get into this reaction, I keep forgetting to say, I love how professional you always look. Your style is fabulous. You always look polished to the nines, but without looking like the reactions are a job. It's very cool. I was dreading this episode, because I knew how hard it would be for you. This was a fantastic reaction. I have so many thoughts on it, I'm not even sure I can express them all properly. But I will try. You looked so happy when Giles was talking to Jenny about stopping by his house. Knowing what was coming, that was heartbreaking. I kept thinking, damn it, Sofie, stop looking so happy, this is going to be so much worse now. Everything about this episode is top teir. The lighting, the pacing, the music, the sets, and everyone's acting, but especially David's (Angel). The monologues always stood out to me. They're so perfect. The honesty in them made him all the more frightening. Your reactions to them were wonderful. Sofie: Did they... Did they really kill Jenny right now? Yes. Yes they really did. Sophie: I'm just waiting for the moment when Giles finds out. Sofie: Uhhhh.... I'm not gonna like this, am I? No. No, you're really not. Some of the parts of this episode that you rewound a lot of people can barely get through once, and you rewound them more than once, putting yourself through pain just to make sure you caught all the important details and fully understood the scenes. It speaks to an incredible strength of character. Either that or it makes you someone I don't want to meet in a dark alley. LOL Either way, I've never seen a reactor react that way before. I love it. Also, mother trucker. Sofie, you are an icon. LMAO Oh, and by the way, the gorgeous piano music they were playing at Jenny's grave and then again at the end when Willow is talking to the class and then she finds the disk... That score is called Remembering Jenny. If you listen carefully to the scene when Giles is talking to her about stopping by his house right before she's killed, there's a few chords of it threaded into the scene. Joss was telling us she was going to die. Sofie: "The irony of the episode... Giles starts out telling Buffy not to let Angelus provoke her, that she must not let Angelus get to her. But by the end of the episode, he was going on a suicide mission to try and kill Angelus. Exactly. Sofie: No wonder Angel had to live with so much guilt. Yes. This episode makes me feel horrible for pre-vampire Dru. I can't imagine what he must have put her through. Sofie: I was coming to the series thinking it was a safe, family friendly type of show... LOLOLOLOL Sorry. That was really funny. I love when new reactors get to the second half of season two. The episode Innocence and this one always give us that delightful moment when reactors truly sit up and take notice. You can practically see it on their faces. Suddenly they get it. This is so much more than a campy, cheesy over the top teen drama. Sofie: What an episode. It wrecked me. It drained me in every way possible. Yeah, this one kind of sneaks up on your doesn't it? It's like being hit by a freight train. Welcome to the power and the pain that is Buffy. You probably watched season one wondering why this is such an iconic, beloved show. Now you know why. I am so excited for you to watch the rest of this season, but man this show can be rough on reactors. I worry for you, sweet cherub.


Yeah, the show has started ramping up this season and this episode, to me, always marks where the show starts to take off (minus a few episodes here and there). This episode is beautifully tragic. I love watching it, despite how horrible it is. haha a "family friendly show", yeah... not so much. I love how you said it is able to have comedy at the same time it is tragic and sad, so true. I always appreciate your commentary about the episodes!!!


Great reaction! The actor who plays Angel, David Boreanaz, did an amazing job with this role. It truly feels like Angel and Angelous are completely different people. Also, always bring tissue haha.


Passion! That’s all I can say. Amazing episode and definitely one of the best episodes in the series if you ask me. Your reaction couldn’t be better.

Phoenix Dawn

Sorry for the pain Sof but a great reaction as per usual. Though, what made me laugh was you being in shock and disgust of what happened and yet rewinding and watching those moments over and over lol!


I appreciate you pausing, especially right after he kills Jenny. This is one of the few times when having commercials would be good, gives you a little breathing room before diving into the next scene. Most reactors/viewers don't take in any of the conversation between Giles and Willow because it moves on so quickly. "Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love. The clarity of hatred. And the ecstasy of grief." are such potent lines. Props to David for pulling off that monologue too, it's not an easy task. Props to David in general, holy crap. The music too. That off-kilter heartbeat effect they put behind Angel's stalker moments is so effective and creepy, and unique to this episode.

Jim Greer

This was a truly heartfelt reaction to a fantastic episode of what I believe to be the greatest tv series of all time . I have watched Buffy many times over the years and I still marvel at how well it stands up .

Bud Haven

When the series first aired in 1997 there was a lot of complaints about Buffy. Especially in the second season when the tone changed - ep. 13 and after. Many parents thought, like you, that they were watching a show that could be considered family friendly. The controversy made Th WB push it back an hour to10 pm. Buffy - definitely not made for children.


I’m late to this party, but I have to say this is one of my very favorite Passion reactions ever. This show works the full emotional range, and it’s why so many of us keep coming back for years—decades!—to re-experience it.