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Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vwhpnmwwrn399ee/The.Vampire.Diaries.S03E15.720p.x265.10bit-Sofie.mp4?dl=0




The serial killer plot is actually the main plot of this season

Kristen Maddox

7 more episodes until season 4!! yay.


I adore Elijah. He is a cold blooded killer when it comes to his family, but he carries the burden of it, and he has a consciense that keeps him moral and very aware of what is right or wrong, I love this character so much. I ,love the complexity and dept that all the characters in TVD have. Nobody is totally evil or good and every character has his own personality and motivations that match the psycological profile, their traumas. I find TVD poetic.


I adore the understated selflesness of Damon, and he never gets credit for it. He takes all the buden of doing what is necessary to do to keep everybody safe and he gets all the blame for it. He doesn't think Elena wants him becuase after they kiss she still hasn't choose him and she said that him loving her is a problem, and didn't apologise for it either. So of course he thinks she doesn't want him. So, as always, he "facilitated" things between Stefan and Elena for his brother sake, to get him back to who he was. Damon is Damon, yeah, unlike no other.

Futuristic Girl

Elijah said fuck what you heard.


The Mikealson family is so much fan.

Futuristic Girl

"My sisters." Esther is a trip.

Sade L.

I love that Klaroline scene 😩

Sade L.

I just feel like nobody ever looks at things from Finn’s perspective. When we find out Finn wants to sacrifice himself and take his siblings with him everyone is just like wow Finn fuck you lol but think about it. Finn was daggered in a box for 900 years meaning bro was only a vampire 100 years, and he hated being a vampire, his siblings don’t seem to care for him at all...so if I was Finn yep I’m ready to die and taking all you mfs with me lol

Futuristic Girl

The bond between Rebekah and Klaus is so strong.


I've said a hundred times how sorry I am that Bonnie is suffering, but I'll say it again. Poor Bonnie. I'm glad that at least Caroline understood how much Bonnie was suffering, that her friends didn't pay much attention to it. It's not Elena's fault that her friends are saving her. But everyone so rarely supports Bonnie, turning to her only when they need her help and are willing to sacrifice her and her family to save Elena.


I once read that Daniel Gillies (the actor who plays Elijah) thought his character should be in love with Elena and played accordingly. Maybe that's why they have such chemistry. And Elijah is right, Elena's compassion is truly her gift. She knows how to find an approach to almost any person. She had been saved from death many times by talking alone. Just like in this episode… Her understanding of Rebekah saved her life.


«a little blond distraction»… It was very funny. Finally, our team has found a weapon for Klaus ' heart. And the most interesting thing is that Klaus fell for the trick very easily.


I'm even glad to see old Stefan back. I don't really like him as an insensitive ripper. He may be hot in this image, but there is something repulsive about it for me. There is a sense of unnatural, artificial or something. I don't even know how to explain it. In any case, now Stefan is back to rabbits, thoughtfulness, and compassion for others. I like it much better this way. And Damon is still so selfless, ready to do anything for his brother. Their conversation with Stefan made me cry. Damon claims he's a bad brother. But really, he's a good, real big brother. He always tries to make Stefan look good, even if it hurts him. Sofie it's good to see you. I'm looking forward to the next episode.


I love how you hate on Finn and Esther and then Esther gives her speech (fantastic moment btw, on of my top 5 moments from the show) and your face goes "Oh damn, she kinda has a point". The speech is such a breath of fresh air, such a reality check. All these people we are rooting for a murderers. Klaus killed hundreds. He killed Jenna. Elijah has killed. Damon has killed. Stefan has killed. And yes, Im rooting for these charcters and yet, this speech made me question who can I really root for? Can I root for Klaus? I really enjoyed beeing challenged that way, questioning my decisions, thinking over my morals. And I do think that irl: Esther would be 100% right. She created a plague, she wants to end it.


The difference between the two brothers. Damon takes on the buren of turning Bonnie's mom into a vampire, to save everybody, something his brother should have done, but Damon wouldn't let him, for the love he has for him. Stefan and Damon conversation after Elena popped in the Salvatore house and finds out that Damon has slept with Rebekah. Damon to Stefan." Now you can come and sweept her off her feet" Stefan " No, she is better off without me. And SURE AS HELL she is better off without you" meanning I don't deserve her after all I did, but boy sure as hell she definetelly don't deserve you, because even with everything I put her throght I'm the better option anyway, I'm sure as hell I'm so much better then you.....🤨 Boy, I miss Stefan season 2 , Stefan season 3 is most of the time infurieting, with some breaks of decency. Thanks good towards the end of the episode he redeem himself by understanding the level of love his brother has for him.

Andrea Dcosta

Damon being Selfless again it’s for scenes and moments like these I love season 3 so much. I don’t know why I’m loving and enjoying Klaroline scenes more so with your reactions it’s slowing becoming my favourite thing and I love it. Must say feel so bad for Bonnie she literally losses ppl close to her directly or indirectly cz of her best friend Elena. I know it’s not Elena’s fault here but it’s so messed up and sad.


I'd like to point out another difference between the brothers: Damon did this to spare Stefan the guilt of turning Bonnie's mom and was willing to let Elena hate him. But Stefan never sets the record straight with Elena. He never tells her that Damon did it so Stefan didn't have to. He never tells her that he was supposed to be the one to turn Bonnie's mom and significantly... he was absolutely going to do it. If it were Damon, he'd tell Elena the truth even though it benefits Stefan and help to smooth things over. Just like in 3x11 where Damon talks to Elena about Stefan threatening to drive Elena off the bridge. He attempts to paint a good light about what Stefan did. Another example is 3x10 when he tells Elena that Stefan saved Klaus to save Damon. He could have just taken advantage of the situation and let her believe Stefan betrayed them but he doesn't. Damon tells her the truth. Up to this point Stefan doesn't do that for Damon. Correct me if I'm wrong!


elena honey your jealousy is showing😏

Connie Kay

You are 100 percent correct! Thank you for pointing that out. Damon is always doing things like this but people refuse to see it. They always want to make him the bad guy. He even thinks of himself that way.


That's make sense. Elijah's manners towards Elena tells that he feels for her.


Yeah, Damon and Stefan just turn to her when they need a witch help. I feel like Damon still doesn't care that much about her when we like compare her with Ric or Lezzie which hurts because you know how I'll die to see them be good friends.

Futuristic Girl

I agree. She goes through so much without as much support. She should put herself first more. The writers kinda positioned her as Elena's witchy best friend, which is why her character felt thin to me at times. It feels like she was written as a token black girl, especially in the beginning. That's really been my qualm about Bonnie's characterization and her role in the show.


Vg Bd no, not really and the fact that everybody else stated facts, the when and the where to substantiate what they are saying and you haven't, speaks volumes about your argument, not been base on fact but been your sole point of view, perhaps a bit bias? Think about it.


@Vg Bb *sigh* Maybe you don't intend it but it's really demeaning to part of the fandom when you say "I'm just not blinded by Damon's looks so I can be objective" You're basically saying that part of the fandom is kiddie pool shallow as though the only reason people like him is because he's hot. Yeah. Damon is selfish and I never meant to imply a false equivalency. Damon probably does do more selfish stuff but There's no halo sitting atop Stefan's hero hair. Some of what you said is just WRONG. You said "he tries to kiss Elena multiple times even though she is dating stefan... Pretty selfish thing to do against your brother. and something stefan would never do" Are we watching the same show? Remember Katherine? He was full on sleeping with her even though he knew she and Damon were together too. So, yes. Stefan would. Next you said "he (Damon) forces elena to drink his blood because he wants her alive. taking that choice away from her, something stefan would never do. Go rewatch 3x11 as Stefan feeds her his blood against her will and then nearly kills her in the most traumatic way possible. Had Damon not killed Bonnie's mom, Stefan would have done it. They are sitting in the car and Damon says "you know what Elena would want" and Stefan says "yeah she'd sacrifice herself to save her friends" so there's another example of Stefan's selfishness and disregard for Elena's choice. Stefan also selfishly has saved his brother from dying from the werewolf bite. He was wiling to do anything Klaus wanted. All those people he murdered just to save his brother. Stefan is always lecturing Damon about not having collateral damage for selfish reasons and yet here he is at the start of season 3 dismembering corpses just to save Damon. Damon wouldn't have wanted Stefan to do that for him. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Stefan AND Damon but I have no delusions about who/what they are and I love them anyhow lol.


@Vg Bd To add to what Libby just said very eloquently I would say 1) Damon has reasons to wanting to kiss Elena, he knows she is attracted to him, she gave him many times clear body language signals, The dance in Miss Mistic falls? Just one of it and you know that too. Stefan would never do that to him? I quote Stefan S1 Ep6 “I didn’t care I’ve got something that my brother wanted. I didn’t even care if it hurt him. I only knew that I wanted her”. Now we established that when Stefan did his first confession of love to Katherine, Damon was in her room already when she sent him away. No man gets in a lady room unless invited and the way they behave clearly implied they were sleeping together already. Same episode Stefan describing the night after the ball “It turns out that that night Katherine was with him too”. So it was Stefan that actually slept with Katherine knowing that his brother was having a relationship with her. As Damon said, Damon never lied about anything, never did, contrary to his brother that, boy I can fill the page with all Stefan lies. 2) I am pretty tired having to state that I love Stefan, or having to say Damon is bad too, after listing all Stefan shortcomings, because otherwise you get certain people that clearly watched the show with bias glasses, or passed out in certain part of the show, or have selective memory, get in a bully mode or assume automatically that we are all “blinded by Damon’s looks” simpleton. I’ve watched the show very carefully and several times and when I write a criticism about one character, I state why and I can tell you precisely how something is relate to something else when, where and how, which season which episode etc. My criticisms are based ONLY on what the writer presented to me and I should not justify myself for that criticism because we talk about what is in the show. So please do not assume anything here and please if you are making a criticism like those one “Damon is a selfish character (at least compared to Stefan)” or ”Damon is an asshole”(that you cancel but I read it) justify your assertions by stating the why, the where, the episode, the instance, because those two statements don’t find ground on what the show is presenting. May I remind you that Damon is the reason the Bennet family exist and Bonnie would not be born otherwise? Stefan would be dead (by Longan Fell and the tomb vampires) Caroline, Tyler would be dead (he save them from Klaus) Elena would be dead, several time, yes he feed her with her blood to save her (Stefan feed her with his blood to get revenge, not to save her surely he wanted to kill her.....). I don’t know what you’ve understood from season 7 because it’s quite the opposite, surely match the completely strange version of this show you have in your mind, that is not TVD. If there is something that this show is proving over and over again, episode after episode is that Damon is everything but selfish and dishonest, I would recomend you to rewatch the show paying much more attention to what is actually going on.


Please don't write spoilers in your comments. Talking about any character even being in a future season is a spoiler. Make your points with what we have seen until now, it's all that is relevant.

I Am Not Chamari

Damon's character always gets painted as selfish, and I completely understand why. I am just very grateful for this conversation about the ways he is selfless. YAY DAMON!

Keith Engel

Naw Stefan at the Start of Season 4 is the worst, also Caroline. It took me a really long time to come to like either character again after.

Keith Engel

Any one who truly understands Daman's character, understands that has always been the way he has covered his better qualities. says things about himself that isn't true.

Keith Engel

Damon's protection and selflessness goes very deep for Stefan, it's one of the things that Stefan sort of forgets about in his holier than thou attitude he gets at times, or well Im not seeing my brother there, when we were human.

Keith Engel

I always love the scene when Elena faces of against Rebekah and states the matter about why Rebekah slept with Damon, was to get back at her. It's one of the more creative ways to show that Elena loves Damon, and that Rebekah also knows that, while having Elena also admit that love openly in a way at the same time.